Thursday 31 January 2013

Dreamheart Spotlight # 34

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes!

DISCLAIMER: This post contains a photo of implied female nudity in an artistic context.

“I grew up being ‘prepared’ to become a Miss America contestant”, said aspiring model Jojo West.  “As a child my mother placed me in beauty pageants. I took etiquette classes and modeling classes.”

While haute maintenance from the outside Jojo’s childhood experience in the industry hasn't always been glitter and sparkle. “In my teens I interviewed with John Casablanca, but was told I was a bit too ‘fat’”, she said.  “ I wanted so badly to be picked up [by] them that I began to practice unhealthy eating habits, to put it bluntly I developed an eating disorder.”

During that time, Jojo stopped modeling completely.   “[I] realized that I wasn't prepared for it. I hadn't learned to love and accept my own uniqueness …”  

After a 15 year hiatus from modeling, self-exploration and improvement, Jojo is returning to the scene with a new attitude. 

“I decided to re-enter the modeling industry last year”, she said.  “I felt it was time to go back into the work I never stopped thinking about!”

“When I decided to start modeling again I knew that the most difficult thing for me would be doing nude or implied work, mostly because of the insecurities that most women have. That’s why I decided my first shoot should be implied and nude. It was a good decision. After seeing the final images it gave me the confidence to continue. I saw myself as others see me. Many shy away from nudes or implied  I see it as expression and art. The human form is beautiful regardless whether it’s a size 2 nude model or a size 10 nude model. Art and beauty are all about perception.”

Jojo’s personal growth and self-acceptance is an inspiration to women everywhere.  “A lot of people don’t know about my struggles with eating disorders or depression when I was younger; [yet] I’m always willing to discuss them and share my experiences”, she said.

“I've always wanted to show the world that being beautiful isn't just about having a pretty face and being a size “, she said. “ Beauty is the embodiment of intelligence, confidence and kindness bundled up into the amazing creation that is the human form and sexy is a state of mind!  Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes!”

With Jojo’s return comes a new set of goals more realistic and palpable.
“A lot of models or aspiring models envision themselves with a 6 page spread and a being on the cover of Vogue. Not to say that I wouldn't jump at the opportunity (who wouldn't ) but my goals are modest, mostly. I would love to be published in a magazine or catalog. However, if it doesn't happen right away or ever, I wouldn't be discouraged from continuing my career as a model. It’s something I enjoy doing. Ideally, I would love to be picked up by an agency that works with “plus” size models. I think the fashion industry needs more of them.”

With three languages under her belt, Jojo also has certifications in medical and dental lab assisting and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.  And yet she is still not easily fit into any one cookie cutter stereotype.
“Most people are shocked to find out I consider myself a goth chick”, she exclaimed. “ I’m so chipper and happy and most associate goth with being angry and sad. I like dark colors; black, purple, blue, they’re just great! My musical tastes are so varied I couldn't be identified as just one, but overall I prefer rock and industrial some of my favorite artists are: VNV Nation, Velvet Acid Christ, Aesthetic Perfection, Garbage, Evanescence and Ani Difranco to name a few.”

Jojo went on to explain, “I am very well spoken, to the point that I normally don’t understand slang terms or Ebonics  I am also quite chatty. Those that work with me often have a hard time keeping a straight face. I like to make others smile, laugh and feel comfortable so I often tell jokes or silly embarrassing stories about myself to make everyone relax.”

Jojo is not currently signed to an agency. Yet her maturity, self-confidence and intelligence are sure to make it easy for others to work with her, in front or behind the camera.

Whatever the future holds for Jojo, she’s taking life one step and runway at a time.
“I’m planning to audition for Full Figured Fashion Week (FFFW) in DC but I think I may be a few sizes too small to make the cut. There are some other auditions coming up I’m hoping to attend. Unfortunately it seems that there aren't many designers in the area working with curvier models. It would be great to meet those that do!”

