Friday 31 August 2012

Free Book Friday including Jack Shadow by Graeme Smith

Jack Shadow

He’s heard them – every one of them. The jokes. They all start out the same. "See, this guy walks into a bar..." Well, that's not him. That guy who walked into a bar. He’s the guy who walked out. 

It's not amnesia. Near as anyone knows, he just doesn’t have a past. Near as anyone knows - or admits to. He doesn’t walk round a corner, and some guy from a car shoots at him because of something he did long ago. Sure. Guys shoot at him. Hell, women too. But not for long ago. Mostly for last week. Where 'last week' is any week you choose. No, he just walked out of a bar.

Were there piles of dead bodies behind him? A stacked deck he was dealing, or one he was dealt? He doesn’t know. Or care. But they were waiting, and they took him. The Dragon. Took him to make a difference. To wait for the time a beat of a gnat's wing could change tomorrow. And Jack’s the gnat. 

Jack walked out of a bar. The rest - the rest will be history. Some day. Not that he’ll be in it. Nobody remembers the gnats. Not if they did their job right. And Jack’s the best there is. 
Jack Shadow. Because some days – the last thing you need is a good guy.

Also Free August 31:

Shirley Martin's Secrets of the Night

includes the following:

Night Shadows

Three men desire Fianna, but she loves only one.

Fianna leaves home to escape having to marry a man she doesn't love. She travels to another city, far away, hoping to escape detection. There she meets Gaderian, but she doesn't realize he is a vampire. Forced to support herself, she works as a fortune teller in a tavern, and there she meets Gaderian again. She is caught between three different men who want her, each for his own reason. The demon, Stilo, wants her as his sex slave. Angus, the man she refused to marry, won't give up in his search for her. And in a realm where vampires and demons battle for supremacy, she is trapped in a dangerous game, where someone is bound to lose his life.

"Night Shadows is full of suspense and dark plots. There are three different men, and each one has his own reason for wanting Fianna. The characters are well-developed and intriguing to read about. The war between the demons and the vampires fill the pages with exciting activity. Fianna is a great heroine who is caught between three demanding men, and her journey in finding love is one I greatly enjoyed and would certainly recommend to others. Love scenes are spicy and burning with intensity. Martin has written a fantastic paranormal plot that will have me on the lookout for more of her work in the months to come." Angel, Romance Junkies.

Night Secrets

A man and a woman who fear to love each other must work together to save the kingdom from betrayal.

Fear and betrayal threaten the kingdom of Avador. Keriam, a princess with supernatural powers, must save her father from assassination. But can she trust Roric, or is he part of the plot?

Roric loved once and lost. He wants to put his past behind him and love Princess Keriam, but he fears she is a witch. And witchcraft is forbidden in the kingdom. If found guilty, she will be burned at the stake. Not even her father could save her. 

"Night Secrets" is a wonderful fantasy filled with magic, human kindness and evil...If you enjoy good versus evil fantasy, this one must be on your to be read list."  Chere, Paranormal Romance Reviews

"Passionate, exciting, gripping and romantic, Night Secrets is as impossible to put down as it is to forget." ~ Julie Bonello, eCataRomance

One More Tomorrow

Destined to live in darkness, Galan must defeat the evil Moloch to regain mortality and win the love of the mortal woman, Stephanie.  

"An intriguing tale of two lovers destined to be together." ~ Romantic Times

"ONE MORE TOMORROW is a wonderful vampire romance. Martin has done a truly outstanding job of showing the tormented life of a vampire through her character of Galan. I also love the abilities she has bestowed on her vampires, they can enter any door without being invited, they can transport themselves anywhere, to any time period in which they lived and they have amazing strength. The characters are realistically portrayed, the story line is enthralling and the love between the two characters gives us all hope of a soul mate. I highly recommend ONE MORE TOMORROW to all lovers of romance."  ~ 5 Stars, C. Gruver, Amazon Reader 


