Tuesday 11 December 2012

Comment and Win with Juliet Waldron

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Now available in one special edition, three full length historical romance novels by Juliet Waldron: Mozart's Wife, My Mozart, and Red Magic.
Mozart's Wife

Giddy sugarplum or calculating bitch? Pretty Konstanze aroused strong feelings among her contemporaries. Her in-law's loathed her. Mozart's friends, more than forty years after his death, remained eager to gossip about her "failures" as wife to the world's first superstar. Maturing from child, to wife, to hard-headed widow, Konstanze would pay Mozart's debts, provide for their children, and relentlessly market and mythologize her brilliant husband. Mozart's letters attest to his affection for Konstanze as well as to their powerful sexual bond. Nevertheless, prominent among the many mysteries surrounding the composer's untimely death: why did his much beloved Konstanze never mark his grave?

"Ms. Waldron does a wonderful job of recreating an authentic feeling of life in 18th century Austria. I am a music lover myself, and I enjoyed reading the names of the composers and other luminaries he ran across in his brief life: Salieri and Sussmeyer are fairly well known, but other lesser-known names were just as intriguing." ~ Al Past, Amazon reviewer

"I bought this book for my music professor wife, and wound up reading it myself. It's, at once, light-hearted and historically momentous. I was beguiled to walk the streets of Vienna with Wolfi and Stanzi, and watch from the wings as Amadeus's genius washes over the audience." ~ Tim Fleming 

My Mozart

Mozart was her teacher, her mentor, her rescuer--and, finally, fatally, her lover. ..

At dawn, in the marble palace of a Prince, a nine-year-old sings for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, then at the peak of his career. Always delighted by musical children, he accepts Nanina as a pupil. Gifted, intense and imaginative, she sees the great "Kapellmeister Mozart” as an avatar of Orpheus and her own, personal divinity.

His lessons are irregular and playful, but the teacher/pupil bond grows strong. Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro premieres, and Nanina, now twelve, is given a solo part. For her, this is the beginning of a long stage career. For Mozart, it marks the start of his ruin. His greatest works will be composed in poverty and obscurity.

During the composer’s last summer, his wife has left him. Chronically in debt and suffering the emotional isolation of genius, he takes refuge with his disreputable Volksoper friends, who want him to write a “peasant opera” for their audience. Nanina, now grown, and still in love with Mozart, is among their number. As he seeks solace among the women of the Volksoper, the charms of his young fan become increasingly alluring. No one, least of all the composer, understands the depth of her obsession or how a brief affair will permanently alter her life.

"Those of you who are familiar with Mozart's Wife, the companion novel to My Mozart, will be swept up again in the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but this time from the perspective of his child mistress, Fraulein Nanina Gottlieb. The prodigious amount of research that obviously went into this flight of fantasy shows itself in every paragraph. Ms. Waldron has again captured the very essence of the period, and places the reader as observer in a fascinating era of human history. And as we soon see, love's labors are as lost in the 18th Century as they are in our current lives, some three hundred-plus years later. Bravo, Ms. Waldron. Your talent and knowledge shine on every page" ~ Patricia A. Martin 

Red Magic

Red-headed Caterina von Velsen, a tomboy and superb horsewoman, detests her older sister's husband-to-be.  Christoph von Hagen is handsome and brave, but he is also a Casanova, a man with a reputation that stretches from his mountain manor all the way to Vienna.  When Caterina’s older sister dies in a riding accident only a week before her wedding, Caterina is forced to take her place. She now belongs to a man she firmly believes to be “a cold-hearted rake.”

There is magic in Christoph’s lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina’s aunt gave her long ago.  Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband’s magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman’s transition from rebellious girl to adored--and adoring--wife.

"Red Magic is an adventurous story set in 18th-century Germany. I thoroughly enjoyed the horse whisperer aspect and watching Caterina grow from a child to a woman. A fast-paced plot that kept me turning the pages. Definitely recommended!" ~ 5 Stars, Mystic Reader, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase 

"I loved it! Red Magic is a wonderful adventure. Thanks for the experience!" ~ 5 Stars, Kay Cochran, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

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