Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tour Stop {Review}: Dreamwalker by Andrea Heltsley

by Andrea Heltsley 
Kindle Edition, 1st, 434 pages
Published May 23rd 2012

My Rating: ♥♥♥
Amazon| GoodReads
Noel Kennedy lost her boyfriend, her job and her dignity all in one week. Then something happened and she began to dream of this stranger she had never met. She couldn’t resist the man of her dreams named Jared especially when she met him in real life. Entranced, she slowly unraveled a world she was meant to stay out of. Her life was not what she thought it was once a sexy Boone stepped into the mix and shook things up. Can she escape a life of servitude or immortality for a chance at love?


When Noel's long term boyfriend breaks her heart, she finds comfort in her dreams where a mystery man helps her forget about her heartache and misfortunes.  In her waking hours she's accompanied by her best friend Autumn; yet when Noel's dreams manifest  outside the dream realm danger follow and she finds herself emerged in the Wiccan world she long since avoided. (Even introduced to more things of the paranormal persuasion.)

I am rarely ever on the fence.  I usually love or really love a book especially if I finish.  (Which when I DNF means I didn't like it.) However with this one, I am truly undecided.  I am neither pulled more toward either direction, so let's explore both sides:

  • The romance was hot and heavy with very worthy lead males. 
  • It was moderate paced; and I finished in less then48 hours even on a tight schedule.
  • There was an incredibility sexy mystery guy from fairytale dream world and another hot equally sexy bad boy.
  • There were many levels in the plot that allowed for various supernaturals and thrilling elements such as espionage and spells.

  • There was a love triangle that seemed rushed and sabotaged by the plot.
  • Noel....Noel...Noel!
  • There where moments where in the back of my head I heard that porn theme song “bow chicka wow wow”. The main character keep saying how she didn't want to come off as “THAT girl” when in actuality, her actions were kind of loose.  (I'm just saying.)
  • The action was overshadowed with focus more on romantic drama.

I feel terrible saying this, but I expected more suffering and turmoil when the bad guys came around; and I wanted someone to take charge and kick a little ass.  Then when it's all said and done come back to the romance.  While I enjoyed this novel, to an extent I feel a little jipped.  I didn't expect this to be a total love story.
On another note, I can honestly say I wasn't expecting that type of ending from this book.  That was definitely a shocker in a novel world comprised of cliff hangers. When I turned and noticed there were no more pages in my Kindle, I wasn't expecting that at all. 
I still have many questions of which I am very much anticipating discovering the answer to later in this series.  The loose ends encourages a sequel and I look forward to further exploring Persephone's League of Immortals. (((Thanks to the author for entrusting me with an honest review.)))

This Tour Stop is courtesy of AToMR Tours!

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