Sunday 30 September 2012

Worth Checking out # 1: Pure at Heart by Sahana Epari

Worth Checking out!!!

Pure at HeartPure at Heart
by Sahana Epari
Paperback, 348 pages
Published September 2nd 2012 by CreateSpace

Lies. Betrayal. Secrets. They are worse than you think they are.The feeling of something you thought you had but you never did. Your whole train of thought changes direction. Suddenly everything you have lived for becomes a life you never had.
I thought I knew everything.

My name is Evaline Pangborne, and I am a werewolf.

Add to your TBR list on GoodReads and/or buy on Amazon!

Why I think so...

When I found out the author was thirteen, I was blown away.  Obviously Sahana is very accomplished having published a book already at that age!  I'm impressed!!!!

Now Available: Trading Faces by Ann Herrick

An "Ugly Betty" and a Popular Beauty wind up trading faces—and lives—and the situation is not what either one expected! 
When 15-year-old Darcy Doane wakes up as Cybil Sheffield, she is thrilled. Cybil is everything Darcy has ever wanted to be. Pretty. Popular. Only… all the attention isn’t exactly what Darcy expected. Especially when her own brother, Joey, is crushing on her. Gross.

Cybil is shocked when she looks in the mirror and sees a face she totally doesn’t recognize.  She thought not always being the center of attention might be a good thing, but being invisible is hardly bearable. Even her boyfriend, Devon, looks right through her! How can she survive when the only people (except a family of strangers) who even know she's alive are three dipsticks she can't remember ever seeing before?
With the school play and an A-List party coming up, Darcy and Cybil have a lot to work out. There’s a learning curve for both of them, especially after they are caught fighting at school and forced by the principal to help her at a Return-to-Work project for displaced women.

 Trouble is, how do they get their own lives back?

~ Find this title here

Now Available: Double Fault by Sheila Claydon

When Kerry Farrow falls for star tennis player Pierce Simon, she doesn't hesitate when he asks her to join him on the international circuit. She doesn't care if he isn't ready to settle down. In her experience happy families are a myth anyway. Then she discovers she's pregnant and her world falls apart. Unable to turn to Pierce for support, and disowned by her wealthy father, she is on her own. 

Two years later she is a single mother of twins working hard to keep a roof over her head when Pierce comes back into her life. When he finds out he is a father he gives her an ultimatum: she can marry him or she can fight for her children through the courts. 

What she can't understand is why he wants to marry her.  She's lost her looks and her fortune so why is he so determined to keep her in his life? It can't be for love because he already has a beautiful girlfriend, and if he thinks she's going to become part of a ménage a trois then he'd better think again. She will marry him because she has no choice, but she won't be sharing his bed. . .the only trouble is, sharing his bed is the one thing she wants to do.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Tour Stop {Book Excerpt/Giveaway}: The Zombie Always Knocks Twice by E Van Lowe

