Saturday 3 December 2011

Boekie's Book Reviews: GIVEAWAYS!

"Do you like presents? Good! We like giving them away!
On Nov. 24 (Thanksgiving) you can enter to win our Christmas Giveaway Bundle! The giveaway ends on Christmas eve. The winners of the Christmas Bundle will be picked and announced on Christmas Day! Yes i said WINNERS. We will be picking TWO. So what are the prizes you ask? Well there are several, check back regularly to see what items we've added to our Christmas gift list.

Important information: The bundle will include paperback copies as well as eBooks so please keep this in mind when entering. When you enter the giveaway please be sure to leave a valid email where we can contact you. The eBooks we are giving away will either be in a Kindle format or a Smashwords coupon (which is compatible with several eReader formats.)

To start you off we are giving away....

1. Laurell K. Hamilton -Guilty Pleasures (paperback)

2. David Antrobus - Dissolute Kinship: A 9/11 Road Trip (eBook)"

-Message from Boekie's Book Reviews

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