Friday 30 November 2012

Stacking The Shelves # 27


Stacking The Shelves is hosted By Tynga's Reviews. This meme is about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be hard-back, paperback or ebook.

My e-reader has fed and fed very well this week:

For Review (via NetGalley)
A Shimmer of Angels (Angel Sight, #1)Wicked Kiss (Nightwatchers, #2)The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test, #3)
A Shimmer of Angels by Lisa M. Basso
Wicked Kiss by Michelle Rowen
The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter
also, For Review (via Publisher) 
The Watcher
The Watcher by Lisa Voisin

Free Ebooks (via Amazon)
Program 12 (The Emile Reed Chronicles, 0.5)Altercation (Perilous, #2)
Reverence (Significance, #3.5)The Hunted of 2060 (Shifter Evolutions #5)
A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends, #1)Heart of the Hunter (Dragon Chalice, #1)
A Demon Made Me Do It (Demonblood, #1)The Faerie Guardian, Part I: GuardianWitchy, Witchy (Spellbound Trilogy, #1)Between The Land And The Sea (Marina's Tales, #1)The Deepest Cut (MacKinnon Curse, #1)Brightest Kind of Darkness (Brightest Kind of Darkness, #1)
Happy Reading!

Comment and Win with Sydell Voeller

Leave a comment below and one random name will be chosen to win an eBook PDF copy of this special edition. Be sure to leave your email address in the comment. Good Luck and Happy Holidays from Books We Love!


Now available in one special edition, three romance novels from Sydell Voeller: Her Sister's Keeper, Summer Magic, and The Fisherman's Daughter
Her Sister's Keeper

Logan Corbett, registered nurse, suddenly becomes the guardian of her 10-year-old sister, Kim. A former prizewinning gymnast, the girl was seriously injured in the same plane accident that killed their parents. Logan admits she's overly protective of Kim, but only wants what she thinks is best for her. Dr. Zachary Dellinger, a pediatrician at the hospital where Logan works, suggests that Kim should attend a summer camp for children with special needs. Logan agrees, but on one condition--that she will volunteer to be the camp nurse so she can keep a close eye on Kim. Under starlit skies and breezy summer days, Logan struggles with her growing attraction to the handsome pediatrician--all the while, battling the urge to hold on too tightly to Kim. Will Logan ever be able to let go enough to allow love into both their lives?

"Her Sister's Keeper is a wonderful story of sisterly love and devotion. Delightfully written characters are a key part of this believable and enticing tale...a highly recommended read for contemporary romance readers..."  ~ Penny, Fallen Angel Reviews
Summer Magic

When her fiancé calls off their engagement, veterinarian assistant Lisa Prentice joins the circus in hopes of escaping the everyday grind. But life under the big top isn't quite what she expected. None of the veterinarian's former assistants managed to please their short-tempered boss, and Lisa fears that her days are numbered, too. Michael Figaro, a dashing young trapeze artist, is also cautious about whether Lisa can stay, and because of that, he tries to keep his distance. Still, Lisa finds herself overwhelmingly attracted to him. Although Michael is the aerialist, it is Lisa who is flying on an emotional high wire. What happened to her safety net? Will their love survive?
"This book is an example of the perfect romance. I enjoyed Ms. Voeller's ability to switch between the points of view of Lisa and Michael. I felt I knew all the characters very well...This is a great story to read in one sitting and spend a few hours swept away in the magic of the circus." ~ Bethany Payne, Roundtable Reviews

The Fisherman's Daughter

Psychology professor Vanessa Paris receives word that her father has disappeared from his fishing boat in Puget Sound and rushes to her childhood home in the San Juan Islands to try to help find him. Tragedy has been no stranger to Vanessa--years ago her mother died and more recently, her brother. The possibility of losing her father now is almost too much to bear.  
But when Vanessa arrives at the family owned tourist lodge, she meets Lowell Maxwell, who offers to help her search for her father. Back in high school, Vanessa harbored a secret, unrequited crush on Lowell. Now, he's a tough, jaded cop on leave from L.A., working for her father as a carpenter on a temporary basis, and even more dangerously appealing. 

Vanessa and Lowell are like sunshine and darkness. Despite her losses, she focuses on positive action and the good in people. Lowell, however, chases down the bad guys, flirts with danger, sometimes even death--and he's determined he'll soon return to the force in L.A.  

Is there still a chance of finding Vanessa's father alive and well? Can she take a chance on loving Lowell, risking the possibility of his dying too? And what is the dark secret that has driven him back home, a secret that has convinced him there's no longer any room in his heart for love?  

"Sydell Voeller has a magic touch with description.  I could almost feel the sea spray misting my face as Vanessa Paris sailed across Puget Sound and hear the splash of water as the crab pots were hauled in and the day's catch tallied.  Oh, yes, and the rustic mailboxes with wild blackberries growing nearby.  What a lovely place to live.  And I got to visit there for a while." ~- Kathy Ishcomer, Under the Covers Book Reviews  


Be sure to enter our Sweet Treats Scavenger Hunt for your chance to win an eBook Reader or a gift basket from Books We Love! Find the details here:

Thursday 29 November 2012

{Book Excerpt}: Sheltered by Debra Chapoton

by Debra Chapoton
Kindle Edition, 236 pages
Published October 2012 by Big Pine Lodge Books

Living together unsupervised, five troubled teens confront demonic forces and are compelled to deal with their problems in distinctly different ways. Paranormal meets psycho meets Goth in this story of a supernatural haunting and budding love.
High school junior, Ben, hacks into his step-father's real estate holdings and provides rooms in an old two-story house to various outcasts: the schizophrenic kid, the angry Goth girl, and the homeless girl who worships him. When Megan needs a place to live she comes to the rooming house with a different set of problems and the ability to confuse and attract Ben.
One by one strange and mysterious occurrences stretch the teens’ beliefs in the supernatural. How they deal with demons, real and imagined, has tragic as well as redeeming consequences.