The Zombie Always Knocks Twice (Hollyweird, #1)The Zombie Always Knocks Twice (Hollyweird #1)
by E. Van Lowe
Paperback, 211 pages
Published August 21st 2012 by Imajin Books
Hollywood, California, is known for swimming pools,
movie stars…and now the risen dead.
Hollywood can be a difficult place to grow up, especially if you’re Kristine Golden, a fifteen-year-old necromancer with a sworn duty to lay the risen dead back to rest and no desire to be in the movie business.
When handsome deadie Alex Romero swaggers into her life, Kris must keep her promise, despite her growing feelings for him. If that’s not enough to give a girl a headache, a murderous zombie comes knocking at Kris’s door, rocking her world and threatening her family.
Can Kris solve the mystery of the rampaging zombie before someone else winds up dead? Or will the walking dead take over Hollywood and turn it into…Hollyweird?
"The Zombie Always Knocks Twice is your 'backstage pass' to the hidden underbelly of Hollywood, the one few tourists get to see, where there are almost as many 'Deadies' as there are starlets. In this trailblazing mash-up of zombies and movie buffs, E. Van Lowe puts the 'weird'—not to mention totally awesome—in Hollyweird! It's Buffy meets Entourage—with a little Columbo thrown in for good measure—in this incredibly hilarious, twisted, action-packed mash-up of zombies, necromancers, murder, made for TV movies and a fair sprinkling of old Hollywood lore for good measure. Whip-snap pacing, a kick butt heroine, a plot involving zombies, starlets, movie studios, murder, mystery and enough shady characters to fill Central Casting, The Zombie Always Knocks Twice is your ticket to a grand adventure worthy of the big screen." —Rusty Fischer, author of Zombies Don't Cry
"If you want an insight into the secret underworld of Hollyweird, complete with zombies, grave goblins and fast-talking necromancers then look no further than The Zombie Always Knocks Twice. E. Van Lowe is a writing force to be reckoned with and you are in masterful hands from the first page to the last. I loved everything about this fabulous, funny, snarky book and am giving it a big zombie thumbs up!" —Amanda Ashby, author of Zombie Queen of Newbury High
"Hooray for E. Van Lowe's The Zombie Always Knocks Twice, which breathes new life into the YA Paranormal genre with more than a little bit of tongue in cheek and a whole lot of fun. Lead by a teenage necromancer who loves to quote movie themes, wears pink fuzzy ear muffs and is desperately trying not to fail algebra, the cast of characters keeps the reader engaged and breathlessly awaiting the next installment." —The Paranormal Romance Guild.

The man coming up the block toward us in the hooded sweatshirt stopped directly in our
path, about ten feet away. The hood dropped revealing his face. The hair on the left side of his
head had been shaved off revealing tiny bits of bony white scalp. Huge staples held his crooked
jaw in place. There was a large indentation in his forehead from some sort of blunt force impact.
His left eye was covered with a milky, white cataract, and the right drooped unnaturally into his
My breath caught yet again. Standing before us was a zombie.
‘LEAVE US ALONE!” the zombie screeched. Then he took off on a dead run and
plowed into Alex with the impact a freight train.
Just great, I thought. Hollyweird—where the dead come out to play.
Zombies aren’t what the movies make them out to be—slow moving, brain dead,
brain suckers. They’re the result of a raising gone bad. They can be strong, and fast, and very
dangerous. Also, a bite from a zombie won’t make you a member of the living dead, although
I’m sure it must hurt like hell.
The one that plowed into Alex was almost six feet tall and about seventeen years old. He
hit Alex with inhuman force, propelling him backward. They slammed into a parked car that
seemed to explode on impact. The twisting metal and shattering glass sounded like a horrible
automobile accident. The car was totaled, and Alex was embedded into the passenger side, like a
toy soldier into a wad of Play Doh.
“Oh, God!” I screamed.
Alex’s eyes were closed. He wasn’t moving… but the zombie was. He peeled himself
away from Alex and the wreckage.
“Zombie!” I called at the top of my lungs. “I command you to tell me who raised you
and what you are doing here.”
The zombie faced me, a puzzled look on his distorted face. It dawned on me he hadn’t
known I was a necromancer until then—not that it made a difference. He wasn’t bound to me so
he didn’t have to answer my questions. I was bluffing.
“LEAVE US ALONE!” He screamed in response. He started for me and a wave of fear
rippled my gut.
“I command you to stay back!” I called, but my voice was cracking, my words lacked
conviction. I took a few shaky steps backward. The zombie continued toward me.
Just then the sound of twisting metal snagged both our attention. Alex’s eyes were open,
and he was separating himself from the wreckage. He shed the automobile with the ease of a
snake shedding an old skin. He began advancing on the zombie.
“What’s going on down there?” We all looked up and saw three men, all Johnny do-
gooders, running up the block in our direction.
“Leave her alone,” one of them called.
The zombie looked from the advancing men to Alex and me.
“Hhhhh!” Hot breath hissed angrily at us. Then he took off past us like a deer, bounding
up the block. By the time the men reached us he was nowhere in sight.
“You ok?” one of them asked.
“Yes. He… attacked us?”
“What the heck happened here?” Another of the men asked. He was staring at the
twisted pile of metal that used to be a Buick.
Before I could open my mouth, Alex launched into an explanation. “My girl and I were
out for a stroll, and he was taking a sledge hammer to that car when we happened upon him.
Guess it was some kind of vendetta. And when he saw us he decided to add us to the list.” The
lie flowed from his lips effortlessly.
“Hey, aren’t you on that TV show?” the third man asked.
Alex smiled. “The Beloved. Yes. You watch it?”
“No, but my girlfriend does. She can’t get enough of you vampire guys.”
Any suspicions the men may have had about our presence on the street or Alex molesting
me immediately vanished. Alex was a bona fide Hollywood star. I guess they thought all stars
were boy scouts. Where have they been?
Several minutes and three autographs later the men were gone, and Alex and I were
walking back to the party.
“You told that lie like you do it all the time,” I said.
“I’m a dead person among the living. I do do it all the time.”
That wasn’t what I was talking about, but I didn’t push it. He seemed annoyed. I guess
being attacked by a zombie wasn’t an everyday occurrence for him either.
“If it makes you feel any better, I memorized the car’s plate number. I’ll take care of the
damage,” he said, his words softening.
“Thanks. That does make me feel better.” I wanted to hold my tongue, but I couldn’t.
“So, you have any enemies who’d want to send a zombie after you?”
“I don’t have any enemies. I’m a lover not a fighter.” The annoyance was back.
“Maybe you loved the wrong woman.”
“I’m dead. I can’t love any woman,” he replied. The words were seething with anger or
pain. I couldn’t tell which.
“He said ‘leave us alone.’ Who’s us?” I asked.
“I don’t know!”
He was getting agitated again so I dropped the subject. But not without noting there was
more to Alex than he was telling me. A vindictive zombie had been set loose in Hollywood.
It was something I needed to look into along with the deadie from the diner. My, my, I was
suddenly a very busy girl.
Tour Wide Giveaway:
  •  10 Kindle copies of The Zombie Always Knocks Twice
  • 1Bewitching zombie prize pack contains: zombie bag, zombie zone caution tape, fake brains in a meat container (because what's a zombie prize pack without brains right), two rubber duckies, a large bloody hand print sticker, Bat Bite hand sanitizer, Halloween theme bottle stickers, a purple skull mug, and a Bewitching notebook, pen, and necklace.
Open to US Shipping!

