Wednesday 5 September 2012

From the Review Pile # 14

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

We Of The UniverseWe Of The Universe
by Rachel Cooper
Published February 13th 2012

Captain Haslow is one of the many people who have fled into deep space to escape the Versal expansion. He has found his niche: training up terrorists to send into Versal territory to cause havoc. However, the Versals are no longer satisfied and, despite the codes forbidding it, have started to move into deep space. They offer him an ultimatum: join them or die. But how could he join the people responsible for his sister's death?
Haslow's only hope is to venture into the mysterious 'Grey', a part of space that is shrouded in myth and legend.
Legeve is a Versal who has spent most of her time in a small room, living her life in virtual reality. After she undergoes 'The Dance of The Suns' she will never see existence in the same way again.
Marta is a new recruit aboard Captain Haslow's ship. She is one of the many lust born forced to flee when the Versals expanded to take over the outer planets. She is not used to ship life and has no idea about what is in store. What will she become?

Add this to your TBR list via GoodReads

I've noticed in June that this title is no longer being listed for sale online.  I assume that the author is revamping the story.  At any rate, I hope that she gets back on the proverbial "writing horse" soon, so that other readers may be able to enjoy what she has to offer also. 

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