Want to know more about this Dreamheart?
To contact Jojo for bookings and/ or additional information:

Credits:  Image 1 (Beauty, head shot): Chubs Photography (College Park, MD); Image 2 (Implied): Patrick Cocuna (Annandale, VA); Image 3 (Red top): True Story Studios (Alexandria, VA); Image 4 (Boudoir): Dave's Photography (Falls Church, VA)

Jojo has such an inspiring outlook on the industry due to her experiences; and I truly appreciated her honesty.  It was an absolute pleasure to air her story here, and I hope you readers can appreciate it as well.  Be sure to show Jojo some love!
Thanks for tuning in!  Be sure to check out next week's Dreamheart Spotlight!

Now Available: The Outlaws by Jane Toombs

One decent man, an attractive young woman, and a teen-aged boy obsessed with a legendary bad man--all caught in the crossfire of the West's bloodiest range war. 

After Billy the Kid and Mark Halloran rescue what's left of the Nesbitt family from an Apache attack in the New Mexico Territory, the fate of the young daughter and the teen-age boy are sealed. Tessa's attracted to Mark and Ezra suffers a severe cause of hero-worship over Billy, wanting to be just like him. Soon all of them are involved in the cruelest range war in the history of the West--the bloody Lincoln County war. How can Tessa protect her brother from trailing after Billy? And how can she be drawn to a man who is on the opposite side of this range war?

Wednesday 30 January 2013

From the Review Pile #25

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

The Still Point of the Turning WorldThe Still Point of the Turning World
by Emily Rapp
Hardcover, 272 pages
Expected publication: March 7th 2013 by Penguin Press HC, The

Like all mothers, Emily Rapp had ambitious plans for her first and only child, Ronan.  He would be smart, loyal, physically fearless, and level-headed, but fun.  He would be good at crossword puzzles like his father.  He would be an avid skier like his mother.  Rapp would speak to him in foreign languages and give him the best education.
But all of these plans changed when Ronan was diagnosed at nine months old with Tay-Sachs disease, a rare and always-fatal degenerative disorder.  Ronan was not expected to live beyond the age of three; he would be permanently stalled at a developmental level of six months.  Rapp and her husband were forced to re-evaluate everything they thought they knew about parenting.  They would have to learn to live with their child in the moment; to find happiness in the midst of sorrow; to parent without a future.
The Still Point of the Turning World is the story of a mother’s journey through grief and beyond it.  Rapp’s response to her son’s diagnosis was a belief that she needed to “make my world big”—to make sense of her family’s situation through art, literature, philosophy, theology and myth.  Drawing on a broad range of thinkers and writers, from C.S. Lewis to Sylvia Plath, Hegel to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Rapp learns what wisdom there is to be gained from parenting a terminally ill child.  In luminous, exquisitely moving prose she re-examines our most fundamental assumptions about what it means to be a good parent, to be a success, and to live a meaningful life.

Add this to your TBR pile on GoodReadsand/or buy it on Amazon!

I received an ARC paperback copy of this novel in the mail via Penguin Press. The synopsis alone had me on the verge of tears.  My husband and I have had numerous misfortunes in the children department.  In this day and age where women who have full capabilities of bringing forth life and free access to diverse means of disposal should things not be "perfect"; it's touching to see a mother cope, embrace, and LOVE in spite of flaws!  I look forward to reading this one and I'm prepared to have the Kleenex at the ready. 

Tour Stop {Guest Post/Giveaway}: Oxford Whispers by Marion Croslydon

The story behind the covers of OXFORD WHISPERS By Marion Croslydon

My original idea for the cover of Oxford Whispers was directly inspired by the covers of the Twilight saga. I loved its simplicity and symbolism. I have to admit not being a big fan of the stereotyped romance novel covers: half-naked dude next to an almost-as-naked chick. So we went for a simple red rose (which plays a role in the story) on a black backdrop. I liked it, but I knew deep down it lacked vibrancy and didn’t really match the story and the characters.

That was when I met (online) the fabulous Claudia McKinney at PhatPuppyArt. I loved her covers. Lately she’s done the absolutely unforgettable cover of On Dublin Street by Samantha Young, which features a couple about to kiss each other! I normally don’t like that, but with her it was so tasteful and sensual at the same time… She introduced me to her photographer Teresa Yeh. These two ladies have been truly amazing to me and I’m forever grateful.