Tour Stop courtesy of Bewitching Book Tours!

Weekly eBook Winner

Welcome to Books We Love's Howling Halloween Contest, running now through October 31.

This week's winner is Sandra Stipins! Sandra, please visit our website at

and choose the eBook or Spice eBook you'd like to receive. Email the title to

Treat yourself to a feast of Halloween Indulgence
Drawing for Bon Appetite Basket on October 15.



Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse
Listen to the Shadows
War N Wit Inc.: The Witch
Jude Pittman Triple Threat
Jamie Hill Triple Threat


We notify winners by posting in our newsletter and posting on our BLOG, if you don't  subscribe and/or visit the Blog you won't know if you win, we do not send an email to notify winners and we do not award prizes to non-subscribers.  If prizes are unclaimed 30 days after posting, they are returned to the prize pool and awarded in a subsequent drawing.  

All contestants must be newsletter subscribers.  It's easy. Our newsletter list is private and only used to announce new contests, new releases, winners of our prizes and new prizes available to be won!

Friday 28 September 2012

Stacking The Shelves #20


Stacking The Shelves is hosted By Tynga's Reviews. This meme is about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be hard-back, paperback or ebook.

I  Bought:
The Rise (The Alexa Montgomery Saga #3)
The Rise by H.D. Gordon
(((I am such a freaking fan of The Alexa Montgomery Saga!)))
PSY Gangnam Style Horse Dance PSY Horse Dance From Gangnam Style Video
This was going to be the only book I shared in this week's post simply because I'm so batshit crazy about this series.  But at last, I'll share more...

