Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Giveaway}: Dissolve by Andrea Heltsley

by Andrea Heltsley
Paperback, 1st, 424 pages
Published April 4th 2012

GoodReads | Amazon| B&N
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ❥
Everything seemed to be going right for Cora. She had a wonderful fiance, a great best friend and a fulfilling life. One day, a tragic event caused that life to crumble around her. She turned to her best friend in her time of need. They embarked on a search for answers, delving deeper into a web of magic and destruction. The closer they got to the truth, the more questions they had. To Cora, magic was the stuff of fairy tales. Immersed into a very different kind of world, the real storm was just beginning to take hold.
“It felt like I was nowhere yet everywhere all at once. I was invisible and completely panicked. The millions of pieces I had dissolved to drift on the breeze and away from my nightmares. It was kind of like floating weightless in a pool, perfectly relaxing. The warm breeze from the window embraced and soothed me. I let the air current carry me as far as it could through the summer city.”
“Defeated, I closed my eyes and took a few calming breaths trying to relax myself. I pictured the dandelion in the park today and took a deep breath as to blow the fluffy seeds in all directions. I pretended I was light and fluffy and started to feel a tingling in my body. I began to feel as light as the dandelion seeds and soon I felt like mist floating. This time, I tried to keep myself in the room, swirling in a humid block.”

Two days ago I never would have dreamed of grave digging.........

Cora is days away from becoming a newly wed. Well at least she was until her fiance is murdered. Now she and her best fiend, Nessa, are on the run and prime suspects. Cora didn't mean to run.... 
Together Cora and Nessa venture on a series of strange, unusual, and unfortunate events. They meet other characters equally displaced; and their motley crew of individuals are forced to race against time to find answers.
I had dragged her into something that was clearly so much bigger than us.

This book is:
♥ Suspenseful
♥ Eerie
♥ Mystical
♥ Romantic
Dissolve is one of those really tricky post-apocalyptic novels that initially starts off as a murder mystery then transforms into a paranormal suspense thriller with super hero elements you're rooting for yet don't know what will happen next. I was really enthralled.
This novel offered so many different dimensions of plot, setting, and characters.  It was entertaining and original through and through!  My only complaint was that the drama was a bit mild.  I was secretly wishing for someone to get irrate or not be as aggreeable.  The ending leaves on a scene of shock. I wanted to be optimistic, but I was bewildered by the situation. Yet it was the best plotted cliff hanger for a return reader.

Thanks to the author and AToMR Tours for entrusting me with an honest review!

 5 eBooks(INT) 2 Signed Copies (US/CA)
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