Tuesday 19 June 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Guest Post/Giveaway}: Spectral by Shannon Duffy

Spectral Spectral by Shannon Duffy
ebook, 242 pages
Published April 10th 2012 by Tribute Books         
Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥
Convinced she’s a part of the witness protection program, sixteen-year-old Jewel Rose is shuffled around the globe with her family like a pack of traveling gypsies. After arriving at lucky home twenty-seven, she stumbles upon a mysterious boy with magical powers claiming to be her guardian . . . and warning of imminent danger. Despite the obvious sparks between them, Jewel discovers a relationship is forbidden, and the more she learns about dark, brooding Roman, she begins to question who she can even believe—the family who raised her, or the supposed sworn protector who claims they’ve been lying to her all along.

As she struggles to uncover who her family has really been running from, she is forced to hide her birthmark that reveals who she is. With new realities surfacing, unexplained powers appearing, and two tempting boys vying for her heart, Jewel battles to learn who she can trust in an ever growing sea of lies, hoping she’ll make it through her seventeenth birthday alive.
 Spectral Website | Twitter hashtag: #Spectral | GoodReads

Fashion in relation to the characters in my novel:
Jewel is a casual dresser. She doesn’t like anything too fancy...or pink. She likes jeans and tanks, or t-shirts worn mostly with flip flops or runners. Her favorite color is jade green. And as far as makeup, she likes it minimalistic. Give her some lip gloss and light makeup and she’s good to go.
Chase is the typical jock. He likes jeans and athletic wear of all sorts. Lakers jersey, soccer jersey’s etc. He’s cool and low-key.
Roman is the bad boy type with the dark-wash denim’s and black leather jacket all the way. Add to that his black boots and his shaggy, dark hair that always seems to dip into his smoldering chocolate eyes and his look is complete.
Thanks for inviting me to your blog today!
About the Author:
Shannon Duffy writes young adult and middle grade fiction. She grew up on the beautiful east coast of Canada and now lives in Ontario, Canada. She is the mom of one boy, Gabriel, her angel. She loves writing, reading, working out, soccer, and the sport of champions-shopping. She is the author of the young adult paranormal romance, SPECTRAL. Her upcoming middle grade fantasy novel, GABRIEL STONE AND THE DIVINITY OF VALTA is scheduled for a January 2013 release.

  If you're looking to immitate the look on the cover of this novel,
be sure to check out my Fashion Friday post!

It has been a few weeks since I read this book yet the excitement lives on.  From the memorizing cover to the last white page I was mesmerized.  I totally got sucked into this story.  This was unlike any witch story I’ve ever read. 

Jewel is a teenager (weeks from turning 17)  living with a family who’s constantly on the run.  With every relocation there is a new school, new people to avoid and new name and different identity.  Living as a part of the witness protection program is the only life she has ever known.  So why question it!  Right?

From the first couple of pages there is a mysterious air surrounding Jewel’s 17th birthday.  It’s a hush, hush topic everyone whispers about it, but never straight out talk about it, especially around Jewel.  Boy oh boy, when her world starts crashing down, this book became an extension of my arm.  The plot was so intricately woven.  It never slowed down, and the surprises came like a wicked curve ball. The portrayal of witch culture, society, and matrix was fascinating.  The characters were very believable.  I bought every lie and felt every betrayal.  I thoroughly enjoyed this tale.  While it ended on a good note, I wouldn’t be disappointed if there was a sequel. 

This tour is courtesy of Tribute Books!

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