Wednesday 19 September 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Giveaway}: Dancing with Death by Andrea Heltsley

Dancing with DeathDancing with Death (A Dancing Book #1)
by Andrea Heltsley
Paperback, 1st, 410 pages
Published August 10th 2012 by Createspace

My Rating: ♥♥♥❥
GoodReads | Amazon
Murders have plagued the woods in the past, making them a place of fear. Eighteen year old Wendy and her friends become worried when a new string of murders come to their high school. After a horrible car accident, Wendy returns to school, going from wallflower to popular overnight. As the murderer edges closer to Wendy she realizes things are changing. She is afflicted with nightmares that are all too real and she herself is undergoing unnatural changes. Learning the truth about her past, could be the key to saving her future.


Life gets very interesting for High school senior, Wendy, after she almost die in a car accident:

❤  For starters, she feels as if she's being watched;

❤  She's having nightmares of dead girls;

❤  and two hot guys are suddenly competing for her affection.

Just Think....last week she was invisible!

Dancing with Death is a NEW ADULT novel sure to gain more than a few thumb ups. I offer up a very strong nod to this title.

The author pushes the envelope while still toeing the gray area on a particular taboo teenage romance issue. I found myself shocked and a tad bewildered at the turn of events. Dancing with Death is the second novel I've have the opportunity of reviewing for this author. Heltsley definitely doesn't lack in imagination. (And her covers are always “beautiful”!)

There were elements of mystic and a horror. This added to my motivation to see what was behind all the haunting. I was also very enthralled by the romance. The interactions were very well written and I could feel the chemistry as I read along. The plot was twisty, creepy, weird, fashionable, and cute.

Of my complaints, at times there was a disconnect with the characters and the situations. Their reactions and actions, while meshed well with the plot, were unrealistic. On another note, Wendy is so not the poster child for respectable dating for young women. While her actions are well explained, she'll definitely have you raising your eyebrow. Another element stopping me from rating higher is the grammar issues and a few inconsistencies that gave me pause. Overall, I enjoyed it. It may have had a few flaws; yet was overall intriguing and entertaining.

Giveaway: Two (2) signed print copies of DANCING WITH DEATH; open to US.
Five (5) ecopies of DANCING WITH DEATH; open international. 

US Only: a Rafflecopter giveaway

International: a Rafflecopter giveaway

This Tour Stop is courtesy of AToMR Tours!

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