Wednesday 21 November 2012

Review: Significance by Shelly Crane

Significance (Significance, #1)Significance (Significance #1)
by Shelly Crane
Kindle Edition, 330 pages
Published June 12th 2011

My Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Maggie is a seventeen year old girl who's had a bad year. She was smart and on track, but then her mom left, her dad is depressed, she's graduating - barely - and her boyfriend of almost three years dumped her for a college football scholarship. Lately she thinks life is all about hanging on by a thread and is gripping tight with everything she has.

Then she saves the life of Caleb and instantly knows there's something about him that's intriguing. But things change when they touch, sparks ignite. Literally.

They imprint with each other and she sees their future life together flash before her eyes. She learns that not only is she his soul mate, and can feel his heartbeat in her chest, but there is a whole other world of people with gifts and abilities that she never knew existed. She herself is experiencing supernatural changes unlike anything she's ever felt before and she needs the touch of his skin to survive.

Now, not only has her dad come out of his depression to be a father again, and a pain as well, but Caleb's enemies know he's imprinted and are after Maggie to stop them both from gaining their abilities and take her from him.

Can Caleb save her or will they be forced to live without each other after just finding one another?

I’ m not sure who came up with the concept of imprinting; and frankly I’m feeling far too too lazy at the moment to look it up. All I know is Shelly Crane took it to another level. She paid homage to her influences. {I.E. the references to Twilight and the dog being named “Bella”. My husband commented that the dog in this book was named accordingly; but he’s no fan anyway and that’s another story. }
Significance is an appropriate tile in context. This is a love story what would make guys all over the world roll their eyes in disgust. YES….it’s intense! YES…it’s completely tooth rotting sweet! YES…the lead male is HOT! Heck all the guys mentioned are swoon worthy. Before I go off on an undecipherable rant, allow me to summarize.

Maggie is a working teen living in a single parent home. He father went off the deep end when Maggie’s mother left them and he’s pretty much a full time zombie. Maggie has another adopted brother, but he lives in NYC completely unaware of Maggie’s dysfunctional home life. Maggie’s social life pretty much went downhill from there. Life pretty much sucks! She graduates high school and while she’s trying to figure out her next step in this pivotal point in her existence…..her life changes FOREVER!

No werewolves!

No vampires!

But still, “Paranormal” out the wazoo!

The plot is what transformed this story into more than just a romantic infatuation. The paranormals explored here are “Aces”. They operate in clans and posses powers after imprinting. That combined with the suspense of not knowing how the events will turn kelp me glued to my Kindle. I gush over this book. I am a sucker for awesome love and action stories and this is one of those books I wish I had discovered much sooner.

*Big thanks to the author for trusting me with an honest review.

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