They directed me towards a more modern feel by carefully choosing models, while keeping the mystery element of the novel through the digital work on the background, lights etc…

The first cover shows Madison only. I wanted it that way because the book is about a girl’s journey first and foremost. I wanted a really modern feeling to it and the photo does capture that, IMHO. For the second and third book, we have both Rupert and Madison. My favorite part in this process: choosing the models! Going through their portfolios was so much fun.

About The Author
In addition to being an author, I work as an entrepreneur, wife and mother-of-one but spend a good deal of time with books, DVDs and listening to my mp3 player; all for the sake of inspiration, of course.
My debut series, The Oxford Trilogy, has been a blast to write because I can indulge in my favorite types of music: Country and English rock.
My main goal as a writer is to make readers dream bigger and cause their hearts to beat a little faster.
Since my writing is all about sharing dreams and stories, I love connecting with fellow readers and authors.

About The Novel
Oxford Whispers 
(The Oxford Trilogy #1)
by Marion Croslydon
GoodReads | Amazon
Paperback, 324 pages
Published October 8th 2012 
by Carlux Publishing
Oxford Whispers (The Oxford Trilogy, # 1)Madison LeBon is dead set against the dead.
Her fresh start at Oxford University is a brand new beginning. She finally has a chance to turn the page on her psychic powers and cumbersome voodoo heritage. Snakes, dolls, ghosts, and spirits: Farewell…
Not quite.
When the tragic lovers in a painting—the subject of her first history class—begin to haunt her, she must accept her gift before life imitates art. The lovers warn her against their own nemesis, a Puritan from the English Civil War. Unfortunately, said nemesis is now going all homicidal on Madison.
College becomes more complicated when she falls hard for Rupert Vance, a troubled aristocrat and descendant of one of the characters in the painting. With the spirit of a murderer after her, Madison realizes that her own first love may also be doomed…
(1) Print Copy of OXFORD WHISPER - International, 
and (8) eBook copies of OXFORD WHSIPERS - International 

This Tour Stop is courtesy of AToMR Tours!

We Love You Wednesday Winner

This weeks winner in the Books We Love "Be Our Valentine" Contest is
Teresa Komorski

Teresa, please visit our website at 
and choose the eBook or Spice eBook of your choice. Send the title to

Congratulations and thanks for being a loyal Books We Love newsletter subscriber! 

At Books We Love we LOVE our newsletter subscribers. This month, three lucky subscribers are going to win the three prizes pictured. One Chocolate Tower and one Godiva Tower. We're also giving away a sweet bundle of five romance ebooks.

That's all you have to do, simply be a subscriber! Everyone on the mailing list will have the chance to win the ebook or Spice ebook of their choice each week through Feb. 14. Watch our blog on the next five Wednesdays for the winner's names to be posted.

Contest running now through Feb. 14, 2013. Winners announced in the Feb. 15 newsletter.
Subscribe here Our newsletter comes out once a month and we'll never use your email address for any other purpose.

Thanks for supporting
Books We Love and Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Waiting On Wednesday (4)

Hosted by Breaking The Spine

Frost Burned (Mercedes Thompson, #7)Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson #7)
by Patricia Briggs
Trade Paperback, 352 pages
Expected publication: March 5th 2013 by Orbit

Shapeshifter Mercy Thompson's life is calming down, at least enough that she can focus on mundane matters like Black Friday sales. But on her return, Mercy is unable to contact her mate, Alpha Adam Hauptman, or the other members of their pack. All she knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adam's disappearance may be related - and that he and the pack are in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from the most unlikely of allies: the vampirey seethe.
I discovered this series when I took a chance on a cool looking cover on the restock chart at the public library.  I've been hooked ever since. "River Marked" (book # 6) was so low on the drama meter, I was almost afraid it was the last one!  I've patiently waited for this. Bring it!  

What are you waiting for?

