Sunday 19 August 2012

{Book Excerpt}: Turning Pages by Tristi Pinkston

Turning PagesTurning Pages
by Tristi Pinkston
Paperback, 240 pages
Published 2012 by Inkberry Press

GoodReads | Amazon
With his pride and her prejudice, what could possibly go wrong?
When the arrogant Blake Hansen steals Addie Preston's promotion at the library, he pretty much rubs her nose in it. But Addie, who dreams of being a full-fledged librarian, decides to stick it out. She loves surrounding herself with books and keeping her father's memory alive in the building where they spent so much time together.
Soon, Addie learns that her beloved library will be torn down to make room for a larger facility, and she has to make a choice. Fight, or let go?
To complicate things, she finds herself attracted to Blake, who is engaged to someone else. Will Blake and Addie ever resolve their differences?

I couldn’t just place the library’s copy of Austenland on the Staff Picks shelf without reading my favorite scene to Melanie. No one was in the library when I started, but aspatrons trickled in, they gathered around to listen. When I reached the sentence about Mr. Darcy looking at Elizabeth over the piano, we all collapsed into giggles. I looked up to see Blake watching me.

“What is the matter with you people?” he asked as the women began to filter through the stacks, pretending they had not just been caught in a real-life swoon festival. “It’s a book. A book, Addie.”
“I’m shocked that you workin a library. You don’t deserve it. And you are late for staff meeting.” I lifted my nose in the air and walked over to the wall, placing Austenland on my designated shelf and flicking off an imaginary speck of dust, making a big showof it. I knew it would annoy him. It did.
“Women. You’d think a Chippendale dancer had just walked in, the way you were all carrying on.”
“You’ve just got to see theColin Firth movie, and then read the book, in order to get it,” I told him. “It also helps if you’re a girl.”
“I have no prospects of ever being a girl,” Blake said. “Thank goodness.”

This post's content was provided courtesy of the author.  
Find out more about Tristi Pinkston and  Turning Pages here:

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