Thursday 21 June 2012

Married With Zombies Scavenger Hunt Read-a-Long: Week # 4

Hello Beautiful People:
Welcome back to the Married With Zombies Scavenger Hunt Read-a-Long.  Once again we were given a challenge to post pictures in reaction to scenes from the novel.  Today is day 21/ week 4.
Scavenger Hunt Schedule:
Week1: Chapters 1-5 (June 1st) - Jen @ In the Closet With a Bibliophile
Week2: Chapters 6-10 (June 8th) - Ashley @ The Bookish Brunette
Week3: Chapters 11-15 (June 15th) - Loretta @ Between the Pages
Week4: Chapters 16-20 (June 22nd) - Tina @ Tina's Book Reviews
Week5: Chapters 21-26 (June 29th) - Missie @ The Unread Reader
Here's what we're reading:

Married With Zombies (Living with the Dead, #1)Married With Zombies (Living With the Dead #1)
by Jesse Petersen
Paperback, 244 pages
Published September 1st 2010 by Orbit
A heartwarming tale of terror in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Meet Sarah and David. Once upon a time they met and fell in love. But now they're on the verge of divorce and going to couples' counseling. On a routine trip to their counselor, they notice a few odd things - the lack of cars on the highway, the missing security guard, and the fact that their counselor, Dr. Kelly, is ripping out her previous client's throat. Meet the Zombies. Now, Sarah and David are fighting for survival in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But, just because there are zombies, doesn't mean your other problems go away. If the zombies don't eat their brains, they might just kill each other...

What are you waiting for?  Get your copy too already:  Amazon
Q&A Week 4

1. In chapter 16 David and Sarah are attacked by freezer zombies in chef attire. Despite its rotten food and disgusting kitchen, lets think about what it could of been before the attack, give me a picture of your dream kitchen or a pic of you cooking your favorite food in your own kitchen... or both!!!
The chandelier and lighting gives this kitchen a luxury feel.  (Picture Source)

This futuristic laboratory looking kitchen was Chris' pick.

2. In Chapter 16, David winds up killing those freezer zombies with a blank show me your best one....and yes it must be yours!!!!
My Iraqi war trophy shall speak for me!

3. In Chapter 17 David and Sarah find themselves with some cult like people and wind up trapped. How would you escape? Ropes? me your best.
I have more bins of fabric then we have furniture.  You bungee jump from a skyscraper with all this material.

4. In Chapter 19 David and Sarah find a surprise in the car they the midst of crazy its a nice welcome. Now whip me up your favorite one and can include recipes!!
I love All kinds of honey wine, but the Germans make mead better.

5. In chapter 20, Sarah gets to kill a zombie with a cash register, bringing back memories of her worst retail job tell me whats the worst job you've had......if you can include pictures in your uniform I will die laughing.....or a picture of the place you worked will be good too...:).

I feel sorry for people who work for Disney.  I know first hand:  Working at the "happiest place on earth" doesn't make it the happiest job on earth.  I worked at Liberyland when I was in high school.  It was Memphis, TN only amusement park.  Now it's rubbish...good riddance!  (Picture Source)

Chris says....

I wish they would forget about their relationship already!  They're geting tiresome. 

We're hanging in there.  One more week to go!

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