Sunday 30 December 2012

2013 TBR PILE Reading Challenge!

2013 TBR PILE Challenge

Happy "almost" New Year, Beautiful People!

When I look around my artfully, very bookish decorated apartment, I just shake my head.  It's a darn shame that majority of the books that surround me lay unread.  Do I plan to read them?  Heck yeah!  I cherish them all and I go into a fit of rage when my husband suggests gifting them or a friend comes over and asks to borrow.  I have this fear that if they leave, I'll never get around to reading them.  Fortunately I'm not the type to read a novel over and over again.  One time is good enough. Thank you very much.  So when I'm done with one, it would nothing to share thereafter.

Needless to say, I was thrilled when I saw this challenge:
6 bloggers got together to encourage us to read novels we're been procrastinating for far too long.  Along the way, there'll be 12 mini changes and 24 books to win!  Awesome, right?!?

Here's where I switch it up a bit:
For every novel of a physical book I read and review from my TBR pile, I'll host a giveaway.  Therefore when I read in compliance to this challenge, I can also reward my followers. Now you guys are going to have to help me out here.  All I ask is that you cheer me on, by encouraging me to read a certain title right away! Tweet Me: @studiokd3

Note: I will post every giveaway with the review itself. 

Here I will track my progress with the challenge.

  • The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams {Giveaway: (hard back)}
Date Read: 1/3/2013
  • Fading Amber by Jaime Reed {Giveaway: (paperback)The "complete" Cambion Chronicles, trilogy}

Living Violet (The Cambion Chronicles, #1)Burning Emerald (The Cambion Chronicles, #2)Fading Amber

Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:
  • My Life As a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland {Giveaway: (paperback)}
My Life As a White Trash Zombie (White Trash Zombie, #1)
Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:

  • Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter {Giveaway: (paperback)}

Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls, #1)

Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:

  • Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter {Giveaway: (paperback)}

Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)

Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:

  • Dark Kiss by Michelle Rowen {Giveaway: (paperback)}

Dark Kiss (Nightwatchers, #1)

Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:

  • Shiver & Linger by Maggie Stiefvater {Giveaway: (hardback)}

Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1)Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #2)
Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:

  • Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins
Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3)

Date Read:
Review & Giveaway Link:

There are so many more I want to list, but I'll try out the "Firm Handshake" level and may up it later in the year.

Other Levels…
1-10 – A Firm Handshake
11-20 – A Friendly Hug
21-30 – A Sweet Kiss
31-40 – Love At First Sight
41-50 – Married With Children

I am so serious about decreasing the page count between my four walls!  Oh and I'm awfully terrible with challenges.  I forget about them.  I may read all the required reading, yet fail to track and log.  So this way you all can help keep me on track and reap the benefits of a chance to win a free book.

For the moment I can only guarantee that the giveaways will be US.  Later when I have more disposable cash I may be able to list the giveaway as international.  Please refer to the individual giveaway (when posted) to more precise information.

***This challenge will run from Jan 1, 2013 – Dec 31, 2013***
If you have an outrageous dusty pile and want to sign up to challenge yourself too, see here!

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