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Shirley Martin Special Edition - Secrets of the Night Free - Promotion Sep 22, 2012 Sep 23, 2012 
Shirley Martin Special Edition - Secrets of the Night Free - Promotion Oct 26, 2012 Oct 26, 2012
Shirley Martin Special Edition - Secrets of the Night Free - Promotion Nov 20, 2012 Nov 20, 2012
Deadly Consequences Free – Promotion Sep 01, 2012 Sep 02, 2012
Deadly Consequences Free – Promotion Oct 13, 2012 Oct 13, 2012
Deadly Consequences Free – Promotion Oct 18, 2012
Jack Shadow Free - Promotion Sep 01, 2012 Sep 01, 2012
Jack Shadow Free - Promotion Oct 01, 2012 Oct 02, 2012
Jack Shadow Free - Promotion Nov 01, 2012 Nov 01, 2012 

Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse Free - Promotion Sep 15, 2012 Sep 15, 2012
Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse Free - Promotion Oct 13, 2012 Oct 14, 2012
Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse Free - Promotion Nov 10, 2012 Nov 10, 2012
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Golden Chances Complete Collection Free – Promotion Oct 20, 2012  

A House Divided Free - Promotion Sep 14, 2012 Sep 15, 2012 
A House Divided Free - Promotion Oct 20, 2012 Oct 20, 2012

Reluctant Date Free - Promotion Sep 05, 2012 Sep 06, 2012
Reluctant Date Free - Promotion Sep 25, 2012 Sep 25, 2012
Sarah's Passion Free - Promotion Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012
Sarah's Passion Free - Promotion Oct 06, 2012 Oct 06, 2012

Must Love Large Dogs Free - Promotion Sep 02, 2012 Sep 02, 2012

The Raven's Curse Free - Promotion Sep 21, 2012 Sep 22, 2012

Her Proper Scoundrel Free - Promotion Sep 08, 2012 Sep 08, 2012

Seducing Sigefroi Free - Promotion Sep 22, 2012 Sep 23, 2012
Seducing Sigefroi Free - Promotion Oct 12, 2012 Oct 12, 2012

Atonement Free - Promotion Sep 14, 2012 Sep 15, 2012

War-N-Wit, Inc.-Resurrection Free - Promotion Sep 10, 2012

Companions Book Two: Strange Bedfellows Free - Sep 11, 2012
Time and Chance Free - Promotion Sep 12, 2012 Sep 12, 2012 

Ten Past Midnight Free - Promotion Sep 07, 2012 Sep 08, 2012
Destiny's Shadow Free - Promotion Aug 25, 2012 Aug 25, 2012

A Winter Sabbatical Free - Promotion Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012


Thursday 30 August 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Guest Post}: Betrayal by Amber Garr

Betrayal (The Syrenka Series, #2)Betrayal (The Syrenka Series #2)
by Amber Garr
Paperback, 255 pages
Published February 20th 2012 by CreateSpace

GoodReads | Amazon
My Rating:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ❥
Life as a mermaid can be suffocating.
Eviana Dumahl has returned home as a clan leader, an orphan, and a heartbroken teenage girl. Her parents are dead and her boyfriend, Brendan, has decided that he needs some time away. While battling her inner turmoil, Eviana is forced into the war that Lucian Sutherland has incited amongst her own kind. With the help of Kain, her friend and formally betrothed, the two work together to prove that they deserve their birthrights as young merfolk leaders.
When the Council requests a demonstration of Eviana’s mermaid powers, she finds herself with an opportunity to win back Brendan’s heart. But her orders to train with a repulsive merman and the presence of an attractive new suitor challenges Eviana to embrace her leadership and resist temptation. Lucian is after her, and no one seems to understand why. Loyalties are tested as the casualties increase, showing Eviana that sometimes it is impossible to delineate between friends and enemies.
Betrayal is the second book of The Syrenka Series trilogy following Eviana and her friends as they navigate through the challenges of existing in a secret world.

If you haven't read book one there's no way around spoilers in my review. So read book one first! Betrayal is a transitional book in this series of mermaids and other paranormal creatures of the aqueous persuasion . The first book introduced the hidden society with a big bang. In the mist of the war brewing, we are introduced to the infrastructure of the mer political dictators. We see the strategies of building of armies while perfecting powers of the royal duo in the aftermath of Eviana returning home and living the leadership role she was destined to entitle.

