Monday 10 September 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Guest Post}: Arise by Amber Garr

Arise (The Syrenka Series, #3)Arise (The Syrenka Series #3)
by Amber Garr
Paperback, 284 pages
Published July 4th 2012 by CreateSpace

My Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
With power comes the responsibility to accept its consequences.
After the betrayal of those closest to her, Eviana Dumahl struggles to cope with her new reality. Kidnapped, broken, and confused, she is forced to engage in a war that will alter merfolk politics forever. With her estranged father leading the charge, Eviana has no choice but to stand by his side. Her continued existence hinges on the acceptance of the power growing inside her, even when that means embracing the family’s dark lineage.
Kain Matthew will sacrifice the world for Eviana. And he is not alone. As time runs out, her friends fight to save her life and theirs. An unlikely alliance gives them the edge they need to take a stand, although it keeps Eviana’s heart trapped in the past. A new discovery explains some of her previous mistakes, but it may not be enough to stop her father’s plans. Merfolk, selkies, and water sprites work together to save their kind, only in this final battle, not everyone will survive.

While Arise is book three of a series, it reads like the conclusion of a trilogy. At the same time hints are drooped that could support more. It is told in multiple points of views, so readers get insight into the head of the very dashing, Kain!  The story begins with our heroine,Eviana, in captivity. Devastated, alone, on hunger strike, and mentally defeated dealing with the family revitalization delivered from Lucian in book two. Talk about depressed! Meanwhile, Kain is seriously wounded, the gang are plotting a rescue, and Lucan is yet again scheming for world domination via the Legacy. This chapter in the adventure most definitely did not disappoint. It was heavy on the romance, heavy on the fighting, heavy on the drama, and non stop action.
I can not get enough of The Syrenka Series. Seriously or something like it. While I totally loved how this book ended and wouldn't be disappointed with a happy ending; I also wouldn't mind a spin off with many more adventures. People never believe me when I gush about the relevance this series has brought back to mermaid lore. Gone are the days of sing-a-longs, forever fins, leg wishes, and insta-human-love. In with danger, wars, power, manipulation, shape shifting fins, love triangles, and a plethora of other elements you wouldn't believe would be in a book concerning Ariel's decedents. My husband teases me because he's familiar with the original mer tails of the scary sailor murderous kind. But hey, this book has found a very comfortable middle ground between too cute and too evil. If this book was cake, I would be licking the icing off my finger tips right about now...simply delicious!
Thanks again to the author for entrusting me with an honest review. Thanks also to the tour host, Abby @ Bookshelf Confessions for th opportunity and special invite. I fear that my once fascination has now morphed into a full fledged infatuation with mermaid fiction! More fins please!!!

Guest Post - Amber Garr
The Syrenka Series Dream Cast
This is always a fun topic to think about!  What if I sold the movie rights to The Syrenka Series and what if I got to choose my cast?  Who would I pick?
Well, ever since I wrote Betrayal, I knew who Kain would be played by…but the others took some time for me to think about.  So here is my dream cast for most of the main and secondary characters.  The only one I can’t cast is Abhainn…because his form changes too many times and would probably have to be CGI.  Let me know what you think!

Sarah Gadon - Not terribly well known, but I think that would be perfect.
She has that easy yet ethereal look that I envision.


Alex Pettyfer - Enough said.


Nicholas Hoult - I originally picked someone else, but I think Nicholas is perfect.  Just imagine the green eyes…


Alexander Skarsgard - He already plays an obnoxious vampire, why not a demented merman?


Erik Fellows - A little older and a nice mix of preppy and hot!


Matt Bomer - With green contacts…yep!  That’s my selkie leader!


Caleb Landry Jones - He just looks like he’d be a good friend!


Kristen Kreuk - Beautiful and kind.


Lucas Till - The perfect bodyguard for Eviana.


Theo James - An ex-soldier, now training all of the protectors.


Anthony Mackie - The lost selkie.


Natalia Dyer - Young enough and perfect darker hair with blue eyes.


Pawel Szajda - The shunned celebrity merman with a pension for being crazy.

This Tour Stop is courtesy of Bookshelf Confessions!

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