Friday 15 February 2013

Now Available: Allegra's Dream by Shirley Martin

Allegra's Dream
Avador Book 4

Used as a pawn for much of her life, Allegra vows that someday she will determine her own fate. But when Rowan Leinster becomes her guardian, she fears she has gone from bad to worse.
Soon, danger threatens her.  For her safety, Rowan takes her to a far-distant land, a world beyond time and space. There, Allegra and Rowan discover their growing love for each other, yet they realize they can't stay in this paradise. With the help of a friendly dragon, they return to their own world with its turmoil and strife.
When a handsome king seeks Allegra's hand in marriage, she must choose between the needs of her country and the desires of her heart.
Shirley Martin Avador Series
Published by Books We Love

Book 1 – Night Secrets
Book 2 – Night Shadows
Book 3 – Enchanted Cottage
Book 4 – Allegra’s Dream

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