Monday 3 September 2012

Now Available: Bloodlinks by Lee Killough

Book 2
The Garreth Mikaelian Detective Series

Can a vampire ever be truly destroyed? The question is of vital concern to former San Francisco Homicide Inspector Garreth Mikaelian. A year and a half ago an attack by vampire Lane Barber turned him into a vampire, too. When she attempted to kill him, in self-defense he killed her. At least he thought so...her neck broken, her body burned and buried under rose bushes. But to his dismay, word comes from his former partner of a recent murder with all the evidence pointing to Lane. Has she survived after all? He joins the hunt for her wondering...if she did indeed survive, what will it take to destroy her? Or will she destroy him? 

"A fine blend of mystery and the supernatural. Who says you can't do anything original with the vampire story?" -- S.F. Chronicle 

"This is a damn good vampire novel, but it's also a damn good police procedural." (Customer review on Amazon) 

"I found myself reading the final chapters slowly, only because I wasn't ready to say good-bye to Garreth Mikaelian just yet, who by the end of the book became someone I wanted to give a nice warm bowl of blood to." (OTcyborg on Amazon)

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