Friday 22 June 2012

Tour Stop/ Review: Caterpillar by Kate Oliver

Caterpillar (The Metamorphosis Trilogy, Book 1)Caterpillar (The Metamorphosis Trilogy #1) by Kate Oliver
Paperback/Ebook, 338 pages
Published April 10th 2012 by MAB Books

In a small college town in northern California, a lonely young man is working himself to the bone to solve a sixty-year-old problem ... a stranger with a will of iron and eyes the color of ice is searching for someone he can't identify ... and a girl who loves plants is about to grow roots of her own.

When Cara Gallagher's parents are transferred overseas again, she's off to spend her senior year of high school living with her sister, a graduate student at the famed McNair University. Cara, a girl with a passion for science and an indifference to people, hopes this move will be her first step in claiming the independence she craves. Cara has her future planned down to the letter: her college, her major, her career.

Then she saves Will Mallory's life, and both of their futures are completely rewritten.

The last years of Will's life have been spent shifting from one identity to the next, dodging the FBI, and trying desperately to find a way home. But Will's home is forty-four light years away, and to reach it he'll have to outwit the man who's hunting him--and leave behind the only love he's ever known.

I did not know what to expect when I picked up this novel.  But I certainly did not expect to be wooed.  No sweeter words have ever been spoken and written as beautifully.  I never dreamed the lifecycle of a caterpillar could be so poetic and yet this book is about so, so much more.  This is a love story about girl meets alien. ….and fall in love…. an alien, with no physical form!  Imagine that!  Cara is from an international dysfunctional political family living her senior year with her college intern sister.  The way the lovebirds journey into discovering LOVE is explored with a sense of innocence and wonder.    I have never found myself saying, “I wish I was the girl in this book”, until now.    Will Mallory….*sigh*….you make my heart flutter!   I didn’t always agree with the actions of Cara.  She was a bit naive and just plain stupid at times.  Yet her humbleness was genuine and believable.   When the plot was intense with action and secrets being revealed, it was super lovey dovey.  That is not at all a complaint.  Perhaps at a different time and place I would grumble about that tad bit, but this is written in matter that would have you craving more.   I have never read an adult book or any book for that matter with the romance scale turned up this high and there not be anything sexually explicit.  I need….no,no,no….I want more of this!

Tour Stop Courtesy of YA Bound Blog Tours!

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