Monday 13 August 2012

Tour Stop {Excerpt Reveal and Giveaway}: Out of the Dark by Quinn Loftis

Out Of The Dark  (The Grey Wolves, #4)Out Of The Dark (The Grey Wolves #4)
by Quinn Loftis
ebook, 253 pages
Published June 3rd 2012

GoodReads | Amazon

Darkness has descended on the Transylvanian Alps.
Four packs of the powerful Grey wolves – in a rare show of cooperation – had joined together here in an effort to help their pack members find true mates. Then they were betrayed by one of their own – an Alpha hell-bent on becoming the most powerful of the Canis lupis. And though the wolf's assassination attempt on the currently-reigning Romanian Alpha failed, his plans to get Decebel, the Romanian Beta, out of the picture were coming together even as his treachery was discovered. The wolf fled, leaving destruction, death, and a missing mate behind him.
Unbeknownst to the other packs, the wolf has employed a witch to finish the deadly job and help him gain another tool to increase his power. A curse of devastating proportions will cripple Decebel in a way that may dissolve his fragile bond with Jennifer. Meanwhile, injured and alone, Jen has been fighting for her life. She had come to terms with her fate, accepting that she would not share a life with Decebel, until help came in the most unexpected form...

Vasile will have to use all his resources – including Sally, the new gypsy healer of the Romanian pack – to discover a way in which to destroy the witch, lift the curse from Decebel and reunite him with the one woman who makes him whole, and solve a mystery that's been surrounding the Romanian pack for 300 years.

Excerpt Out Of The Dark Chapter 5
"Alright, daddy-o. Let's get this party started." Jacque clapped her hands together,
punctuating her obvious eagerness.
"Fane." Vasile's voice was a warning.
"Luna, sit," Fane growled at Jacque.
Jacque glared at her mate, but acquiesced while murmuring, "You are so going to pay for
that later."
Fane groaned. "As my bonded mate you have way too much power over me."
Jacque laughed out loud. "That, my love, is because you are male and therefore easily
distracted by all things female. Which works to my advantage when you are being a butt head."
Fane chuckled as he tugged a strand of her hair in mock retaliation.
Meanwhile, a semi-circled formed around Vasile and Alina at the front of the room. As
everyone got settled in, Costin took the wall directly behind Sally, looking every bit the role of
sentinel. A fire burned directly behind all of them in a large stone fireplace casting shadows over
the room adding to the mystery that held them all captive.
As the room quieted, the popping of burning wood and crackling flames filled the heavy
silence. Vasile stood, but remained silent as he looked at each member of his pack, each member
that he had chosen because of their fierce love and loyalty for one another. Not that others in the
pack wouldn't give their all, but Vasile knew this group had grown close. That's what happened
when people went through the fire together. Like heated metal, they began to soften, and when
pushed together, their emotions and loyalty became soldered, no longer separate pieces. As they
left the fire, cooling, that joining was permanent and unbreakable.
That kind of bond was what it was going to take to get through this. Vasile was under no
illusions that before the end, tears would be shed, pain would threaten to tear them apart, and
blood would coat the walls. Yes, it would take the bond forged in fire to walk through the hell
they were going to soon face.
Very soon.

The author will be giving away one eBook copy of any of the books in this series.
Winner's choice.
This giveaways is open internationally!
Giveaway runs 8/14 thru 8/25
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Stop Courtesy of These Paper Worlds Book Tous!

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