Amazon Freebies:

Sweet Venom (Medusa Girls #1)

Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs
(((Big Thanks to Janina @ Synchronized Reading for bringing this freebie to my attention via FaceBook.)))

Brood of Bones

Brood of Bones by A.E. Marling

(((Big Thanks to the author for dropping me a note on GoodReads saying "A book on your to-read list is free on Amazon".  How freaking nice of him!)))

Now what books have you received this week that has you going Gangnam Style?

Now Available: On the Red Road by John "Wisdomkeeper" Makowski

On the Red Road from the Wisdomkeeper Collection published by Books We Love includes traditional Native American legends and fables, campfire stories from different cultures as well as the story of Wisdomkeeper's personal journey as he learned the ways and followed the teachings of Grandfather.

The coyote (Heyokah)--known to many First Nations people as Trickster--is a teacher whose lessons bring both tears and laughter. The lessons of Trickster are those of learning to laugh and joke at life’s difficulties. Seeing the humor in pain and suffering strengthens the spirit. Once we have learned the gift of laughter healing of the spirit begins.

~ Find this title here

Thursday 27 September 2012

From our Friends at Kindle Nation

A Special Selection of September New Releases From Books We Love, Ltd – Five Great Reads at $2.99 or Less

September 27, 2012
We’re excited this week to introduce a special selection of September new releases from a small independent publisher about which we’ll all be hearing more in the future, Books We Love, Ltd.
While some publishers have greedily tried to raise prices to exorbitant levels, Books We Love separates books of distinction from all the dreck and still offers you great prices. If you like terrific fiction, share them with your friends!
Books We Love books are exclusive to Amazon and all of their books are priced at $2.99 or less. When in doubt, you can always find them in the Kindle store by entering “Books We Love” in the search field. Enjoy!

*  *  *


by Rita Karnopp
4 Rave Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Abi and her newborn daughter, Kelly, are in trouble. Someone has made repeated attempts on their lives, and her sister, Chyna, thinks she knows exactly who; Trevor Madden, Abi’s soon-to-be ex-husband. Trevor has turned violent and abusive. Who is he mixed up with and why does he want to get rid of his wife and baby daughter?
Abi takes Kelly and flees into the icy wilderness of Montana with handsome Detective Miles Sandler. It doesn’t take Abi long to realize her heart isn’t all that safe either. But, with Trevor hot on their trail and Chyna getting dangerously close to the truth, will any of them come out of this alive?

*  *  *

Jack Shadow

by Graeme Smith
5.0 stars – 2 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Jack Shadow. He’s heard them – every one of them. The jokes. They all start out the same. “See, this guy walks into a bar…” Well, that’s not him. That guy who walked into a bar.
He’s the guy who walked out.
It’s not amnesia. Near as anyone knows, he just doesn’t have a past. Near as anyone knows – or admits to. He doesn’t walk round a corner, and some guy from a car shoots at him because of something he did long ago. Sure. Guys shoot at him. Hell, women too. But not for long ago. Mostly for last week. Where ‘last week’ is any week you choose. No, he just walked out of a bar.
Were there piles of dead bodies behind him? A stacked deck he was dealing, or one he was dealt? He doesn’t know. Or care. But they were waiting, and they took him. The Dragon. Took him to make a difference. To wait for the time a beat of a gnat’s wing could change tomorrow. And Jack’s the gnat.
Jack walked out of a bar. The rest – the rest will be history. Some day. Not that he’ll be in it. Nobody remembers the gnats. Not if they did their job right. And Jack’s the best there is.
Jack Shadow. Because some days – the last thing you need is a good guy.

