Friday 28 September 2012

Stacking The Shelves #20


Stacking The Shelves is hosted By Tynga's Reviews. This meme is about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be hard-back, paperback or ebook.

I  Bought:
The Rise (The Alexa Montgomery Saga #3)
The Rise by H.D. Gordon
(((I am such a freaking fan of The Alexa Montgomery Saga!)))
PSY Gangnam Style Horse Dance PSY Horse Dance From Gangnam Style Video
This was going to be the only book I shared in this week's post simply because I'm so batshit crazy about this series.  But at last, I'll share more...

Amazon Freebies:

Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls #1)

Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs
(((Big Thanks to Janina @ Synchronized Reading for bringing this freebie to my attention via FaceBook.)))

Brood of Bones

Brood of Bones by A.E. Marling

(((Big Thanks to the author for dropping me a note on GoodReads saying "A book on your to-read list is free on Amazon".  How freaking nice of him!)))

Now what books have you received this week that has you going Gangnam Style?

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