Wednesday 2 January 2013

{Review & Giveaway}: The Alchemy of Forever by Avery Williams

The Alchemy of Forever (Incarnation #1)
by Avery Williams
Hardcover, 256 pages
Published January 3rd 2012 by Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers 

Source: Purchased
GoodReads | Amazon

In the first novel of the Incarnation series, the immortal Serephina grapples with a wrenching truth: Falling in love might mean succumbing to death.People say “love never dies”…but love might be the death of Seraphina.

Seraphina has been alive since the Middle Ages, when her boyfriend, Cyrus, managed to perfect a method of alchemy that lets them swap bodies with any human being. Sera ran away from Cyrus years ago, when she realized that what they were doing—taking the lives of innocent people—was wrong. Yet she doesn’t want to die, so she finds young people who are on the brink of death, and inhabits their bodies.

Sera has just landed in the body of a girl named Kailey who was about to die in a car accident. For the first time, Sera falls in love with the life of the person she’s inhabiting. Sera also falls for the boy next door, Noah. And soon it’s clear the feelings are returned. But she can never kiss Noah, because for her to touch lips with a human would mean the human’s death. And she has even more to worry about: Cyrus is chasing her. If she stays in one place for long, she puts herself—and the people she’s grown to care for—in great danger. Will Sera have to give up the one thing that’s eluded her for centuries: true love?

The Alchemy of Forever tells the story of a girl who finds love after 200 years of defying true death.
 “Seraphina” means “angel”. It is also the name of the main character. This book is told from her point of view. Sera is over 200 years old and has lived to the point where she’s dead inside. Which is sort of an oxymoron but it makes a lot of sense in the context of this story. This story is about ghosts. Well its way more complicated than that! This has elements of spiritual growth from an unlikely angle with a whole lot of syfy camaraderie.
The setting is first in the Middle Ages and then in the present day. I enjoyed watching Sera’s ambitious road to redemption and the miraculous barricades detouring her at a second chance. However she wasn’t very smart for a 200 15 year old girl. She made a lot of errors; and I found myself yelling at the book like one would yell at that girl in a horror movie. The other characters were believable if not a bit vague. I’m still a bit on the fence about some of their reactions, but I suppose in the end it worked.
When I picked this up I had the preconceived notion that it would be about a person or two walking through life with a memory of another life. But that’s Reincarnation! This is about Incarnations! *SMH* I know, I know. But I refuse to read the synopsis first. That’s a sure fire way to knowing too much.
I enjoyed this novel. I would love to see where it goes in the next book. This is a light & quick read suitable for 16 & older. There are suicidal elements but nothing too graphic or horrid.
Favorite Quote: ""The scariest thing about lncarnates is that we look just like everybody else.""

This is the first giveaway in support of my 2013 TBR PILE Reading Challenge!
Check out this link to see what's next on the giveaway agenda.

This book is gently used and from my personal collection.
Good Luck!

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