Thursday 28 June 2012

Married With Zombies Scavenger Hunt Read-a-Long: Week # 5

Hello Beautiful People:
Welcome back to the Married With Zombies Scavenger Hunt Read-a-Long.  Once again we were given a challenge to post pictures in reaction to scenes from the novel.  Today is the last post for this event.
Scavenger Hunt Schedule:
Week1: Chapters 1-5 (June 1st) - Jen @ In the Closet With a Bibliophile
Week2: Chapters 6-10 (June 8th) - Ashley @ The Bookish Brunette
Week3: Chapters 11-15 (June 15th) - Loretta @ Between the Pages
Week4: Chapters 16-20 (June 22nd) - Tina @ Tina's Book Reviews
Week5: Chapters 21-26 (June 29th) - Missie @ The Unread Reader
Here's what we're reading:

Married With Zombies (Living with the Dead, #1)Married With Zombies (Living With the Dead #1)
by Jesse Petersen
Paperback, 244 pages
Published September 1st 2010 by Orbit
A heartwarming tale of terror in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Meet Sarah and David. Once upon a time they met and fell in love. But now they're on the verge of divorce and going to couples' counseling. On a routine trip to their counselor, they notice a few odd things - the lack of cars on the highway, the missing security guard, and the fact that their counselor, Dr. Kelly, is ripping out her previous client's throat. Meet the Zombies. Now, Sarah and David are fighting for survival in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But, just because there are zombies, doesn't mean your other problems go away. If the zombies don't eat their brains, they might just kill each other...

What are you waiting for?  Get your copy too already:  Amazon
Q&A Week 5

Questions for Chapters 21-26
1. In Chapter 21, David and Sarah venture into a grocery store to try to find some essentials. Show us a picture of the top three items you consider your essentials when you go shopping.

MUST have my Mixed Chicks leave-in conditioner.  
Hey I can fight the undead with frizzy hair...I can even be seen in public with frizzy hair....that's just unreasonable!
Must have my multi-vitamins. (This is some strong stuff.  If it can keep a cold away, it may keep the zombie virus from progressing.  Hummmm! Maybe not, but I can't live without it.)
Must have my chamomile tea!  It keeps me calm in most stressful of times!
2. Sarah and David travel quite a distance to “visit” a family member. Show us a picture of your most recent family vacation. Who did you visit and where did you go?

Last Summer, my husband and I went to Cordova, TN to host a charity fashion show.
Chris was the production coordinator and , of course, I was one of the fashion designers.
 The other designer was his very talented sister, Danielle.

Me, Chris, Bridgette (My Best-from childhood- Friend), and Danielle.
3. Sarah refers to David’s sister as the Martha Stewart type because she likes to make things from scratch. Show us a picture a hobby or home project you get enthusiastic about making/doing.

I'm a fashion designer.  Any scrap of fabric is an excuse to sit down and sew.

4. David and Sarah decide to start up their own Zombie exterminators business, and even come up with a name and slogan for it, “S and D Zombie Extermination. We take care of your undead issues.” If you opened up your own zombie killing business, what would you call it, and what would your slogan be?


"We send those suckers to the Promised Land!"

5. What were your favorite/least favorite parts of Married with Zombies? Aside from David and Sarah, who was your favorite/least favorite character?

My favorite parts of Married with Zombies was the light humor.  It distracted me from being afraid of the horror content.  I'd admit these types of books give me nightmares, if not have me extra jumpy at night.  Chris said nothing memorable really just stuck out to him. 
Our least favorite parts of Married with Zombies was the relationship issues.  Rather than add dynamics, it added annoyance.  There should have been more ass kicking.  Chis also is still really peeved about Amanda. 
Our favorite character was the Asian girl.  We wish we saw more of her.  She could have been the third leg taking the story into a new direction. 
Our least favorite character was Sarah.  I know the question said to omit her, but we just can't. She could have died a looong time ago.
6. What do you think is coming up next for David and Sarah? 

Chris said, "Absolutely nothing."  I think if David and Sarah have really matured in their relationship, the writer can bring in a super sexy villian/sick kick.  He/she can initally be viewed as a side kick, but ultimately be the villian because he/she steals someone's heart and causes a rift.  

Which do you think has a better chance of survival, their marriage or their humanity? 

Is that a trick question? Of course they'll be married forever.  There's  no way to get a legal divorce with a zombie world.

Will you continue reading this series, and if so, what do you hope to see happen in the next book?

Chris says, "NO".  I say, "Maybe." We both believe the next book will be filled with stupidity & more stubbornness.  I'm hoping they wing in the super sexy character and shake things up a bit.

Chris Overall Rating 2.5
Katrina Overall Rating 3.5
Average: 3 

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