You can feel a much larger scheme brewing and this is only the quiet before that storm. Another leading heartthrob enters the story named Graham. This playboy and leads me to believe Eviana will forever be attracted to men who smell like “trouble”. Brendan comes back into the picture with forgiveness in his heart. Kain comes around also. While he hasn't forgiven her he sends mix messages that would imply an impending reconciliation. There is confusion among all the love interests. It's fun how the the interations between each suitor toys with the reader so much that's it's hard to know which way the tide will turn.

The characters continue to grow in this book and even Eviana seems to have aged far beyond the impulsive teen from book one. I continue to marvel at the ingenious plot of this series. I admit a little disappointed that a few parts were a bit predictable. The way things played out weren't however, while a tad heartless. True to the title, Eviana is betrayed and boy is it BAD on so many different levels! The ending is shocking! I seriously sat, for an uncalculated amount of time, blind eyed facing the white walls with a million fins running trough my head.

One thing that I can say after reading two books by Amber Garr is her writing grabs your addition from the very first paragraph and you will not stop reading until you are done. Even if you are forced to pause, you feel guilty.....and simply compelled to pick the book back up until you're finished. it is absolutely addicting. I am a junkie for the next book.
*Big thanks to the author for entrusting me with an honest review.

Fashion in The Syrenka Series 
When asked to discuss fashion in relation to the characters in my series, I first thought “Hmmm, what an interesting topic.”  But then my second thought was “Wait, they spend a lot of time naked!” 
It is true that as shape shifters, running around in their birthday suit is just as common as dressing up for a big event.  In fact, most of them really enjoy the chance to “be free” in their natural form. 
Let’s start with the mermaids.  Being as discretely powerful and inherently wealthy as the clans tend to be, there are many formal events requiring special attire.  Each clan has a representative color scheme that is often reflected in their wardrobe.  For example, when Kain has his appointment ceremony in Promises, he is wearing a very formal suit that resembles something that modern day royalty will wear (see below). 

Otherwise, he is fortunate enough to enjoy fashion as much as any typical teenage guy would: which translates into jeans and a shirt. 

Eviana is also required to dress the part of a clan leader and representative of her people during certain events.  Although I have zero ability as a designer, it was a lot of fun to create her dresses in my head.  The one I like the best is the blue dress she wears at Kain’s appointment ceremony.  I haven’t been able to find a picture that completely encompasses what I envisioned, but a combination of these two dresses might be a fair representation.  I thought it was important for her to have some type of connection to the water in the way the gown flowed around her.

Now let’s talk selkies.  Their fashion sense, as well as their lifestyle, is quite different than the merfolk.  In their everyday, normal life, most of them are independent and do very little to socialize at political events like merfolk.  And then of course, there is their skin.  The pelts are a part of who they are and what they become, and not worn as an accessory.

And finally, the water sprites.  They have the most flexibility with their fashion - as they can create whatever their heart desires.  Abhainn prefers the bowler hat and old school suits, where Isabel prefers her natural form much more.

This Tour Stop is courtesy of Bookshelf Confessions!

Back to the Books Giveaway Hop

Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
& Buried in Books
This hop runs from September 1st - 7th.
My rafflecopter will accept entries up until September 8th, 12:01AM.
Winner will be notified NLT September 9th.
1 lucky winner will win their choice of one of the following SWAG packs:
(Bonus: Some of these are autographed!)
SWAG Pack #1
SWAG Pack #2
SWAG Pack #3
This giveaway is US & Canada only.  

Good Luck and thanks for visiting!

Great New Reviews for Reluctant Date by Sheila Claydon

In a rut, and with her love life at an all time low, Claire Harris makes a New Year’s resolution to join an Internet dating agency. Her challenge is twelve dates or twelve months, whichever comes first, unless she is lucky enough to meet Mister Right along the way.  On her final date, and convinced that only frogs are left in the dating pool, she is relieved that it’s nearly over…until she meets enigmatic American, Daniel Marchant.  The only problem is, his brother has set him up, and Daniel makes it very clear that he’s not interested in dating anyone at all. 

