Wednesday 30 January 2013

Tour Stop {Guest Post/Giveaway}: Oxford Whispers by Marion Croslydon

The story behind the covers of OXFORD WHISPERS By Marion Croslydon

My original idea for the cover of Oxford Whispers was directly inspired by the covers of the Twilight saga. I loved its simplicity and symbolism. I have to admit not being a big fan of the stereotyped romance novel covers: half-naked dude next to an almost-as-naked chick. So we went for a simple red rose (which plays a role in the story) on a black backdrop. I liked it, but I knew deep down it lacked vibrancy and didn’t really match the story and the characters.

That was when I met (online) the fabulous Claudia McKinney at PhatPuppyArt. I loved her covers. Lately she’s done the absolutely unforgettable cover of On Dublin Street by Samantha Young, which features a couple about to kiss each other! I normally don’t like that, but with her it was so tasteful and sensual at the same time… She introduced me to her photographer Teresa Yeh. These two ladies have been truly amazing to me and I’m forever grateful.

They directed me towards a more modern feel by carefully choosing models, while keeping the mystery element of the novel through the digital work on the background, lights etc…

The first cover shows Madison only. I wanted it that way because the book is about a girl’s journey first and foremost. I wanted a really modern feeling to it and the photo does capture that, IMHO. For the second and third book, we have both Rupert and Madison. My favorite part in this process: choosing the models! Going through their portfolios was so much fun.

About The Author
In addition to being an author, I work as an entrepreneur, wife and mother-of-one but spend a good deal of time with books, DVDs and listening to my mp3 player; all for the sake of inspiration, of course.
My debut series, The Oxford Trilogy, has been a blast to write because I can indulge in my favorite types of music: Country and English rock.
My main goal as a writer is to make readers dream bigger and cause their hearts to beat a little faster.
Since my writing is all about sharing dreams and stories, I love connecting with fellow readers and authors.

About The Novel
Oxford Whispers 
(The Oxford Trilogy #1)
by Marion Croslydon
GoodReads | Amazon
Paperback, 324 pages
Published October 8th 2012 
by Carlux Publishing
Oxford Whispers (The Oxford Trilogy, # 1)Madison LeBon is dead set against the dead.
Her fresh start at Oxford University is a brand new beginning. She finally has a chance to turn the page on her psychic powers and cumbersome voodoo heritage. Snakes, dolls, ghosts, and spirits: Farewell…
Not quite.
When the tragic lovers in a painting—the subject of her first history class—begin to haunt her, she must accept her gift before life imitates art. The lovers warn her against their own nemesis, a Puritan from the English Civil War. Unfortunately, said nemesis is now going all homicidal on Madison.
College becomes more complicated when she falls hard for Rupert Vance, a troubled aristocrat and descendant of one of the characters in the painting. With the spirit of a murderer after her, Madison realizes that her own first love may also be doomed…
(1) Print Copy of OXFORD WHISPER - International, 
and (8) eBook copies of OXFORD WHSIPERS - International 

This Tour Stop is courtesy of AToMR Tours!

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