Monday 28 January 2013

Teaser Tuesdays: S.E.C.R.E.T. by L. Marie Adeline

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading

S.E.C.R.E.T. by L. Marie Adeline
GoodReads | Amazon

Were it not for the very real weather, causing very real panic, I would have assumed this was, indeed, my rescue fantasy.  But there was a storm to survive and this man's tight expression made it clear to me that this wasn't part of the fantasy at all.  (pg 160)

In S.E.C.R.E.T there are…No Judgments. No limits. No shame.
Cassie Robichaud’s life is filled with regret and loneliness after the sudden death of her husband. She waits tables at the rundown Café Rose in New Orleans, and every night she heads home to her solitary one-bedroom apartment. But when she discovers a notebook left behind by a mysterious woman at the café, Cassie’s world is forever changed. The notebook’s stunningly explicit confessions shock and fascinate Cassie, and eventually lead her to S∙E∙C∙R∙E∙T, an underground society dedicated to helping women realize their wildest, most intimate sexual fantasies. Cassie soon immerses herself in an electrifying journey through a series of ten rapturous fantasies with gorgeous men who awaken and satisfy her like never before. As she is set free from her inhibitions, she discovers a new confidence that transforms her, giving her the courage to live passionately. Equal parts enticing, liberating and emotionally powerful, S∙E∙C∙R∙E∙T is a world where fantasy becomes reality.

Great Reader Review for Whistler's Murder by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey

"I took the Kindle version of Whistler’s Murder with me on holiday and really enjoyed it. The perfect mystery beach book! You have likeable, resourceful characters and kept all the threads of a pretty complicated plot woven together nicely. I liked the SF subplot, too." ~ Sherry M., reader

Whistler's Murder

Elizabeth Oliver has tagged along with her best friend Sally Matthews to Whistler where Sally is attending a science fiction/fantasy writing retreat. Elizabeth plans on spending the first week working on an article about Whistler for a travel magazine and then relaxing and enjoying being in the famous resort town for the second week. However, her well laid plan immediately begins to fall apart with the discovery of a body in a newly demolished house. Then she is again sidetracked when one of Sally’s fellow students asks her to solve the mystery of her cousin’s death and is then murdered herself.

Another Traveling Detective Series mystery.


Sunday 27 January 2013

Book Blast & Guest Post: Leopard Moon by Jeanette Battista

Leopard Moon (Moon, #1)

Leopard Moon 
by Jeanette Battista
Paperback, 206 pages
Published March 4th 2012 by Jeanette Battista 
GoodReads | Amazon
How do you disappear when you come from a family of predators?
A wereleopard, Kess is forced to flee her home and family in Miami once her brother's obsession with her turns violent. She runs from city to city, trying to stay one step ahead of the investigators her family has dispatched to bring her home. Kess ends up in the mountains of North Carolina and attracts the attention of Cormac, a young man with a secret of his own. As she attempts to live as normal a life as her were-nature allows, her brother Sek continues to hunt for her. He believes she is the key to revitalizing their weakened clan and is driven to extreme measures to ensure their continued existence. As Kess' relationship with Cormac deepens, Sek closes in, threatening Cormac's life and Kess' freedom.
When the moon rises, the hunt is on….

To help spread the word about the fact that Jeanette Battista's LEOPARD MOON, the first book in the Moon series, is available for free at Amazon for the Kindle until the end of the month Rockstar Book Tours invited the author to the blog to share a guest post about her experience writing the book.

The Moon series consists of four books - LEOPARD MOON, JACKAL MOON, HYENA MOON and HUNTER MOON - and is a series author Melissa Marr says, "... is filled with action and romance, shape shifters and strong heroines."

To check out all the books in the series on GoodReads, CLICK HERE.

I'll be honest--I wasn't planning to write a book like Leopard Moon. I had an entirely different story in my head at the time, but it just wasn't coming into clear focus. That's the funny way writing works though: there I am, sitting at a red light on my way to meet my friends for a birthday martini and pedicure, listening to Florence + the Machine and WHAM! The song Howl comes on and this whole lovely scene just starts unfolding in my head. There was Kess, running through the woods, ripping off of her clothes as she triggered a change into a black leopard. And there was Cormac, standing in a different part of the woods being beaten mercilessly by the villain. I didn't know Sek was going to turn out to be Kess' brother, but I did know who he was as a character and what he wanted.