He is looking for someone to work in his developing conservation research company though, and when he discovers that Claire has the photographic and cataloguing skills he needs, he offers her a dream job in Florida.   

But Dolphin Key is not as idyllic as it seems. There are too many secrets and too much heartache.  And Claire has her own secrets as well. Not that she is going to share them with anyone, least of all with Daniel, because he must never know he has stolen her heart.

"I thoroughly enjoyed Reluctant Date, especially the powerful sense of place Ms. Claydon deftly creates with each change of locale. Her lush descriptions of Dolphin Key had me feeling the Florida sun on my face and the warm sand between my toes. I'll be re-reading this story next winter when the cold wind blows and there's snow on the roof. It's the perfect escape." ~ 4 Stars, Cheryl Harrington, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

"Another beautiful love story from Sheila Claydon, this one taking us from the moors of England to the balmy Florida Keys. On New Year's Eve, Claire Harris makes a resolution to try an Internet dating service for twelve dates. The first eleven aren't what they're cracked up to be and she's just about to give up on #12 when Daniel Marchant walks into her life. Through a series of miscommunications, both Claire and Daniel, smitten with one another, agree to go their separate ways. But Daniel decides Claire would be the perfect employee and persuades her to move to Dolphin Key to work for him on a six month trial basis. Peppered with rich characters and the lush scenery a Sheila Claydon book always promises, Reluctant Date is a must-read." ~ 5 Stars, V. Ardito, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

From the Review Pile # 13

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.
Immortal Prophecy (The Immortal Prophecy Saga #1)Immortal Prophecy (The Immortal Prophecy Saga #1)
by Samantha Adams & Kay Fry 
Kindle Edition
Published December 13th 2011 by Little Bookworm

Five years earlier, Alessandra DeCosta a shy and sensible sixteen year old received a prediction that set in motion events that changed her life forever …
Alessandra, now a private investigator was on stakeout. She had done this many times before. It should have been routine but this time something was different. Something was terribly wrong! The sense of danger was swirling all around her as she watched in horror at the scene unfolding before her unbelieving eyes.
Her client’s wife, a beautiful socialite was in terrible danger with her new conquest. The imposing, handsome figure appeared to be biting her neck! Was that blood she saw coming from the woman’s lifeless body?
Suddenly Ally found herself in the clutches of this evil vampire, Vincent and is helpless to fight back against such a powerful creature.
With only a moment to spare, James Carlisle, the man that has haunted Ally’s dreams and thoughts for the last five years, saves her from certain death. Her memories are extracted and not until she meets James again at a masquerade ball, does she begin to have flashbacks about that terrifying night and her brush with Vincent.
What would unfold in the coming weeks would alter Ally’s life forever.
Does she possess the courage to pursue her destiny and give her heart to the one man she is destined to love for all eternity?
Add this to your TBR list via GoodReads
& get your copy today via Amazon

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Tour Stop {Review}: The Broken Destiny by Carlyle Labuschagne

The Broken Destiny (Broken, #1)The Broken Destiny (Broken #1)
by Carlyle Labuschagne
Paperback, 358 pages
Published August 13th 2012 by SBPRA
GoodReads | Amazon
My Rating: ♥♥♥♥
All my life, I had searched for something, something I thought I ought to be. I felt like I was living someone else’s life, waiting for the awakening of my own. I felt like an empty shell burning for life. That was, until the day I lay dying in the prince’s chambers. I could no longer feel the pain from the tear in my gut. The only sensation left was a hollowed-out feeling that I had made a huge mistake in assuming that taking my own life, would have stopped the ancestors’ spirit from raging out. I had given up. I didn’t want to see myself killing the ones I loved. I was the Chosen one, but I threw it all away for what I thought would save a life. Could you end a life to save a life? I did, and I have regretted it ever since. I realized then that things like me are not meant to exist. What had been missing my whole life? It was I. To find myself, I had to lose myself in the worst possible way. The consequences of my actions became the legend of The Broken.

