Tuesday 19 February 2013

Tour Stop {Review/Giveaway}: Barbie Girl by Heidi Acosta

Barbie Girl (Baby Doll, #1)Barbie Girl (Baby Doll #1)
by Heidi Acosta
ebook, 189 pages
Published (first published November 1st 2012)
The only thing that 17 year old Barbie Starr wants to do is graduate high school so she and her little brother, Everett, can get out of Alabama. She doesn’t care about the rumors that are spread around about her like wild fire. Rumors are nothing new to her. Sure, maybe she could change her reputation, but why bother. She is leaving Alabama as soon as she can. That is, if she can pass algebra and graduate.
The only thing Dylan Knight would like to do is go through high school unnoticed; he has had enough of the drama that is high school. He took the whole of last summer to bulk-up: finally he is not being called names or being shoved into lockers. He wants to remain on the outside of the circle of constant rumors that surround the so-called popular kids who get all the attention. He would not, however, mind if his long time crush Katie took notice of him.
But it is Barbie who notices Dylan and she offers him a deal he can’t pass up: if he helps her pass algebra, she’ll help him get the girl of his dreams. Dylan agrees, but, as it turns out, nothing is simple when it comes to Barbie. Somehow, she can’t help but draw attention to herself — and to him. Soon Dylan finds himself tossed into the whirlwind of rumors that seem to follow Barbie everywhere. Can he save his reputation and still get the girl of his dreams? Or will Barbie be the one to break through his carefully-built facade?
Book Trailer:
About the Author 

Heidi Acosta was born on Long Island, New York. Moving around a lot when she was younger, she has lived in New York, Arizona, New York (again), Washington, Georgia, and Florida, in that order. Each place offered her something special, but she will always consider New York her home.
Heidi started writing as soon as she could spell. When she was three, Heidi’s mother gave her a copy of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods; thus beginning her lifelong love affair with literature.
Writing soon also became a form of therapy for Heidi, when she realized that no matter what was happening in her life, she could find emotional escape while writing. Some of her earliest stories featured her as a princess who explored new worlds with her horse Buttercup. If it sounds romantic, it wasn’t, there was no prince charming in those fairy lands (boys where yucky). Heidi now resides in Florida with her husband, very active daughter, one hyper Chihuahua, two sweet cats, and one very fat moody cat.
Author Links: Website | Goodreads |  Twitter |  Facebook

“You think you have everything figured out, that everyone has their place, that it is black and white, you fail to see the gray in-between.”

Barbie Girl is a novel that will have you rethinking your own preconceptions and dismissing, if not, analyzing rumors before you take them at face value.  Hopefully it’ll also open your eyes up to second chances and second impressions of everyone around you.

Barbie Girl tells the story of what happens when a geeky guy makes a deal with a girl with a bad reputation to get the attention of the “good girl”.  Of course someone falls in love, true identities are revealed and things don’t go as smoothly as originally planned. 

The depiction of the characters in Barbie Girl were almost, I dare say, solid! 
Yeah Dylan Knight has his issues with prejudging Barbie and everyone else around him, bit who hasn’t.  That made him very believable in my eyes.   I’ll be lying if I said; I’d never bought into rumors or allowed them to affect my opinion of someone until proven otherwise.  With that being said, I found it sad that he allowed those same misconceptions to affect his actions later on even after he got to know Barbie.  
Third (aka whose real name is far too embarrassing to mention in this review) was an awesome wing man.  He’s the best friend struggling with an identity crisis.  He reminded me so much of almost half of my high school student body.  His antics at trying to be “cool” provided much of the comic relief.
Barbie Starr!  I adored her. She was labeled many things.  Among them were “the hottest girl in school” and “the easiest girl in school”.  Some of these labels were spewed from a bit of truth.  Yet there was so much more to her story.  Even with her issues, she made for an entertaining read.
Katie Bloom was the objective and distraction in Barbie Girl.  She’s the perfect student and ideal girlfriend according to Dylan. In the course of Dylan rallying to win her affections, we learn that she’s not all as she appears on the outside.    I don’t believe her character was fully developed.    It would be a delight to see her world further explored in the future.
All and all, I read this one rather quickly. Less than 24 hours is a record with my hectic schedule nowadays.  I've also highlighted quite a few very memorable scenes.  I was drawn to this novel by the catchy cover, but I honestly did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did.  I figured it would be ho-hum. See I was prejudging, but I know better now. (I hope.)  I am delighted that I picked this up, because I can’t think of a single complaint.   I like how Barbie Girl ended on a drooling note both inside and outside the book.  It definitely has me wanting more.  I can’t wait to see what drama Barbie World brings.

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