Wednesday 1 August 2012

Tour Stop {Guest Post/Giveaway}: Fractured Light by Rachel McClellan

Fractured LightFractured Light (Fractured Light #1)
by Rachel McClellan
Hardcover, 304 pages
Published February 8th 2012 by Cedar Fort Publishing

GoodReads | Amazon

I’m dying, I thought. This was unexpected and not at all how I envisioned my death. I was supposed to die gardening in a flowerbed as a hundred-year-old woman, not as a seventeen-year-old trapped in a lake beneath inches of ice.
Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After a Vyken killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. She can’t take any chances. But when she starts to make friends for the first time in her life, she gets careless and lets her guard down. Big mistake. As an Aura, Llona can manipulate light and harness its energy. But if she wants to survive, Llona will have to defy the Auran Council and learn to use her power as a weapon against the Vyken whose sole desire is to take her light. Now she’s caught in something bigger than she can understand, with a power she can’t wield, and no one she can trust, except, just maybe, a mysterious stranger.

What I’ve learned from watching movies

10. Always turn the lights on when you walk into an empty house at night.

9. To hot wire a car, all you have to do is touch a bunch of wires together under the dashboard.

8. While driving in the car with a passenger, looking at the road is optional.

7. One man shooting at 20 men has a better chance of killing them than 20 men firing at 1 man.

6. It’s never a good idea to build a home on top of an old cemetery. “You moved the headstones, but you forgot the bodies!”

5. An electric fence, powerful enough to kill a dinosaur will cause no lasting damage to an eight year old child.

4. If a dark haired, serious-faced man approaches you with an air compressor in his hand, run.

3. If you discover your super rich boyfriend is a dark, super hot vigilante at night, don’t leave him. Accept him for who he is.

2. The more a man and a woman hate each other, the more likely they will fall in love.

1. If a vampire sneaks into your room to watch you sleep, it’s not cool. It’s creepy.

About the Author
Rachel McClellan was born and raised in Idaho, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she's not in her writing lair, she's partying with her husband and four crazy, yet lovable, children. Rachel's love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it was...
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This Tour Stop is Courtesy of Dark Mind Book Tours!

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