Friday 23 December 2011

Fashion Forward Fiction Friday (1)

Join me every week, where I judge books by their "fashionable" cover!

Poseur (Poseur, #1)I’m not loving the whole ensembles.  Let’s be honest.  I would raid these mannequins for bits and pieces.  Everything is FABULOUS, just not all together. Hummmm, this is what I call fashion overload.  Cuteness delivered ALL wrong.  I love the colored tights.  I would wear them anywhere casual.  The donut-neck-turtle-neck-hybrid blouse is the only thing I don’t care for.  The blonde looks a bit plain, but I love her pastel blazer.  That would look really nice with either chocolate brown slacks or cream. I also love that oversized overnight bag.  Oooh and that middle dress would be sooo scandalous if she wasn’t wearing a blouse underneath.  Can you say freak-em-dress?  I would wear the heck out of that….just not in public.  *lol*  Ohh, and that tweed flapper’s hat is to die for!  Bangles, gloves, clutches, shoes, accessories…all need to be in my wardrobe right now.   
This “ Fashion Forward Fiction Friday” feature was brought to you by this book:

Poseur (Poseur #1)

po•seur (noun): a person who pretends to be what he or she is not.
Charlotte Beverwil, Janie Farrish, Melissa Moon, and Petra Greene attend exclusive Winston Prep in the Hollywood Hills. And that's all they have in common. But hang out together? They'd rather be hanged. Borrow one another's clothes? They'd sooner borrow a zit. So when these four sophomores are forced into a class to create their own fashion label, they Clash with a capital C. Janie thinks Melissa and Charlotte are Beverly Hills brats. They dismiss Janie as a Valley rat in sheep's clothing. And Petra, well . . . Petra couldn't care less. Can a cool coquette, a shy punk, a hippie goddess, and a ghettoglam egomaniac make beautiful couture together? At Winston Prep, survival of the fittest comes down to who fits in-and what fits.
Introducing a juicy new series from the publisher of the national bestselling series Gossip Girl, The Clique, The It Girl, and The A-List.

I hope this book is as Good as it looks.  Any chic covers catch your eye lately?

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