Wednesday 1 August 2012

From the Review Pile # 9

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

Dawn's End
Dawn's End
by Bonnie Ferrante
ebook, 211 pages
Published May 30th 2011 by Noble Romance Publishing - Young Adult

Betrayed by her fiancé, Nicole Newman has put her love life on hold. She loses herself in fantasy, becoming isolated and despondent. When a voice from the woods identifies himself as the man of her dreams and asks for her help, Nicole is unsure whether he is stalking her or about to take her on the adventure of a lifetime. Who, or what, is this mysterious being?
Dawn’s End, a place of simplicity and goodness, is being overcome by a gruesome darkness. Possessing bits of information, Nicole and the dark man know only that they must complete their quest before Nightfall becomes permanent. How far can she trust this not-quite-human? Can they save a world, possibly two, when Nicole isn’t sure she can save herself?
Book Trailer:
Add this to your TBR list via GoodReads
& get your copy today via Amazon

I was contacted by the author to review this book.  The author also shared the video trailer.  I love everything about this book and I can't wait to read it!

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