Wednesday 13 June 2012

Free at Amazon June 13: Running Scared by Cheryl Wright

Emma Larkin is running for her life – nowhere is safe. 
Stalked by her husband's killers, and desperate to protect her young daughter, Emma must find what the killers are looking for before she becomes their next victim. 

When undercover cop, Gary Bedford, planned a relaxing break, he hadn’t counted on bumping into Emma. Now he can't resist the temptation to discover all her secrets.

But should Emma trust her life and heart to Gary Bedford?

Can they solve the mystery surrounding her husband’s death – and uncover his deadly secret?  

"Secrets, treachery and Gary’s exuberant family are woven together into this brilliantly written suspense-filled romance." ~ Margaret Tanner, Author of Lauren's Dilemma and A Mortal Sin

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