Monday 17 September 2012

Free at Amazon Sept. 17-18: Angel's Flight by Juliet Waldron

Previously published as Independent Heart

Angelica is a Patriot heiress, stalked by a brutal, fortune-hunting British officer. Forced to trust Jack, the mystery man who pledges to take her on a dangerous war-time journey up river to her Albany home, she expects to encounter brigands, Tories and Indians. What she doesn't expect is to lose her heart along the way.

"It's quite a journey. If you like detailed historical novels, road romances, and war
stories, then Angel's Flight is for you." ~IRRS, Amazon Reader

"This story has heart…" ~ Linda, The Romance Studio

"I found Juliet Waldron's attention to detail and historical accuracy refreshing and entertaining. . .a unique voice. . .Readers will be transported to a time of peril, divided loyalties and intrigue as Angelica triumphs over threats and danger." ~Southern Gal, Amazon Reader

". . .deftly written and well researched, concealed under a layer of romantic frosting. . ." ~ Celia Hayes, Amazon Reader

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