Monday 27 August 2012

Now Available: Jude Pittman Triple Threat

 Now Available in One Complete Collection
Jude Pittman's Triple Threat

The Kelly McWinter P.I. Series

Deadly Secrets

Welcome to Indian Creek, Texas, where you'll meet some amazing characters. Kelly McWinter, a retired cop who suffered a personal tragedy that caused him to quit the force. Kelly's dog, Jake, a German Shepherd who has fought some battles of his own, and Cameron G. Belscher III, owner of the Hideaway Bar and Barbecue and Kelly’s best friend.

A Clint Eastwood, John Wayne type of guy, Kelly has been coming to grips with his personal grief and is once again feeling the pull to return to law enforcement.  That decision escalates when he and Jake find one of the Hideaway’s favourite characters dead on the floor of the flea market.

Coincidences, the emergence of a secret life, a treasure, an heiress searching for her birth mother and the ulterior motives of some of the Creek’s own citizens all have Kelly scrambling to uncover the truth before his best friend ends up being convicted of a crime that Kelly is positive he didn’t commit.

"Deadly Secrets is a mystifying tale with several twists and turns and an ending that surprised me. This book has an old-fashioned detective story feel to it that is charming and complements the small town atmosphere ... the story had a good flow, with well fleshed out characters and I would look forward to reading more suspense from this author." ~ Fallen Angel Reviews

Deadly Betrayal

Singer Mikki Benson has just discovered she's pregnant. Her smooth-talking music mogul boyfriend, Alex Wyatt, is rich and married, and when Mikki breaks the news over an intimate dinner for two his reaction is anything but romantic. After a public scene and a tearful departure, Mikki vows to leave Nashville and move in with her Aunt Stella in Houston.

Hours later Alex Wyatt is dead and Mikki is the number one suspect. Aunt Stella immediately calls Kelly McWinter, a cop turned private detective. If anyone can save her niece, it’s Kelly, and using all of her powers of persuasion, Stella begs him to drop everything and come to Mikki’s rescue.
Kelly’s quest to save Mikki from life in prison or maybe even death is fraught with unexpected twists and turns. Everyone he encounters seems to have something to hide, and when he reluctantly agrees to help Alex’s not so grieving widow trap a nasty blackmailer, Kelly finds his two cases headed for a fatal collision that just might put an end to his fledgling detective career-permanently.

"A fabulous mixture of Texas humor, heart-pounding action, sexy nuances and mounting suspense. There's plenty of excitement, plenty of intrigue, a local flavor to tickle the toughest of taste buds and a good serving of hot, steamy romance to titillate the senses. I found the main characters in this contemporary murder mystery artfully created and surprisingly colorful. Kelly is relentlessness personified and his sweet, Texan manners made him very endearing to this reader. Stella is a sassy firecracker, fun to follow. I am quite sure that reading the first book in the series would behoove someone wanting a full appreciation of the characters and their back story. And, having read this offering, the third book will be much anticipated. A realistic and immensely satisfying story!"  ~ Heather, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

Deadly Consequences

Kelly McWinter and Gillian Tanner are keeping a promise, taking their first vacation as a couple at Bubba’s Paradise Lodge. Of course, the fact that Cam Belscher, the owner of the Hideaway and feisty redhead Stella Davis have picked this particular paradise to tie the knot is the icing on the wedding cake. 

Flash forward to the middle of the night. The sound of Bubba Tate banging the hell out of the cabin door is enough to put a damper on any vacation, and when the reason for Bubba's late night intrusion turns out to be the murder of one of Gillian’s stableboys back at her riding stable in Fort Worth, the wedding trip is over. Paradise is in the rear view mirror of the 747 taking Kelly and Gillian back home to Texas. 

The small community of Indian Creek is rocked by nasty doings at Eagle Mountain Lake: a dirty rotten snake peddling child porn, a psychopath killer and a monster who beat a pretty teenage girl over the head and left her for dead.  

Kelly and his old partner Augustus Graham are hard pressed to discover the truth disguised by the lies and mis-directions hidden in this intricate whodunit. Kelly is desperate to solve these crimes before Gillian sinks in the muck that someone is dumping on her riding stable.


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