Saturday 29 December 2012

Top Cuddles of 2012 Giveaway Hop

It's a delight to be apart of this event.  It's the last great giveaway hop before the new year! 

The theme of this hop is reminiscing on the reads of 2012 as one transfer titles to the cloud to free up space on one's Kindle for the 2013 TBR pile!

Last week I gushed all about my top 10 Reads of 2012 in various categories; therefore today I'll share the titles I purchased for personal pleasure that I have yet to read.  I am thrilled to read them in 2013; and they'll be at the very top of my list. (Second only to prescheduled tour novels.)

I cannot believe that in the course of a year, I've gone from rekindling my love of reading via library loaned books to having to come up with bookish home decor solutions. The novels are literally taking over the house!  Tsk, tsk! My brothers would be horrified; yet my mom & dad would be so proud.  My husband never gets tired of bookish jokes to tease me.  But don't let that fool you.  He's kind of a want-to-be comedian.  He has just as many books as I do.  Lord forbid I go to a book sale and leave him at home. We've made it sort of a tradition to visit the public library together on Sundays and bicker in the audio book and DVD aisles on agreeable entertainment. *Sigh* Our future unborn children are doomed to have at least one sure inherited condition.  

But, I digress! 
Anywho, here's my list:

Divergent (Divergent, #1)A Right to Be Hostile: The Boondocks TreasuryShadow WalkerShadow on the Wall (The SandStorm Chronicles, #1)Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3)Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1)Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls, #1)Darkness Unbound (Dark Angels, #1)The Alchemy of Forever (Incarnation, #1)My Life As a White Trash Zombie (White Trash Zombie, #1)Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)Charade (Heven and Hell, #2)Fading Amber

I have physical copes of almost ALL of these; and I am placing them on my nightstand as soon as I log off for the evening.  That way, I won't be able to sleep without rolling over, seeing them, and feeling guilty.  Now that's motivation!

Now's your chance to win a book!
I won't even attempt to limit you to my picks above.
You Decide!  My Treat!

Follow me for the initial entry... answer 4 questions for additional entries.

  The hop ends Saturday, January 5th at 11:59pm eastern time.

Don't just enter here.  Hop along and continue to try your luck!


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