Monday 7 January 2013

New Interview with Author Gail Roughton

We welcome Gail Roughton to the BWL blog this week. Today we feature a new interview with her, and for the next several days you can catch some fun excerpts of her BWL work. Enjoy! 

Gail Roughton has spent over thirty years in a law office as a legal secretary/paralegal. During those thirty plus years, she raised three children and quite a few attorneys. She kept herself sane by writing books, tossing each completed novel in her closet. The children are grown and she decided it was time to clean out the closet. Now multi-published, her credits include the paranormal romantic suspense series, War-N-Wit, Inc. and a dark romance/horror series, appropriately titled Dark. She still maintains she couldn’t have this much fun for free doing anything else. 

Places to find Gail:

Twitter: @GailRoughton

BWL:  Why did you choose the genre you write in? Is it your favorite to read, or another reason?

GR: I didn’t actually choose the genre I write in.  It chose me.  I start out with only one goal.  I just want to tell a story.  Not just any story.  A goodstory.  A great story would be even better.  A story about characters who live, breathe, hate, love, lose and win.  Who come to life as the reader turns the pages.  It took about eight books for me to realize – all my stories have some element or other of the paranormal, whether I think I’m writing romance or suspense or fantasy or even horror.  So while I never guarantee I’m writing in one specific genre or the other (even in the same book), I pretty much can guarantee that there’ll be elements of the paranormal in it.

BWL:  What was your favorite book as a child or young adult?

GR:  Gone With the Wind.  I kid you not.  My sister took me to see the movie when I was 6, back in the days when it was re-released every seven years in the movie theaters.  I read the book the summer between the second and third grades, and it wasn’t until I was eleven or twelve that another book had as much impact on me.  And that book was To Kill a Mockingbird.

BWL:  If you could go back in time for one day, which time period would you like to visit?

GR:  Honestly?  I wouldn’t.  Go back to any time period for even one day.  I started thinking about it and then had visions of all the stuff that could happen during that one day.  I mean, Rome?  They’d probably throw me to the lions in the Coliesum.  Medieval England?  I’d get covered with fleas.  Or catch the Bubonic Plague.  The American West?  Sure as shootin’, the wagon train I was on would be attacked and I’d catch an arrow or get taken as a hostage. So thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll stay here.

BWL:  Choose one person, living or dead, you'd like to share a meal with.

GR:  I lost my big sister about fifteen years ago.  I’d love the chance to tell her all about her niece and nephews, her great-nephew and her almost here great-niece.  And to show her my book covers.  She actually read a few of my books before she died, several of which are still in my closet and might or might not ever get re-written now that I know at least a little more about how to write a book. She did read the first draft of the Dark Series, twenty years before it ever pubbed, and I’ve always been so grateful for that.  But I’d love for her to see my parade of covers.

BWL:  Name one thing you'd change about yourself if you could.

GR:  To be better.  A better person, a better mother, a better friend, a better writer. Okay, that encompasses a lot of facets of my personality, but it’s really still just one thing.  To be better. 

BWL:  Thanks Gail! 

Find Gail's complete collection of Books We Love titles here:
and come back tomorrow to catch the first of her excerpts! 

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