Thursday 3 January 2013

Dreamheart Spotlight # 30

The world can be changed by something as small as a single photograph.

The ability to tell a story with images has long since been considered an art form. It does not simply amount to pointing and clicking but focusing on things that are "ordinary" and allowing people to view them as you would-extraordinary.

Thus are the thoughts of 19-year-old, aspiring fashion photographer, Becky-Marie.

"I also love the making of surreal photographs that take the viewer into another world and tell a story, or convey a powerful message," she said. "Post-processing always helps, as you can transform an image to anywhere your imagination can take you to."

Becky-Marie's passion for this field is evident when she speaks and it is simply poetic.

"I love the way that one photograph can bring people together, inflict emotions, and tell a story. It's that one moment in time that will never happen again, but is saved forever so that when you look at it, you're transformed back into that moment, saved forever. For fashion photography it's a little different, however, it's almost like a fantasy world that you can escape to in a story. You can apply it to your life."

Self-taught, Becky-Marie has gained much in the form of hands on experience. "Ever since picking up a camera at age 6, receiving my first Polaroid throw away camera, I knew. I could spend hours taking pictures and went through like a million film rolls", she mused.

"Fashion has always inspired and driven me, along with conceptual photography", she said. "...combining the two to create conceptual fashion images was easily second nature for me."

While in her early internet surfing years, Becky-Marie discovered photographers who would one day become her heroes.

"I discovered a photographer who really inspired me with her dark conceptual style, Lara Jade. Her work inspired me to get better, and shoot more story-like dark editorials. I am also greatly influenced by the great Paolo Roversi, a fashion photography genius in my eyes", she said.

Things haven't always been as smooth flowing for Becky-Marie.

"It's really tough coordinating shoots at times as older members of my crew will look down upon my age, and not corporate. However, still being entrusted with designer work or editorials for important projects, I do the best of my ability to manage all the crew members of the shoot and get the shots I need", she said.

"It is also difficult breaking into the world of fashion on a budget. Contrary to popular belief, most of my published work is simply trade work, and the majority of the time comes out of my budget. I set up the entire team of make-up artists, hair stylists, wardrobe stylists, designers, etc, and it's my duty to find ones who will either work for trade or pay them from my own accord. I'm also responsible for props, location permits, model contracts, equipment for the shoot, food, and of course, my own time invested including photo-retouching after the shoot that can sometimes be a few days work.

You can plan and plan for a shoot, but a lot of things can go wrong come shoot day. The best thing you can do is brainstorm quickly, stay calm, and try to make things work as best as you can.

The fortunate side is, I love my career, and I'm very passionate about what I do. Despite all the stresses and weight on my shoulders, I always get through the hurdles in the end, and come out with better images."

In a recent relocation to the West side, Becky-Marie was fortunate enough to catch a break.

"California is just amazing. I would be lying if I said [moving here] was only to chase my dreams, however it still played a major part in my decision. See, photography only works as a job where there is work.. and where else in the world (minus the other fashion capitals) would I be able to find more opportunities to work? In just 3 months of moving here, I've done more for my photography than in the last year."

"Cliche contacted me a few months ago after seeing my photography portfolio on a networking site called Model Mayhem, and wondered if I could pull a shoot together in time for their deadline in November. They told me the concepts they wanted (New years in the City) for the series, and I pulled an amazing team together to shoot in San Francisco. Check out Cliche's holiday issue for my feature - out now! "

Beck-Marie is looking forward to 2013 in her promising new home.

"I want to make beautiful, powerful art. I want to move people, and I'm driven by this crazy industry we call fashion, that I WILL eventually break in to. I love collaborating with others to change the world...which, I believe, CAN be changed by something as small as a single photograph."

Want to know more about this Dreamheart?
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Welcome back to Dreamheart Spotlight!  Thanks so much for tuning in today.
Be sure to show Becky Marie some love!


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