Tuesday 1 January 2013

{Author Interview & Giveaway}: A Shade Of Vampire by Bella Forrest

A Shade of Vampire

After reading the debut novel, A Shade Of Vampire (Review here), the author Bella Forrest joins us for Q&A and a giveaway:

This novel was released on December 14th and already has had almost 13,000 downloads, and it is ranking #27 in Amazon's free best seller's list.
1) Who designed your cover?
I designed the cover myself.

2) What was the inspiration behind it's title and design?
a) The design:
The inspiration comes from the Blood Shade – the dark island where the story
is set. It’s a unique place in that, whilst it’s dangerous and threatening, it’s also
magical and enchanting.
b) The title:
I won’t reveal my inspiration for this now because it may give away some things
that are to come in the next few books.

3) What inspired you to write this story?
A man I loved, who passed away much younger than he should have.

4) What inspired the setting?
You know, I’m not really sure how to answer this. It pretty much just appeared, fully
formed in my head.
I’m very visual by nature. When I sit down to write an outline for a novel, it’s almost
like I’m creating a movie. Stories form in my head as if I were watching a film.
And I just “saw” this setting. After that, I looked for images that sort of matched my
vision to help with the description.

5) What authors do you admire and why?
Oh, there are so many!
But for the purposes of this interview, I’ll list three:
1) Jane Austen. I’ve read most of her novels at least three times. I’m a hopeless
romantic and her characters and stories feed my addiction. They were just made for
2) JK Rowling. In my view, she is one of the most incredible story-tellers of our time.
Needless to say, I’m a major Potter fan.
3) C.S. Lewis. His excellent books were such a huge part of growing as a reader when
I was a child. I still revisit his stories to this day, from time to time.

6) Do you consider this novel YA (young adult) or NA (New Adult)?
I’d classify this as young adult.

7) What inspired you to tackle the taboo topic of Stockholm syndrome/capture bonding?
Honestly, I’d never even heard of this syndrome before you mentioned it - I had to
Google it! So I was not tackling this topic at all.
I was just writing a love story.

8) What message to you want to convey to your readers?
Essentially when I write stories, I write about love. But I don’t write with the
intention of conveying a particular message. I get too lost in my own world for that.

9) I've never heard of Sofia's unusual mental condition. Will this be to her advantage in future novels?
Quite possibly!

10) Surely there's a sequel in the future! When can we expect more?
I’ve already told readers about three months. But I’ve also told them not to murder me
if it’s slightly later! Every day I get readers writing to me to hurry up. I really don’t
like thinking about deadlines when I write, but I promise I’m trying my best!
A Shade of Vampire

The author has extended this giveaway for another few days, 
also to include International shipping.
Oh, and the book will be signed!

Can't wait for the giveaway to end?
Buy it now on Amazon:

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