Saturday 2 June 2012

The Sunday Best # 1

Sunday Showcase

Sunday Best is a Link Party hosted by GirlXoXo, where attendees highlight post that we're super proud of that we published, or seen around the blogsphere, this past week.

I've been meaning to participate in the event for a few weeks now and I'm so glad, I've stoped procrastinating. 

My favorite blog post of the week:
I'm bias when it comes to my Dreamhearts so if you haven't read the Dreamheart Spotlight #22 yet, do it now! 
Aside from my lovely interview, I am really proud of .....geez!  I can't pick just one.  I've had a few awesome tour stops and giveaways.  Oh and I'm also participating in a scavenger hunt read-a-long & giveaway.  If this is your first time visiting, take a look around.  With no fashion shows lined up this summer, I have alot of time to blog and read!
Favorite from Elsewhere on the Net:

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