Tuesday 11 December 2012

Cover Reveal: Interred by Marilyn Almodóvar

Interred (Chronicles of the Interred #1)
by Marilyn Almodóvar
Expected publication: January 22nd 2013        
by Iambe Books
The cover was created by the amazing Devan Edwards of Nimbi Designs.

Time has never been an issue for Baxter Jacobs, but then she never knew she had the ability to Bend it.
As her sixteenth birthday approaches, Baxter inherits a pendant that will change her life. Connected to the pendant is a dark and mysterious young man named Declan Ashdown. Trapped in a Time loop for the past 122 years, Declan needs Baxter’s help to escape. The only problem is, she has no idea how to do it.

To acquire the power she needs to free him, she’ll become one of the Interred, those whose Magical abilities emerge as they come of age. When she does, she’ll discover that Declan isn’t the only one interested in the fact that she’s a Time Bender.

As the Interment arrives, Baxter knows this will be no Sweet Sixteen. A vengeful relative and ruthless Council are determined to control her. Declan’s powerful and charming descendant, Jack Ashdown, claims he can save her. She’ll soon have to decide who she can trust, and how to master her new abilities before Time runs out.
About the Author
Marilyn Almodóvar
Marilyn Almodóvar is an American YA Author, born in Ft Huachuca, Arizona.

A lover of words, with a penchant for Victorian novels as well as Stephen King's, Lyn's favorite past time has always been reading, and writing.

It was this love that propelled her to choose Theater and French as majors in University, with a minor in English Victorian Literature.

Lyn lived for almost a decade in England, followed by three years in France, before returning home to the US.
A self-confessed citizen of the world,she's fluent in English, French, and Spanish, with basic knowledge of the Italian language. Lyn currently lives in Central Florida, with her French Husband, English born eldest, and French born youngest.

Her debut YA Novel, Interred will be published by Iambe books, late 01/22/2013.
Connect with Lyn:

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