Sunday 10 June 2012

Fun In The Sun Giveaway Hop {Interview/Giveaway}: Silver Knight by Caron Rider

Hosts: Ex Libris and Cari Blogs
Silver KnightSilver Knight
by Caron Rider
Paperback, 278 pages
Published February 24th 2012

When seventeen-year-old Diana recognizes an elderly priest in a video on YouTube, she realizes that reincarnation is real and that she’s been alive before! Every night in her dreams, she relives her past learning that it’s kill or be killed. Now a bishop at the Vatican whom she saved in another life calls on her once more. She is needed to help defeat evil within the catacombs of Rome. But when she arrives in Rome, she meets Alexander – the man of her dreams! Through the centuries she has loved him…betrayed him...been killed by him. Will she give him another chance or this time will she strike first?

Do you have a cyber addition to YouTube (Its okay if you do.)? What inspired you to interwine this particular social network with your plot?

I'm not sure what a cyber addition is but YouTube is such a monster socially with everyone having watched at least 1 video from there at some point. And we hear every day of some YouTube video going "viral." I thought, What better way to initiate part of the plot structure than with a viral video from YouTube?

Aside from YA, what genre would you classify "Silver Knight" ? (I.E. horror, paranormal, thriller, mystery, romance, dystopia, post apocolyptic, etc.)

It's tough because it is a combination of genres. It has some fantasy, paranormal elements, adventure, a little mystery and a bit of romance.

Will there be more to Diana's story, or is this a stand alone book?

There is definitely more to come. In fact, the sequel, Silver Demon, will be released in June.

The synopsis is a bit of a tease. Care to give us a little more intel?

There is a ton that's not in the synopsis but I don't want to give anything away. Basically in Silver Knight we learn about Diana's previous lives and how they relate to her present situation. She dreams of being killed in various horrible ways by a demon that she falls for, but she also betrays him. So now she meets him again while on a mission. What should she do? Other characters are introduced and we learn a bit about them as well and how they relate to Diana. Names are pretty important in Silver Knight.  For instance, Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt and moon. The ancient symbol for silver is the crescent moon. So I tried to have a thread of unity running throughout the story in several different layers. I really hope you enjoy it!

Your bio on Good Reads states that you were a history teacher. History teachers scare me! With all due respect, Ma'am, what made you transition to writing YA?

Lol. That's the attitude I want to fight! My students HATE history, mainly because they miss out on a lot of the fun, interesting little tidbits. This was my way of showing them that history can be entertaining and to make them curious about what really happened or IF something really happened. Let me stress that this is NOT a history book, but many situations in the book I didn't make up, though I did put my own little twist on it. Then too, I moved away from my students this past year and missed them. So this was a way I could connect with them again.

Were the characters in "Silver Knight" inspired by real students?

No, not any one particular student, but rather a composite. Some reviewers have suggested that Diana doesn't talk like a "typical" teenager but allow it because her character is an old soul. But I actually know similar teenagers. And some of the teenagers who have contacted me about the book have said that they relate to her. So I think I hit a good balance.

Anything else you would like to add?

It's not a long story (about 280 pages in paperback), so it's a light, entertaining read that I hope makes you curious about history. Thanks so much for interviewing me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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