Thursday 7 February 2013

New Interview with Author Shirley Martin

We welcome Shirley Martin to the BWL blog this week. Today we feature a new interview with her, and for the next several days you can catch some excerpts of her BWL work. Enjoy!

Born near Pittsburgh, Shirley Martin attended the University of Pittsburgh. After graduating from "Pitt", she taught school for one year, then obtained a position as a flight attendant with Eastern Airlines. Based in Miami, she met her future husband there. After raising three sons, she devoted her time to writing, something she had always wanted to do.

With a vivid imagination and a love of storytelling, Shirley has always enjoyed writing. Her first published novel, "Destined to Love" reflects her familiarity with western Pennsylvania, where she hails from, and her love of romance writing. From this historical romance, she blossomed out to other romance genres. "One More Tomorrow" is a vampire romance, one her publisher dubbed "a sizzling seller". With several fantasy novels and novellas, her writing should appeal to just about every reader of romance. Her books have been sold at Amazon and most major book stores and have garnered great reviews.

A widow, Shirley lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her two cats.

Visit her website:

BWL:  Why did you choose the genre you write in? Is it your favorite to read, or another reason? 

SM:  I love to write and read fantasy.  In writing, you can let your imagine run wild. There are so many possibilities. 

BWL:  Describe yourself using 5 words. 

SM:  Old but young at heart.

BWL:  What might readers be surprised to learn about you? 

SM:  I was once engaged to a man from Beirut, Lebanon.  Almost married him but then met the man I later married. 

BWL:  What was your favorite book as a child or young adult?  

SM:  As a young adult, I read many historical novels. (they weren't romances then, just historicals.)  "Captain from Castille" was my favorite, later made into a movie. 

BWL:  What super power would you like to have and how would you use it? 

SM:  If I could wave a magic wand to create peace in the world, that would make me happy.

BWL:  If you could fix one problem in the world what would it be? 

SM:  Stop war.

BWL:  If you could go back in time for one day, which time period would you like to visit?  

SM:  Either the colonial period in Pennsylvania or ancient Rome. Hard to choose which.

BWL:  Choose one person, living or dead, you'd like to share a meal with. 
SM:  Jesus

BWL:  Name one thing you'd change about yourself if you could. 

SM:  I'd like to be more assertive. 

BWL:  What's one genre that interests you but you've never tried to write? 
SM:  Sci-fi might be interesting, but I've already spread myself enough with historical, paranormal, and fantasy.

BWL:  Thanks Shirley! 

~ Find Shirley's BWL titles here:

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