I was on among the original bloggers due to review this novel a few months ago. The tour and release of this novel was delayed. As I reflect on all that I've read, I know that this was with “just cause”. (And thank goodness for that!) If it was majorly flawed in any way, readers would truly have missed out on an intense read. The current synopsis is an excerpt from the novel, yet does this novel no justice.
The Broken Destiny tells the legend of how the “the Chosen one” ultimately became “the Broken”. Ava is a spiritual anonymity 3rd generation human living on a planet named Poseidon. Among the future diplomats of the last humans, Zulu, and Minoans also populate the planet with three moons. The planet acts as a second home for those who fled Earth before it's global warming destruction. Ava lives in a compound dissected into three schools: agriculture, military, and science; and segregated from the Minoans and Zulu. The Minoans are the original inhabitants of the planet, and have interactions with the Humans. The Zulu are misunderstood, feared, isolated, and avoided. Each human is genetically engineered and no human on the planet has relatives. With Ava's rare spiritual difference and impending 17th birthday, comes the threat of “the change”. Everyone is pretty much void of emotion and undergo hormone suppression therapy. “The change” changes everything. In this staged utopia nothing is as it seems, a nation's history is fabricated, destinies are secret, magic is brewing, and evil lurks for an opportune time to harness power.
This story is told 1stperson, from Ava's point of view. In parts I wanted to jump through the pages and shake her uncontrollably. Ava was a compulsive daydreamer. There were many times she checked out and went on epic style mind rants unrelated to current events. Her wondering imagination was confusing at times. Yet her need for approval, acceptance, belonging, love, family, purpose ,freedom, and physical insecurities made her very believable. This endured me and I started to develop a soft spot for our self destructive heroine. She provided a lot of foreshadowing with hints like “I should have known then that...” She had secret journals from her deceased mother detailing genetic experimentation in a quest for the perfect race; and while she though she had the upper hand on the Government, she didn't know half the true story.
The overall plot was like my first day at college. There was so much happening it became a bit overwhelming. But on closer observation, I saw that the structure was not all that different from high school. The same can be said for this storyline. With a little knowledge of theology, you can read between the lines and see a reference or two from biblical doctrine. I found that enlightening. At the same time there was a plethora of highly original masterfully orchestrated content. This novel had strong messages and hidden truths tucked in along the way.
The way the events played out was executed perfectly like a really good dystopian mystery. Every revelation was strategically interrupted. (This became expected after a while) The author wasn't going to give you clues “that” easily.  *lol*

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((MINOR SPOILER ALERT))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
The romance is where I subtracted a star. As much as loved this novel....... Umm, as brilliant as this novel was, I had to take a star way. Ava's boy drama was mostly imagined...highly confusing....and grossly unromantic.....ughhh. This is the part that I wanted to slap some sense into her. She had two guys fighting for her: One she meet with less than a minute conversation never seeing his face and the other was a complete jerk. She then convinced herself she was “in love”. Even when the wrinkles started to iron itself out, it still wasn't very convincing to me. Poor Ava never really knew wooing.   I mourn her cursed fate. At one point I found a tear escaped its duck fleeing in haste down my cheek.  Another minor infraction was the censoring in the beginning. The action of battle was mostly concealed due to extracting the narrator or blinding her. I will say, however, this quickly changed at the end.  I like a little romance and sue me.
 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((MINOR SPOILER ALERT OVER))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

There was a lot of quotable content. This is one of those books that will stick with me for some time. I dare say, this is the longest review I have ever written, and there is so much more I want to say. Geez! What this book lacked in the gushy stuff, it more than made up in other areas... 
Some of the highlights:
  • Powers/Telepathy
  • Muscular Guys
  • Friendship
  • Black Magic/ Voodoo
  • Traitors/Spies
  • Ancient sacrifice for prophecy
  • Oppressed people
  • Futuristic Technology
  • Space Travel
  • Cliff Hanger Ending
  • I can go on and on. This story didn't lack in much.
I would recommend this to everyone.
Note: YA readers please be advised there is mild sexual and suicidal content.

