Thursday 14 February 2013

Tour Stop {Book Excerpt}: Furthermore: An Anthology by Rebekah Campbell, David Estes, Amber Garr, Karen Amanda Hooper, Stephanie Judice, & Leigh Michael

Furthermore: An AnthologyFurthermore: An Anthology
by Rebekah Campbell, David Estes, Amber Garr, Karen Amanda Hooper, Stephanie Judice, & Leigh Michael 
Published December 11th 2012
GoodReads | Amazon
A first date, a lottery, treachery and deceit. Sometimes fate has other plans. Sometimes there’s more to tell.
In Furthermore: An Anthology, eighteen original stories take you on a journey through worlds here and beyond. From the depths of the earth to the embrace of the sea, your favorite series continue. Prequels, alternative views, and new scenes give readers a chance to experience more than originally told.
Including stories from Rebekah Campbell, Amber Garr, David Estes, Leigh Michael, Karen Amanda Hooper, Stephanie Judice, and Mayandree Michael. And most importantly, in honor of those who lost the battle and those who continue to fight, all proceeds from this anthology will be donated to cancer research and support.
SURPRISE VISITOR -Emily has never been a fan of surprises but Eric has something up his sleeve to change her mind. (The Darkness Through The Light Series)
GETTING TO KNOW THE HEAVIES - The two Sullivan bodyguards are still human beings underneath it all. And everyone has a weakness. (The Darkness Through The Light Series)
PEOPLE CHANGE - When Eric asks his dad a question about his mother, it’s time to go back to where it all began and then went so badly wrong. (The Darkness Through The Light Series)
COLD FEET - Kain witnesses Eviana’s deceit on their wedding day and is forced to deal with the consequences of her behavior. (The Syrenka Series)
RIFT - Daniel encourages the group to make a detour to the Grand Canyon, as the distance between the friends begins to rival the great ravine. (The Syrenka Series)
DISCOVERY - Leila’s first encounter with her psychic mentor is nothing short of memorable. (The Leila Marx Novels)
HUMAN RESOURCES – Blake finds a new job while Mac finds a friend who reminds him of home. (The Leila Marx Novels)
THE RUNAWAY- TAWNI’S STORY - After learning of her parents’ treachery, Tawni leaves home seeking to make amends for their transgressions. (The Dwellers Saga)
THE LIFE LOTTERY- A STORY FROM YEAR ZERO - With the survival of the human race on the brink, there’s only one way to decide who will be saved in the underground caves: The Lottery. (The Dwellers Saga)
FATE: Experience Annabelle’s struggle to fulfill the ABA Prophecy in a new light through the parting words of Adrian, Aurelia, Blake, and Lady Katherine. (Annabelle’s Story)
THE SOUND OF LOVE - Glimpse into one of Nathaniel’s previous lives and see how his soul mate reacts when tragedy strikes. (The Kindrily Series)
MUIRNE’S MELODY--To escape her master’s vile desires, Muirne flees into the snow-swept night, finding a green-eyed stranger and a mystical destiny. (Saga of the Setti Series)
JEREMY’S HEART: Calm, cool, and complete scoundrel, Jeremy realizes the loss he’s suffered means nothing compared to true love. (Saga of the Setti Series)
FALL FROM GRACE: Warped by centuries of darkness, the creature Sveigja plots to capture Clara as his queen. (Saga of the Setti Series)

Excerpt 2 (The Syrenka Series - Cold Feet)

As soon as I saw the first glimmer of sunrise, I trudged back up to the house and tried to prepare myself for the humiliation to come. Though early morning, a flurry of movement reminded me that wedding preparations were in full swing. I sighed as I took that last, heavy step up to the expansive wood deck. No amount of preparation would make this any easier.
The sliding glass door slid open with a thud, and three protectors emerged carrying large vases of flowers. Troy saw me standing in the shadows and nodded in my direction.
“Master Matthew. I didn’t know you were here already.”
I tried to make my smile look authentic. “Couldn’t sleep.”
He set the heavy arrangement down and wiped a bead of sweat from his face. “Getting cold feet yet?” he teased.
My stomach flipped and I swallowed the anger in my throat. Instead of replying I forced out a laugh. This wouldn’t be easy. I was here and no one knew Eviana was gone. Who do I tell first?
“Is Mistress Dumahl inside?” I asked, deciding on her mother, the leader of their clan.
“Yes, in the banquet room I believe,” Troy said.
I nodded to him and walked inside the house. Moving around the center island, I couldn’t help but notice the flowers and baskets and wedding decorations scattered all over the place. A lot had gone into the planning of this wedding, and a lot of people were going to be very disappointed.
As I rounded the corner, I ran into a petite woman carrying a clipboard and yelling into her cell phone.
“No, I said fuchsia, not pink. You better not show up here with pink bows.” She looked up with a glare before recognizing me. “I’m not arguing about this anymore. Just be here soon.” She hung up and shook her head. “I tell you, give someone a little leeway and they think they can redesign the whole wedding.”
“Mistress Dumahl,” I said. “I need to…”
“Please, call me Marguerite, Kain. You’re a part of this family now.” She beamed at me with a smile that perfectly matched Eviana’s. I sucked in a breath. “I wasn’t expecting you so early, but I’m glad you’re here. Perhaps you can get her out of bed?”
“Eviana? But I need to talk to…”
“Yes,” she said and brushed past me. “Please tell Eviana that I need her downstairs in twenty minutes.”
Before she finished that sentence, her phone rang again. I heard her yelling at yet another vendor as she marched through the house. Tempted to leave, I stood there weighing the pros and cons of that decision. I could just slip away until they noticed Eviana had left and let them break the news to me.

That would be easier, but that would also be cowardly.

This is a two-book tour, so be sure to check out my Touching Evil post also.

This Tour Stop is courtesy of iLOVE tours!

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