Thursday 13 December 2012

Comment and Win Historical Romance with Margaret Tanner

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Now Available, three historical romance novels by Margaret Tanner: Lauren's Dilemma, Daring Masquerade, and A Mortal Sin.
Lauren's Dilemma

Previously published as Shattered Dreams

Captain Blair Sinclair returns from the trenches of World War 1 suffering amnesia, and mistakes Lauren (Laurie) Cunningham for his fiancée.

When his real fiancée turns up his memory returns, and Laurie is banished for being an imposter.

Pregnant and desperate to hide the shame of having Blair’s baby out of wedlock, she marries Dick McKinlay. He needs a wife to hide his own dreadful secret.

Dick is tried for a murder he did not commit. Will Laurie reveal both their secrets to save him from the hangman?

"I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The story is well-written and the characters fully fleshed out. I fell in love with Laurie from the first page. What I liked best about the book was the way the author tied up all the loose ends in the ending. I've never read anything set during the Great War, and I found the history fascinating. I highly recommend this book." ~ 4 Stars, Vlvm, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

Daring Masquerade

By the time Ross Calvert discovers Harry Martin is in fact Harriet Martin she has fallen in love with him. Realizing she has failed in her final effort to protect her shell-shocked brother, she puts a desperate proposition to Ross. Marry her and she will give him an heir.

Ross accepts.  However, he is tormented by the betrayal of his former fiancée Virginia.  On his honeymoon he meets her again and is still infatuated.  With the army recalling him to the trenches of France, he faces a terrible dilemma. Taste Virginia’s passion before he marches off to war, or keep his marriage vows to Harry.

"Margaret Tanner writes awe inspiring descriptions of Australia’s landscapes along with horrifyingly realistic descriptions of the carnage and misery in Europe during World War I that take the reader on an emotional journey that makes her feel as if she is right there in the moment. Ms. Tanner also creates some breathtaking love scenes far from “Edwardian morality and war” that are “pure magic”. These scenes accentuate the emergence of a soul mate, consuming love that gives super strength and courage during the somber, troubled times in which Harriet and Ross carve out a life for themselves.

The antagonists are so vividly portrayed the reader can almost feel the meanness in them—no redeeming qualities--just evil use of social position and power to aggrandize themselves and subjugate others." ~ 5 Books, Camellia, LASR

A Mortal Sin

Previously published as The Trouble with Playboys

As the world teeters on the brink of World War 2, Paul Ashfield travels to Australia in search of the mother who deserted him. He meets Daphne Clarke, and after nights of passionate love-making, they decide to marry, but Paul discovers a shocking family secret. He and Daphne share the same mother. Devastated, he quickly departs the scene.

In Singapore, they meet again, and Daphne tells him she is not his sister. They marry just prior to Singapore being invaded by the Japanese. In the chaotic aftermath, each believe the other has died during the bombing.  When they finally see each other again, it is in an English church, where Paul is about to wed another woman.

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