*  *  *

4.4 stars – 7 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
In Lee Killough’s Blood Games, published by Books We Love, Vampire Garreth Mikaelian thought he had his existence all arranged. He is comfortably settled in a town where, his nature unknown to those around him, he works the night shift as a police officer. His blood comes in bottles. He has a routine and friends. But that peace is shattered when his fellow officer and sometime lover Maggie Lebekov is killed by a lethal trio playing ever escalating blood games. Garreth finds himself racing to locate the suspects before other law enforcement officers do, to be sure they are captured alive. Because if they are not yet vampires, and the leader may already be a very old and powerful vampire, they have drunk vampire blood and if killed will rise again even more deadly.

*  *  *

Spithandle Lane

by Ronald Ady Crouch
4.3 stars – 6 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Rose Cottage hides a dark secret known only to Harry Davidson and his two dogs. The thatched cottage lies nestled among the rolling hills of picturesque West Sussex, England. Constable Alaister McMaster of the Sussex Constabulary stumbles across a fragment of broken china that opens up an investigation leading him to Rose Cottage. Due to his loyalty to a good friend he agonizes over a moral dilemma which prompts the investigation to turn to a new suspect – himself.

*  *  *

Sex, Love and Murder

by Sandy Semerad
5.0 stars – 3 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Previously published as Mardi Gravestone
After the unexpected death of her husband, Lilah Sanderford thinks she’ll never love again until she travels to New Orleans where sexy jazz musician Jay Cascio stirs her into a frenzy of raw passion. Combine the mystique of Mardi Gras with the soulful spirit of New Orleans, add a suspicious accident, a plot against the U.S. President, a mysterious suitcase and a crystal necklace from a graveyard psychic and you have SEX, LOVE AND MURDER. A romantic suspense novel you won’t soon forget.
We have three Blogs at Books We Love: Our feature Blog tells you what books are featured, and which of our new releases are free in any given week. Our Insiders Blog is directly between you and our authors. Here’s where you get all that insider information. Click this link to become a Books We Love insider, And, if you like to Spice things up a bit, then come join us at Spice We Love,

Wednesday 26 September 2012

From the Review Pile # 17

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

Entangled (Spellbound #1)Entangled (Spellbound #1) by Nikki Jefford
ebook, 303 pages
Published February 20th 2012 by Nikki Jefford

Two months after dying, seventeen-year-old witch Graylee Perez wakes up in her twin sister Charlene’s body.
Until Gray finds a way back inside her own body, she’s stuck being Charlene every twenty-hour hours. Her sister has left precise instructions on how Gray should dress and behave. Looking like a prep isn’t half as bad as hanging out with Charlene’s snotty friends and gropey boyfriend.
The “normals” of McKinley High might be quick to write her behavior off as post-traumatic stress, but warlock Raj McKenna is the only person who suspects Gray has returned from the dead.
Now Gray has to solve the mystery of her death and resurrection and disentangle herself from Charlene’s body before she disappears for good.
***Entangled is a young adult paranormal fantasy romance suitable for ages 15 and up.***

Duplicity (Spellbound #2)Duplicity (Spellbound #2)
by Nikki Jefford (Goodreads Author)
ebook, 280 pages
Published May 20th 2012 by Nikki Jefford
If Graylee Perez thought sharing a body with her twin sister was bad, dealing with a duplicate of herself is two times worse. Gray the second doesn’t seem to get that Lee’s boyfriend, Raj McKenna, is off limits. Then there’s the problem of Adrian Montez. He expects one of the Grays to be his. Nearly a year later, the council is onto them for past misdeeds; Lee, along with the rest of the coven, has lost control of her powers; and Gray is being stalked by what looks like the Grim Reaper. If they work together, they may stand a chance of setting things right and making it out alive. ***** Suitable for ages 15 and up.

Add these to your TBR list via GoodReads:
Entangled | Duplicity

*SIGH* My TBR list is crazy long and I CAN NOT WAIT to read these two!

Weekly eBook Winner

Welcome to Books We Love's Howling Halloween Contest, running now through October 31.

This week's winner is Earlene Gillespie! Earlene, please visit our website at

and choose the eBook or Spice eBook you'd like to receive. Email the title to

Treat yourself to a feast of Halloween Indulgence
Drawing for Bon Appetite Basket on October 15.



Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse
Listen to the Shadows
War N Wit Inc.: The Witch
Jude Pittman Triple Threat
Jamie Hill Triple Threat


We notify winners by posting in our newsletter and posting on our BLOG, if you don't  subscribe and/or visit the Blog you won't know if you win, we do not send an email to notify winners and we do not award prizes to non-subscribers.  If prizes are unclaimed 30 days after posting, they are returned to the prize pool and awarded in a subsequent drawing.  

All contestants must be newsletter subscribers.  It's easy. Our newsletter list is private and only used to announce new contests, new releases, winners of our prizes and new prizes available to be won!

Monday 24 September 2012

Now Available: The Color of Seven - Dark, Book 1 by Gail Roughton

Deep in the woods that slide off into Stone Creek Swamp, teenage drug dealers retrieve their stash and receive an unexpected dividend—the unwitting resurrection of Cain, powerful Bokor of Black Magic.  Atop Coleman Hill, two young attorneys renovate a decrepit relic for their home and office.  A house with a past it wants to share, gifting rising young attorney Ria Knight with tantalizing scenes of its original owner.  The past, like evil, never dies.  It just—waits.

"From the unexpected beginning, Gail Roughton weaves a tale set in the past and present, horror and romance deftly interweaving to set the stage for an inevitable showdown between good and evil where not everyone will get out alive. Suspenseful and poignant, The Color of Seven will grip you in Ms. Roughton's novel, not letting you go until the last page is turned." ~5 Stars, Writer Stuart West

~ Find this title here

Sunday 23 September 2012

Free at Amazon Sept. 23-24: Electric Pink by Jamieson Wolf

David Chandler wants to settle down after a life on the road and write the great novel that he knows is inside him. He wants a life of quiet. However, things don't always go as planned...

Living downstairs from him is a witch named Karma, his best friend Poppy announces she's a lesbian, his mother Honey has met a new man and has left his father and his boyfriend Jethro has turned dark and broody.

When disaster strikes, ending Jethro's life, David thinks that he will finally get the quiet he is looking for. However, when Jethro comes back from the dead and his mother moves into a house haunted by a malicious spirit, things really begin to get interesting.

We are all electric pink inside...

Stacking The Shelves # 19


Stacking The Shelves is hosted By Tynga's Reviews. This meme is about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be hard-back, paperback or ebook.

From the Library (AudioBooks)
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Heist Society by Ally Carter

For Review (From author)
Going Under (Going Under, #1)Shallow (Going Under, #2)
Jaguar Moon (Jaguar Sun Series Book 2)Notes to Self

Going Under (Going Under #1) by Georgia Cates
Shallow (Going Under #2) by Georgia Cates
Jaguar Moon (Jaguar Sun Series Book 2) by Martha Bourke
Notes to Self by Avery Sawyer

For Review (via NetGalley)

Death and the Girl Next Door (Darklight, #1)
Death and the Girl Next Door (Darklight, #1) by Darynda Jones

I Won
Parallel Spirits
Parallel Spirits by T.S. Welti (Special thanks to LibraryThing)

How about you?

RANT & RAVE # 6: Video Edition

Rant & Rave: because sometimes, I've just got to vent. After being the nice little, sometimes doormat, darling for 20-something years, some things just get to me. Won't it be fun if I shared?

Sometimes the weirdest things happen to me.  So this is a real life account.  I apologize in advance if I offend anyone. 

Take #2

Here's Take 1 if you're interested:
Contrary to this reenactment, the entire time I was giving him a dead pan look and talking in a professional monotone.  Oh geez, I taped this twice and still I forgot to add that at one point he said," You made me feel good on the inside."  Yeah....That really happened! I AM NOT CREATIVE ENOUGH TO MAKE THIS UP! 
Is this not the weirdest pick up story, EVER ?