It was truly a gift: the entire final fight scene just unspooled itself along with the song lyrics. Each beat of the song matched a key point in the fight. The more I listened, the more I realized that the lyrics could apply to all of the characters in the main triangle at some point in the story I suddenly wanted to tell. And I wanted that story to be more than just boy meeting girl--I wanted that story to be about girl saving boy, but more importantly about girl saving herself. The song Howl gave me Kess first and Sekhmet second, so a lot of what I tried to do with them was to show them as two halves of a whole, two sides of a coin. Howl, at least to me, wasn't a love song at all--it was a song about possession and obsession and all of those things that show up in our animal drives. that we'd like to forget exists.

So when I began to craft Kess and Sek, Howl played on a continuous loop. And though the song speaks of wolves, I knew these two had to be cats. Wolves have a more social nature and are more easily understood by us--I think it comes from them being a precursor to our beloved dogs. Cats are an unknown quantity, strange and separate, even if they choose to share space with us. I wanted real darkness there, not just a brief bit of danger that would be easily resolved. Obsession and mental illness gave Sek that scariness, but also--I hope--a bit of sympathy. He really does love his sister and wants what is best for her and his clan. I never intended to excuse his behavior, but I did want to try and understand it.

Just like the song made me understand that narrator of that story. I can only hope I did half so well.

To meet Kess, Cormac and Sek in this first book in the Moon series, head over to Amazon to download the Kindle eBook for free until January 31st.

It can be found HERE!

About the Author

Jeanette Battista graduated with an English degree with a concentration in medieval literature which explains her possibly unhealthy fixation on edged weapons and cathedral architecture. She spent a summer in England and Scotland studying the historical King Arthur, which did nothing to curb her obsession. To satisfy her adrenaline cravings—since sword fighting is not widely accepted in these modern times—she rode a motorcycle at ridiculously high speeds, got some tattoos, and took kickboxing and boxing classes. She gave up the bike when her daughter came along, although she still gets pummeled at the gym on a regular basis.
When she’s not writing or working, Jeanette spends time with family, hikes, reads, makes decadent brownies, buys killer boots, and plays Pocket Frogs. She wishes there were more hours in the day so she could actually do more of these things. She lives with her daughter and their ancient, ill-tempered cat in North Carolina.

This Book Blast & Guest Post is courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours !

Saturday 26 January 2013

Blogspiration # 3

Blogspiration is a new weekly meme hosted by GrowingUpYA&Saz101. The meme was created to help spark inspiration among bloggers, readers and writers alike. An inspirational quote/picture/video  is posted weekly, on the day of the author's choosing, so that it may inspire creativity, conversation or just a little SOMETHING.

Help Me & Win Giveaway

Hello Beautiful People:

I received an invitation to participate in a fashion show on Saturday April 6th in York, PA!

Other designers and media socialites from America's Next Top Model, Bad Girls Club in Atlanta, Real Housewives of Atlanta, and other television shows and magazines will also be in attendance.   At the end of the runway there will be press and media. So needless to say I was SUPER excited that someone invited little ole me to show something of my collection also.

I admit that I am a hot mess with nerves right now.

I need to figure out what pieces to show, accessories, shoes, song choice, bio, and model selections.

So here's where I need your help.  As an incentive I'm giving away my ARC of The Madman's Daughter if you're a US resident or book of choice (Under $10.00) from TBD.

The event will be to raise funds for the Keystone Wounded Warriors ( They are a nonprofit group in PA that help injured military members that have ties to the PA area. 100% of the proceeds are going to them. The group will also be in attendance along with several wounded warriors.


Sign up for our monthly newsletter and be entered in our Valentine's contest

At Books We Love we LOVE our newsletter subscribers. This month, three lucky subscribers are going to win the three prizes pictured. One Chocolate Tower and one Godiva Tower. We're also giving away a sweet bundle of five romance ebooks.

That's all you have to do, simply be a subscriber! Everyone on the mailing list will have the chance to win the ebook or Spice ebook of their choice each week through Feb. 14. Watch our blog on the next five Wednesdays for the winner's names to be posted.

Contest running now through Feb. 14, 2013. Winners announced in the Feb. 15 newsletter.
Subscribe here Our newsletter comes out once a month and we'll never use your email address for any other purpose.

Thanks for supporting
Books We Love and Happy Valentine's Day!