The main message that I learned from this is, “Everything boils down to a choice!” I hope you add this to your TBR pile and choose to read it also!
I look forward to seeing what will become of Ava's broken destiny in the next book. I'm crossing my fingers hoping she will experience more romance building.
My most sincerest gratitude goes to the author for entrusting me with an honest review.
This Tour Stop is courtesy of Carlyle Labuschagne !

Sizzling Summer eBook Winner

Our next weekly winner is Marjorie Lyn! Marjorie, please visit our website at 

and choose the eBook or Spice eBook you'd like to receive. Email the title to

All entries, including weekly winners, are in the running for one of five Amazon gift certificates to be given away in July, August and Sept., plus two gift baskets. See the prizes and enter here:

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 All emails will be verified as subscribers before being announced as winners. Prize winners announced in newsletter, eBook winners announced on our blogs.

Good Luck and Happy Reading!

Monday 27 August 2012

{Guest Post & Giveaway}: Ouroboros by Christopher Turkel

Ouroboros (Thomas of Xuelition Book One)Ouroboros (Thomas of Xuelition Book One)
by Christopher Turkel
Paperback, 99 pages
Published June 6th 2012 by Libertary Company

In a dystopian future, Thomas the assassin is about to face the job of his career -- and his life. After avenging his alcoholic father's untimely death, Thomas begins his transformation into a cold-blooded killer. The Prakanis, a human race with superhuman abilities -- and superhuman egos -- rules the land of Xuelition with an iron fist, and as Thomas learns, it's much easier to work with than against them. When the government hires him to recover bonds from a disgruntled employee, Thomas has no idea what's in store for him. He's stealthy, clever, and one of the best assassins in the business, but what he learns on this mission will change his life forever.

I thinks every writer thinks, at least in the back of their head, who would play various roles in a big screen adaption of their book. I was no exception while writing "Ouroboros".

Click to view full size imageFirst up, Thomas, the main character. He's athletic, witty and a good problem solver. For him, I'd pick Zac Efron. Zac Efron fits the general look of Thomas and about the same age. Zac would have to grow a mustache and color his hair black for the part, but I think he could pull it off. Shia LaBeouf would be my second choice.

Next, Jerrel, the Imperial Hand. I would cast David Duchovny in this role. He's a little old for Jerrel but his looks and physical build are perfect for the part but what really makes him is a prefect fit is Duchovny's dry humor, which suits Jerrel.
Click to view full size image

For Vellent, I would cast Mel Brooks. I actually hear Mel Brooks' voice when Vellent speaks. Mel Brooks isn't an actor per se but he is casual, relaxed style of acting suits Vellent very well. At 5'5" he's short for Vellent but then again, he's Mel Brooks, who is going to complain if the height is off?

Aimkli, Thomas' nemesis, I would have picked Dennis Franz but Dennis Franz has thinned out in recent years and Aimkli is a big guy, so John Rhys Davis is my choice. He'd have to shave his trademark beard and I am not sure he'd go for that. But then again, it's my dream cast so  I'll throw a truck load of dream money at him and off the beard goes.
File:Gimli With Axe.jpg
For Janna, the waitress at John The Bastard's, I'd cast Anna Torv and for Vera in Crypttown, It'd be Katie Holmes.
Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image
For the director, I'd hire Peter Jackson. The man can do fantasy and he's an Oscar winning director. Plus he'd bring along Andy Serkis to play something. What would a Peter Jackson movie be without Andy Serkis?

The movie would be shot in Marseille. The climate is right and the geography kind of fits. Marseille is exotic looking without being hideously expensively exotic. Barcelona would work as well.
So who has 900 million dollars to loan me to get this movie done?
File:Marseille hafen.jpg

Note: Images aquired via Wikimedia Commons and/or fan site. 
Each links back to original source.

Must be 13 or older to enter. 
Must be an US resident. 
Winner will be emailed.  Please respond within 48 hours.

