Friday 30 December 2011

Featured Friday: Sadiya (Random and Booky)

Feature Friday Meme hosted by RandomAndBooky

On this Featured Friday, I interviewed Sadiya (Random and Booky)

Sadiya is a versatile and very interesting blogger with an excellent taste in music.  (I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan, also).  Her blog has a fun theme for almost every day of the week:
Music Mondays
Top Ten Tuesdays
WWW Wednesdays
Trailer Thursdays
Feature Fridays
Her reviews are refreshing, straight forward and positive.  During our interview, she made me feel like an old friend.   It was a pleasure to participate in this weekly meme.

Katrina-Where do you see yourself blogging wise in the next 6 months, and 5
years down the road?
Sadiya- Down the road of blogging? Well I've never really thought about it. I don't really know where I see myself. I'm more of a live in the present person. But I hope my blog will be more popular and just as fun!
Katrina- Do you consider yourself a reader or a writer?
 Sadiya- A reader. I can write. I've been told that I'm good at it, but it's not something I'll do in my spare time. I only write when I have to for school or something of that sort. Reading is more my thing. LOL.
Katrina- If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
 Sadiya- Ooh. Tough one. Hmmm. I'd go with Dairy Queen trilogy. It's three books and it's one of my favorites. That book is a realistic fiction, that made me laugh a lot. The characters are so real and the writing style so beautiful, I just can't put it down. I've reread it twice and loved them just as much as the first time I read them.
Katrina- A character you love to hate.
 Sadiya- I think I love to hate Caine from the Gone series by Michael Grant. Caine is basically the antagonist of the main good guy Sam. And he's just plain mean. So I enjoy reading about him while boo-ing away in my head and calling him a jerk. Lol.
Katrina- Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
 Sadiya- The last book in the Alex Rider series, Scorpia Rising. Too many good characters died or dissapeared in the end of it. Alex, the main character, seemed way too depressed and it just wasn't a satisfying ending.
Katrina- What are your thoughts on book trailers?
 Sadiya- I personally love book trailers! I think they're really cool and fun way to promote books. Sometimes they can be really bad and boring but most of the time they're really fun to watch.
Katrina- Peanut Butter or Jelly?
 Sadiya- Peanut butter, no contest.
Katrina- Are you a fan of the Goosebumps series by R.L.Stine?
 Sadiya- Not really. I used to read a few of them in 3rd grade, but they never really interested me.

Check out Sadiya's interview with me ((click here))

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