Monday 4 February 2013

Tour Stop {Author Interview}:Mad World: Sanctuary by Samaire Provost

Mad World: SanctuaryMad World: Sanctuary (Mad World #2)
by Samaire Provost
Paperback, 214 pages
Published August 30th 2012 by Creatspace

The year is 2017, and the Black Plague infection has swept across most of the United States, leaving death and chaos in its wake. Martial law is the rule rather than the exception, with outbreaks cropping up when they're least expected. Alyssa and her friends must not only battle outbreaks of the disease, but also find themselves pursued by government agents – men and women determined to track them down at any cost.
Fleeing north to the fabled Sanctuary, Alyssa, Jacob, DeAndre, Caitlyn, Risa and Luke face disturbing ordeals and terrible tragedy as they encounter unbelievable situations in their struggle to reach safety. Using their skills and wits in their fight to survive against ever worsening odds, they weather hardship, betrayal, and the ever-present specter of death as they flee north, all the while vowing to protect one another – and most of all their precious 5-year-old Luke, from a world gone mad.
Sanctuary, the second installment in the Mad World series, is a heart-rending adventure of astonishing revelations, tragic discoveries, agonizing separations and devastating losses that test these friends to their limits. With heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat suspense at every turn, this is a story you will not be able to put down.
Find out what happens next.

1.     Talk or Text? 
Talk. I like real conversations. That being said, if I am apart from my best friend, the texting will be fast and furious.

2.     Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
 Cyber Monday. Although I am not one for shopping, I prefer to do it online.

3.     New York or Miami?  
Ooh, that's a hard one. I love sunshine and beaches, so Miami would be great. But I also want to visit NYC someday and go to all the museums and see some Broadway Plays.  So, it's a tie, I guess.

4.     What's your favorite favor ice cream? 
I love Chocolate Mousse Royale from Baskin Robbins.

5.     Cable or internet? 
Internet, definitely.

6.     Facebook or Twitter? 
I love both, but I'm much more active on Facebook.

7.     If you can be any character in your novel, who and why?  
I'd like to be Risa. She is so brave, it really become apparent in books 3 & 4.

8.     What inspired you in writing this novel?  
I'd just finished reading a zombie apocalypse novel and I wanted to give the genre a try. I thought I could add to the offerings.  I love writing about strong females, and this series definitely has it's share.

9.     What motivated you in writing this novel? 
I began writing the first in the series, EPIDEMIC, and the more the characters spoke to me, and told me about their journey, and I saw how brave and courageous they were, I became more and more motivated to tell their story.

10.  What makes your zombies so scary? (Are they traditional zombies or cyborg zombies from out of space?)
They are more traditional zombies, and what makes them scary is: they're evolving.  Learning.  Getting stronger.

11.  What makes the hero(ine) badass?  
There are several heroes in SANCTUARY, and what makes them so badass is their sheer bravery and courage, and their willingness to do anything to get the job done, whether that is a rescue, or just getting through a bad situation.

12.  How's the weather in Cali?
It's been a bit cold this winter... I can't wait for the sunshine to return.

About the Author 
Born naked. Clothed and fed shortly thereafter by adoring parents who looked on in bemusement as their daughter became a reading, writing, free-spirited, feral, animal loving, bleeding-heart chocolate lover who laughs easily. Samaire Provost is a California writer of Young Adult novels. Her love of paranormal stories, odd plots, and unique tales as well as C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, E.A.Poe, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, and Stephen King has deeply influenced her writing. 

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