Saturday 15 December 2012

Comment and Win Romance with Pat Dale

Leave a comment below and one random name will be chosen to win an eBook PDF copy of this special edition. Be sure to leave your email address in the comment. Good Luck and Happy Holidays from Books We Love!
This Pat Dale Special Edition published by Books We Love contains three novels.

The Quest Begins
Companions, Book 1

What’s a poor little rich guy to do? Rob Ferguson has lots of money, a mansion to die for, autos, clothes; everything except the one item his estranged wife robbed him of, feminine companionship. What’s the fun of being one of Colorado’s wealthiest men if you have nobody to share it with?

Rob sets out to solve that issue and lands square in a host of other problems, but in the process discovers the lady of his dreams. Actually two of them, Molly Dennison and Randi Roscoe, as different as night and day, and his quest goes on.

Must Love Large Dogs

Andrea Sharpe has a dilemma. A petite lady, she's left with a behemoth of a dog after her husband dies in a freak accident. Her solution to the dog problem is to marry one man after another in hopes of finding one who can deal with the monster dog.

Teddy, the dog, has his own solution to the problem but nobody's listening. That is, until he takes the reins in his own paws. Then, watch out. . .

"This is a cute and romantic story on every level. I love dogs, so naturally I was hooked from the first page, especially since Teddy was telling the story. I almost had it figured out too, but then I should have known this was the better way to end it! It's obvious the author has a great affinity for large dogs, so why not write a story with one in it! Must Love Large Dogs by Pat Dale is a short story, but long enough to get the all the details in and tell it without adding any extras that aren't necessary.

There are some truly laughable and realistic moments and I might add, I can actually see some of them happening in real life! Dogs are really smart and as humans, we tend to forget that. It was nice to have Teddy remind us of that!" ~ 4 Stars,
By Susan M Dusterhoft, Today's Working Woman

The Last Cowboy in Texas

Words mean things. And Paige Turner (yes, that’s her real name), should know that better than anyone. Associate editor of the Flanders Herald, she’s buried herself in word-smithing for the better part of a decade as she labors at her father’s newspaper. But when she unleashes some well-deserved but incendiary words for her former boyfriend, she unwittingly sets into motion a chain of events that will change her life forever.

Troy Roberts has assumed control of his dad’s real estate business in this sleepy little suburb of Branson. With youthful exuberance, he tackles the formidable but rewarding task of turning some of Stone County’s pristine hills into sites for mansions worthy of the musical elite who inhabit the southern Missouri showbiz Mecca. One small problem; some woman scientist claims to have discovered endangered species on his property. Between Agatha Kingfisher’s environmental zeal and Paige’s fiery tongue, Troy may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Oh, yes, those infamous words: “Troy Roberts, I wouldn’t go to bed with you if you were the last cowboy in Texas!” Well, we’ll see about that…

Be sure to enter our Sweet Treats Scavenger Hunt for your chance to win an eBook Reader or a gift basket from Books We Love! Find the details here:

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