Thursday 20 September 2012

Tour Stop {Book Excerpt/Giveaway}: Nerve by Jeanne Ryan

by Jeanne Ryan
Hardcover, 1st Edition, 304 pages
Published September 13th 2012 by Dial Books (Penguin)

A high-stakes online game of dares turns deadly
When Vee is picked to be a player in NERVE, an anonymous game of dares broadcast live online, she discovers that the game knows her. They tempt her with prizes taken from her ThisIsMe page and team her up with the perfect boy, sizzling-hot Ian. At first it's exhilarating--Vee and Ian's fans cheer them on to riskier dares with higher stakes. But the game takes a twisted turn when they're directed to a secret location with five other players for the Grand Prize round. Suddenly they're playing all or nothing, with their lives on the line. Just how far will Vee go before she loses NERVE?
Debut author Jeanne Ryan delivers an un-putdownable suspense thriller.

Excerpt #6 (From chapter four, when good makeup girls go bad.)

Matthew leads me over to a small closet at the end of the corridor that doubles as a
dressing room in a pinch. It’s empty. Before I realize what he’s doing, he picks me up by the
waist and spins me around like a sugarplum fairy.
I laugh, feeling all floaty.
He sets me down and taps my nose. Suddenly, we’re back in our delicious zone, where
we’ve been dancing for the past few weeks. I didn’t imagine it. Maybe I misjudged the stage
kiss between him and Sydney. They were in character, after all.
My heart thumps rapidly. “You did a great job tonight.”
“Thanks to you and the rest of the crew.” His arm slides around my shoulders and he
leads me to the mirror. “You were like a little angel, flitting around, helping us get into costume.
And the food you brought looks amazing.”
I sit on the counter as he sinks into the chair. Will he pull me into his lap? The thought
makes my knees tremble.
He takes my hands. “Could I ask for one more little favor?”
“Sure.” Wish I’d put on fresh lip gloss.
He points to his cheek. “I accidentally messed up my makeup. Could you redo it? Syd
says it makes me look rugged, and I think it’ll be cool for the party.”
My shoulders droop. He wants a touch-up? To stay in character because Sydney thinks it
ups his macho factor? I sit there staring at him.
He points to my makeup box, which he must have brought in here before he found me.
Since when has he ever been so prepared? He taps my knees like bongo drums. “Just the basics,
you don’t need to go into a lot of detail.”
I take a breath and stand, trying to calm the rising flush of disappointment. “Sure.”
I whip open the box, grab a pencil and some contouring powder. As soon as I start, he
takes his hands away from my legs. I sharpen his jaw line and nose, and then get to work with
the eyeliner. It isn’t until I’m halfway done with his eyes that I let the hard questions seep into
my brain. Has Matthew ever really liked me? The way I like him? Or am I just a way to get closer
to Sydney?
I dig my pencil into his eyebrow, which makes him flinch.
“Sorry,” I say. The slash mark gives me an idea. I’m tempted to give his new makeup a
subtle shift. There’s a fine line between looking ruggedly intense and psychotic. I can make it so
the other girls at the cast party feel a shade of anxiety when they gaze into his face. My hand
begins to draw the brows just a little closer together.
(1) Signed Hard copy of NERVE. Open to US/Canada addresses.


Free at Amazon Sept. 20-21: Mountain Moonlight by Jane Toombs

Vala, now a divorcee, and her young son, Davis, arrive in Phoenix, Arizona, intending to hike into Superstition Mountain to follow an old map her son was given by an elderly Apache before he died. Davis believes it's a treasure map. Convinced by a camping outfitter that they need a guide, Vala checks the list on the store's bulletin board, and finds one name crossed out. Perversely she reads it anyway. . Bram Hunter! Even though she left Phoenix with her family when she was sixteen, she's never forgotten him.

Which drives her to call the number listed.

Bram's planning to leave for a Caribbean vacation in a few days, but he remembers Vala. He has no intention of guiding anyone anywhere right now, but remembers one night long ago, and agrees to meet her.

"Mountain Moonlight…is a leisurely-paced, heart-warming story with intriguing mythological overtones." Teresa Roebuck