Thursday 23 August 2012

Tour Stop {Guest Post/Giveaway}: Frozen Heart by Annabelle Blume

Frozen HeartFrozen Heart
by Annabelle Blume
Expected publication: August 7th 2012 by Inkspell Publishing

Cressenda knows how to survive. With her sled dogs as her only companions, she’s spent the past ten years hiding in the snow covered wilderness from the oppressive regime of the Affinity. When a routine trip to civilization takes a turn for the worst, Cressenda is forced to take refuge with the enemy or lose her life to the frozen countryside.
But Beckett, a Guard of the Affinity, is more than a man in uniform. His desperate need to help Cressenda escape both- the blizzard and the Affinity- makes her feelings for him all the more troubling. Will Beckett be true to his word and set Cressenda free? Will her heart let her leave after all they’ve shared?

Thanks for having me on your blog today! Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows
I’m an unabashed Maroon 5 fan. What most people don’t know is that my Maroon 5
obsession was born out of my experience writing Frozen Heart.
I need to write to music. At least, any time I’m writing fiction, I need music. A single song
on repeat is my usual approach to getting through a scene, or maybe even an entire
chapter. It helps me not only stay in the feel of the scene but also helps me lose track of
time and just be in the moment. There’s a point where I can’t tell if I’ve been writing for
two minutes or two hours. And that is the most beautiful moment for me.
Writing the opening scene for Frozen Heart, I sat on my couch and scrolled through
the music on my phone. I needed something that felt solitary, aggressive, but with an
underlying tone of being trapped. Harder to Breath by Maroon 5 was perfect. I had
never been a big fan of Maroon 5. I knew some of their songs and obviously some of it
was in my vast collection of music, but I’d never really been “into” them. As it turned out,
the majority of the Songs About Jane album fit perfectly with the feel of Frozen Heart,
and I proceeded to write the entire book wrapped up in the world of Maroon 5.
I’ve created a list of the chapters in Frozen Heart and the songs that provided
inspiration for them. Not all of them are Maroon 5, but most. Enjoy!
Ch1 Morning Light - Harder to Breath by Maroon 5
Ch2 A Fair Trade - This Love by Maroon 5
Ch3 The Arrival - She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
Ch4 Speaking Truths - Tangled by Maroon 5
Ch5 Inside These Walls - The Sun by Maroon 5
Ch6 Fresh Air - Sunday Morning by Maroon 5
Ch7 Two Moons, One Sky - Shiver by Maroon 5
Ch8 Leaving Love - Sweetest Goodbye by Maroon 5 and No Air by Jordan Sparks
Ch9 Finding Each Other - Secret by Maroon 5

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Stop courtesy of  Bewitching Book Tours!

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