Wednesday 20 February 2013

Crazy Stupid Love Giveaway Hop: Sunshine by Nikki Rae

Hosted by Talk Supe
In support of the New Adult craze, I'm introducing:

Sunshine (Sunshine Series, #1)
Sunshine (Sunshine Series, #1)

by Nikki Rae
ebook, 330 pages
Published January 28th 2013
18 year old Sophie Jean is pretty good at acting normal. Sure, she’s not exactly happy, but happiness is nothing compared to being like everyone else. She can pretend she’s not allergic to the sun. She can hide what her ex-boyfriend did to her. She can cover up the scars she’s made for herself. Ignore anything. Forget anything. Then Myles enters her life, and he has more than a few secrets of his own. When accident after accident keeps happening to Sophie, she can’t help noticing that he’s everywhere. That he knows too much. That she’s remembering too much.
It’s one thing covering up her own dark past, but does she really need to worry about people finding out just how much Myles likes her? Or that despite how much she doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes, she kind of likes him back? Not to mention the fact that she now has to conceal that Myles drinks blood-that he says he’s about four hundred years old.
She almost forgot about that part.
But Sophie has no plans to ruin the normal life she has created for herself. She can deal with this little glitch, no problem. Even if word has gotten around to the wrong vampire about Sophie and Myles, even if she’s putting the few people she loves at risk. Suddenly, those who were monsters before are just people, and the monsters? They’re real. Now being a normal human being is the least of her problems. Now she has to stay alive.
About the Author:

Nikki Rae is a student (at Richard Stockton College) and writer who lives in New Jersey. She also works part time at Petsmart and loves animals. When she is not writing, thinking, or reading, she is most likely hanging out with her gecko (Neil Gaiman), drawing in a quiet corner, or drinking tea by the gallon. Sunshine is her first book.

What inspired you to write Sunshine?

A few different things. Mainly, I got really bad sun poisoning on a trip to Aruba with my family (Ugh, it was so horrible).So I basically spent the rest of the trip in a hotel room by myself. Sophie and Myles showed up in the haze of pain and aloe-vera lotion. Some of the story came then, but mostly, I just listened to what they had to say until I broke my knee a year or two later and had nothing else to do. I finally just started writing and writing until I had the first draft.

What's your top three favorite paranormal beings as the male lead in a romance & why?
Oooh. That’s hard. I really like Sin (Swoon by Nina Malkin), who is a golem, Caspian (The Hollow by  Jessica Verday) who is a ghost, and Eric Northman (The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris) who is a Viking vampire. : ) I like them all for different reasons, I guess. They all have different personalities and problems that come with their supernatural abilities. But I think I probably like it most when they seem human.

What's your stand on sex in YA?
Bring it. Lol. No, in all seriousness, I believe that there’s a time and place for it. When I was a young adult, I found it strange that when characters were in love, they never had sex, or if they did, it was off camera. I completely understand why some YA authors would not include sex scenes. YA spans a wide range of ages, some of them on the younger side. The fact of the matter is, if the plot and story point to two characters having sex, they should. The way that’s it’s done is way more important than the fact that it is happening. No one is saying an author has to bust out Fifty Shades of Grey caliber sex scenes (and for the love of god, please don’t), but to just build up to something that your characters, readers, and you know is supposed to happen but doesn’t is cheating them and yourself.
What's your stand on "bad boy" males in YA romance?
I have a love hate relationship with them. Mostly, I kind of get annoyed when there’s a “bad boy” with a heart of gold or something in a book, TV, show, or movie. There’s nothing wrong with them. They can absolutely work, like Noah Shaw in The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, or Sinclair Youngblood Powers in Swoon. They work because there is more to them than just being a “bad boy”.  Noah has a dark past, and Sin wants revenge for something that happened to him. The main problem with the whole “bad boy” thing is that there usually isn’t a reason for it other than for the main character to fall for the guy “from the opposite side of the tracks”. So I guess the simple answer would be: yes, I like the occasional bad boy when it’s done right. : )

Do you prefer damsels in distress, socially awkward, or kick-ass heroines & why?
I prefer a mixture. Similar to the bad boy question, I think it’s okay to have a bad ass or socially awkward heroine as long as they have a reason for it. Are they protecting someone from something? Are they afraid of people for a particular reason? Usually, I can’t STAND damsels in distress. However, I can deal with any type of character as long as they learn and grow from their experiences. 
What's the future of Sunshine?  (series, trilogy, saga, etc)
It’s a series. Right now, there are at least three books, but it will most likely end up being four.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three books would you have?  E-readers are not an option, because they would die rather quickly with no power.
Oh man. I would bring: Tale of The Body Thief by Anne Rice because I never get tired of that book, Who Killed Amanda Palmer: A Collection of Photographic Evidence, because it has beautiful pictures of my hero, Amanda Palmer in it, as well as stories from Neil Gaiman, and probably a book like John Dies At The End because it’s funny.
If Sunshine was adopted into a motion picture would it be a soap opera, prime time weekly show, cable show, or big screen only?
Hmmm…I think it would be kind of cool if it were a movie. I think soap opera would be too overly-dramatic for it, and I don’t feel like you could quite tell the entire story in short half hour or hour segments of a TV show.
Tell us your dream cast.
Oh lord. I never know how to answer this question. I don’t usually find actors that look a whole lot like my characters in my head, but I can try to narrow it down for some of them.
Sophie: Emily Browning (Sucker Punch).
Myles: oh man. It’s hard. Gaspard Ulliel (Hannibal Rising) has his dimple, but Ian Somerhalder (The Vampire Diaries) kind of has his eyes. Agh. It’s so hard.


Jade: Jade was almost completely made up out of Jade Puget from AFI.
Boo: Aaron Yoo (Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist)

Trei:  Jamie Chung (Once Upon A Time)

Alex: Miss Mosh (alternative model)
Adrienne: Hayden Christensen (Jumper)
Phew, that was hard. Haha.

What 10 songs would be on the musical soundtrack for Sunshine?
It was really hard, but I think I have a list:
1. “Blister in The Sun” by The Violent Femmes
2.  “Sorta Fairy Tale” Tori Amos
3.  “Frozen Creek” by Circa Survive
4.  “Conversation 16” by The National
5.  “Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division
6. “Glass Slipper” by The Dresden Dolls
7. “Devil’s Song” by Anthony Green
“Out And In And In And Out” by Portugal. The Man 
9. “10lb Mustache” by Man Man
10. “Sun Hands” by Local Natives
We love fashion, so tell us a little about Sophie's style. (Hair, clothes, shoes, etc)
Sophie is definitely unique. She’s got magenta hair. She wears combat boots everywhere. She loves punk and torn jeans and faded band T-shirts. Sophie’s allergic to the sun, so she has to wear a trench coat that covers her extremities while she’s outside, as well as wrap around shades. I’d probably describe her style as a cross between punk/goth/grunge.
I really got a kick out of interviewing Nikki Rae.  I was excited before but now I'm ecstatic!
This blog hop runs from 12:01AM Feb. 21st through to 11:59PM Feb. 28th. 
 This giveaway is US/CAN/Internatiional!
There will be 2 winners!

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