Now Available: Jude Pittman Triple Threat

 Now Available in One Complete Collection
Jude Pittman's Triple Threat

The Kelly McWinter P.I. Series

Deadly Secrets

Welcome to Indian Creek, Texas, where you'll meet some amazing characters. Kelly McWinter, a retired cop who suffered a personal tragedy that caused him to quit the force. Kelly's dog, Jake, a German Shepherd who has fought some battles of his own, and Cameron G. Belscher III, owner of the Hideaway Bar and Barbecue and Kelly’s best friend.

A Clint Eastwood, John Wayne type of guy, Kelly has been coming to grips with his personal grief and is once again feeling the pull to return to law enforcement.  That decision escalates when he and Jake find one of the Hideaway’s favourite characters dead on the floor of the flea market.

Coincidences, the emergence of a secret life, a treasure, an heiress searching for her birth mother and the ulterior motives of some of the Creek’s own citizens all have Kelly scrambling to uncover the truth before his best friend ends up being convicted of a crime that Kelly is positive he didn’t commit.

"Deadly Secrets is a mystifying tale with several twists and turns and an ending that surprised me. This book has an old-fashioned detective story feel to it that is charming and complements the small town atmosphere ... the story had a good flow, with well fleshed out characters and I would look forward to reading more suspense from this author." ~ Fallen Angel Reviews

Deadly Betrayal

Singer Mikki Benson has just discovered she's pregnant. Her smooth-talking music mogul boyfriend, Alex Wyatt, is rich and married, and when Mikki breaks the news over an intimate dinner for two his reaction is anything but romantic. After a public scene and a tearful departure, Mikki vows to leave Nashville and move in with her Aunt Stella in Houston.

Hours later Alex Wyatt is dead and Mikki is the number one suspect. Aunt Stella immediately calls Kelly McWinter, a cop turned private detective. If anyone can save her niece, it’s Kelly, and using all of her powers of persuasion, Stella begs him to drop everything and come to Mikki’s rescue.
Kelly’s quest to save Mikki from life in prison or maybe even death is fraught with unexpected twists and turns. Everyone he encounters seems to have something to hide, and when he reluctantly agrees to help Alex’s not so grieving widow trap a nasty blackmailer, Kelly finds his two cases headed for a fatal collision that just might put an end to his fledgling detective career-permanently.

"A fabulous mixture of Texas humor, heart-pounding action, sexy nuances and mounting suspense. There's plenty of excitement, plenty of intrigue, a local flavor to tickle the toughest of taste buds and a good serving of hot, steamy romance to titillate the senses. I found the main characters in this contemporary murder mystery artfully created and surprisingly colorful. Kelly is relentlessness personified and his sweet, Texan manners made him very endearing to this reader. Stella is a sassy firecracker, fun to follow. I am quite sure that reading the first book in the series would behoove someone wanting a full appreciation of the characters and their back story. And, having read this offering, the third book will be much anticipated. A realistic and immensely satisfying story!"  ~ Heather, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

Deadly Consequences

Kelly McWinter and Gillian Tanner are keeping a promise, taking their first vacation as a couple at Bubba’s Paradise Lodge. Of course, the fact that Cam Belscher, the owner of the Hideaway and feisty redhead Stella Davis have picked this particular paradise to tie the knot is the icing on the wedding cake. 

Flash forward to the middle of the night. The sound of Bubba Tate banging the hell out of the cabin door is enough to put a damper on any vacation, and when the reason for Bubba's late night intrusion turns out to be the murder of one of Gillian’s stableboys back at her riding stable in Fort Worth, the wedding trip is over. Paradise is in the rear view mirror of the 747 taking Kelly and Gillian back home to Texas. 

The small community of Indian Creek is rocked by nasty doings at Eagle Mountain Lake: a dirty rotten snake peddling child porn, a psychopath killer and a monster who beat a pretty teenage girl over the head and left her for dead.  

Kelly and his old partner Augustus Graham are hard pressed to discover the truth disguised by the lies and mis-directions hidden in this intricate whodunit. Kelly is desperate to solve these crimes before Gillian sinks in the muck that someone is dumping on her riding stable.