Friday 31 August 2012

Free Book Friday including Jack Shadow by Graeme Smith

Jack Shadow

He’s heard them – every one of them. The jokes. They all start out the same. "See, this guy walks into a bar..." Well, that's not him. That guy who walked into a bar. He’s the guy who walked out. 

It's not amnesia. Near as anyone knows, he just doesn’t have a past. Near as anyone knows - or admits to. He doesn’t walk round a corner, and some guy from a car shoots at him because of something he did long ago. Sure. Guys shoot at him. Hell, women too. But not for long ago. Mostly for last week. Where 'last week' is any week you choose. No, he just walked out of a bar.

Were there piles of dead bodies behind him? A stacked deck he was dealing, or one he was dealt? He doesn’t know. Or care. But they were waiting, and they took him. The Dragon. Took him to make a difference. To wait for the time a beat of a gnat's wing could change tomorrow. And Jack’s the gnat. 

Jack walked out of a bar. The rest - the rest will be history. Some day. Not that he’ll be in it. Nobody remembers the gnats. Not if they did their job right. And Jack’s the best there is. 
Jack Shadow. Because some days – the last thing you need is a good guy.

Also Free August 31:

Shirley Martin's Secrets of the Night

includes the following:

Night Shadows

Three men desire Fianna, but she loves only one.

Fianna leaves home to escape having to marry a man she doesn't love. She travels to another city, far away, hoping to escape detection. There she meets Gaderian, but she doesn't realize he is a vampire. Forced to support herself, she works as a fortune teller in a tavern, and there she meets Gaderian again. She is caught between three different men who want her, each for his own reason. The demon, Stilo, wants her as his sex slave. Angus, the man she refused to marry, won't give up in his search for her. And in a realm where vampires and demons battle for supremacy, she is trapped in a dangerous game, where someone is bound to lose his life.

"Night Shadows is full of suspense and dark plots. There are three different men, and each one has his own reason for wanting Fianna. The characters are well-developed and intriguing to read about. The war between the demons and the vampires fill the pages with exciting activity. Fianna is a great heroine who is caught between three demanding men, and her journey in finding love is one I greatly enjoyed and would certainly recommend to others. Love scenes are spicy and burning with intensity. Martin has written a fantastic paranormal plot that will have me on the lookout for more of her work in the months to come." Angel, Romance Junkies.

Night Secrets

A man and a woman who fear to love each other must work together to save the kingdom from betrayal.

Fear and betrayal threaten the kingdom of Avador. Keriam, a princess with supernatural powers, must save her father from assassination. But can she trust Roric, or is he part of the plot?

Roric loved once and lost. He wants to put his past behind him and love Princess Keriam, but he fears she is a witch. And witchcraft is forbidden in the kingdom. If found guilty, she will be burned at the stake. Not even her father could save her. 

"Night Secrets" is a wonderful fantasy filled with magic, human kindness and evil...If you enjoy good versus evil fantasy, this one must be on your to be read list."  Chere, Paranormal Romance Reviews

"Passionate, exciting, gripping and romantic, Night Secrets is as impossible to put down as it is to forget." ~ Julie Bonello, eCataRomance

One More Tomorrow

Destined to live in darkness, Galan must defeat the evil Moloch to regain mortality and win the love of the mortal woman, Stephanie.  

"An intriguing tale of two lovers destined to be together." ~ Romantic Times

"ONE MORE TOMORROW is a wonderful vampire romance. Martin has done a truly outstanding job of showing the tormented life of a vampire through her character of Galan. I also love the abilities she has bestowed on her vampires, they can enter any door without being invited, they can transport themselves anywhere, to any time period in which they lived and they have amazing strength. The characters are realistically portrayed, the story line is enthralling and the love between the two characters gives us all hope of a soul mate. I highly recommend ONE MORE TOMORROW to all lovers of romance."  ~ 5 Stars, C. Gruver, Amazon Reader 


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Happy Reading!


Shirley Martin Special Edition - Secrets of the Night Free - Promotion Sep 22, 2012 Sep 23, 2012 
Shirley Martin Special Edition - Secrets of the Night Free - Promotion Oct 26, 2012 Oct 26, 2012
Shirley Martin Special Edition - Secrets of the Night Free - Promotion Nov 20, 2012 Nov 20, 2012
Deadly Consequences Free – Promotion Sep 01, 2012 Sep 02, 2012
Deadly Consequences Free – Promotion Oct 13, 2012 Oct 13, 2012
Deadly Consequences Free – Promotion Oct 18, 2012
Jack Shadow Free - Promotion Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012
Jack Shadow Free - Promotion Oct 01, 2012 Oct 02, 2012
Jack Shadow Free - Promotion Nov 01, 2012 Nov 01, 2012 

Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse Free - Promotion Sep 15, 2012 Sep 15, 2012
Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse Free - Promotion Oct 13, 2012 Oct 14, 2012
Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse Free - Promotion Nov 10, 2012 Nov 10, 2012
Golden Chances Complete Collection Free – Promotion Sept 11-12, 2012   
Golden Chances Complete Collection Free – Promotion Oct 20, 2012  

A House Divided Free - Promotion Sep 14, 2012 Sep 15, 2012 
A House Divided Free - Promotion Oct 20, 2012 Oct 20, 2012

Reluctant Date Free - Promotion Sep 05, 2012 Sep 06, 2012
Reluctant Date Free - Promotion Sep 25, 2012 Sep 25, 2012
Sarah's Passion Free - Promotion Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012
Sarah's Passion Free - Promotion Oct 06, 2012 Oct 06, 2012

Must Love Large Dogs Free - Promotion Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

The Raven's Curse Free - Promotion Sep 21, 2012 Sep 22, 2012

Her Proper Scoundrel Free - Promotion Sep 08, 2012 Sep 08, 2012

Seducing Sigefroi Free - Promotion Sep 22, 2012 Sep 23, 2012
Seducing Sigefroi Free - Promotion Oct 12, 2012 Oct 12, 2012

Atonement Free - Promotion Sep 14, 2012 Sep 15, 2012

War-N-Wit, Inc.-Resurrection Free - Promotion Sep 10, 2012

Companions Book Two: Strange Bedfellows Free - Sep 11, 2012
Time and Chance Free - Promotion Sep 12, 2012 Sep 12, 2012 

Ten Past Midnight Free - Promotion Sep 07, 2012 Sep 08, 2012
Destiny's Shadow Free - Promotion Aug 25, 2012 Aug 25, 2012

A Winter Sabbatical Free - Promotion Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012


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