Next Wednesday
Emily knew the precise moment that Ben returned, she felt him in her scars. She watched him carry some things to the house, heard the door close; she smiled when she heard him call out that Santa was here. He did that once before, in early December, insisting that she accept the gift he held out, not wanting her to wait until Christmas to use the mittens he knew she needed.
She went toward her door now, wondered what he had brought, and then heard Megan’s voice below. Oh no, he probably brought something for her. She scuttled back to her nest by the window and stared outside, was still staring fifteen minutes later when she saw them walk down the street, Ben shouldering a shovel, his other hand knotted with Megan’s.
She touched the skin on her arms, lightly at first, making it tingle. The image of Ben with Megan multiplied across her mind in broken mirrors, a repugnant picture that reflected her own self-loathing. She scratched at her scabs, felt the pricks of pain force away the ticklish sensations.
She closed her eyes.
When she opened them she saw a figure standing at her door.
“Who–?” she started, but the figment waned to less than a shadow. Still, though, there was something at her door.
She rose slowly and held her hand out.
Its face was more womanly now, friendly, motherly. Yes, she knew this face. Its pearly white skin so shocking against the ruby lips, the stringy hair a match to her own. Her mother.
She stretched her fingers toward the face. The hallucination faded then sharpened. The eyes began to blaze. She drew her hands back to her own face. What’s wrong with me? The delusion grieved Emily; all around her fluttered a longing.
And a deadly fear.

Comment and Win with Ann Herrick

Leave a comment below and one random name will be chosen to win an eBook PDF copy of this special edition. Be sure to leave your email address in the comment. Good Luck and Happy Holidays from Books We Love!


Now available in one special edition, three young adult novels from Ann Herrick: The Real Me, Snowed in Together, and Hey, Nobody's Perfect.
The Real Me

When Mattie has issues with her weight, she decides to take charge of her life, redo her image, find confidence and maybe even dare to talk to guys. Will a change in lifestyle, a friend, a tormentor, and a dream guy help Mattie discover her real self and find romance along the way?

"…a charming young adult novel about love and identity. Mattie, the first-person narrator, is a spunky heroine who takes charge of her life, makes mistakes, dusts herself off, and tries again. Kevin, her heartthrob, is both believable and appealing. The plot moves quickly with enough twists and turns to keep readers guessing about whether-and with whom-Mattie will find true love …." ~ Debra Stang, eBook Reviews Weekly 
Snowed In Together

What secrets are revealed when six teens get trapped at school on a Saturday? 

Wes and his best buds, Tony and Jeff, have enough brain power to fuel the entire sophomore class, but when it comes to their social lives, they are totally inept. So they volunteer to organize the art room on Saturday knowing three certain cheerleaders will be there for practice. Trouble is, none of the guys can come up with a plan to take advantage of the opportunity to be the only six students in the building.
Then, thanks to a freak snowstorm, they're snowed in, which isn't so bad when the girls of their horniest dreams are there, too. Maybe it could give Wes the chance to make his fantasies about Ellyce come true! However, the last thing Wes expects is to be caught in a game that forces everyone to share his deepest secret. He fears if Ellyce discovers the story of his alcoholic father and abandonment by his mother, she'll never want anything to do with him.

"Ann completely stayed true to the characters and their age. Teenage hormones were very active, but not overdone. And I loved how everything turned out in the end for Wes and his friends. Things didn't end perfectly - I mean, it's high school - but the things that really matter, like self-confidence, self-discovery, and self-growth, was accomplished in spades. Ann Herrick's "Snowed In Together" is definitely a five star story!

Hey, Nobody's Perfect

Life was complicated enough for Sivia before a guy with no legs came into her life. 
Her parent's divorce did not wipe out their traditional family values. Dad is still way too self-centered, Mom is still resentful, Russ is still shoving food in his mouth and Sivia doesn’t need any more drama. But when the new student, obnoxious and legless Keeley, becomes her project partner, her life becomes even more complicated.  Family friction, peer pressure and her overly controlling father are threats her budding relationship—but prejudices she never knew she had and doesn't want to acknowledge are the biggest hurdle of all. 

Hey, Nobody's Perfect is a story about serious issues told with both substance and humor.

"HEY, NOBODY'S PERFECT is an outstanding teenage romance. I was highly impressed with the characters of Sivia and Keeley. The supporting characters of Brad, Marcy and Todd added so much in-depth character to the overall development of this story. I feel this is a book that every teenager should read. There are so many life lessons in this one book that it is a very eye opening experience. Ann Herrick is a wonderful author who has allowed her readers to go into the lives of a set of high school teenagers. It is refreshing to see how they experience their own way of finding the love they deserve" ~ 5 Stars, Suzie Housley, Romance Junkies Reviews

Be sure to enter our Sweet Treats Scavenger Hunt for your chance to win an eBook Reader or a gift basket from Books We Love! Find the details here:


Wednesday 28 November 2012

{Giveaway}: Veer by Alyssa Rose Ivy

VeerVeer (Clayton Falls #2)
by Alyssa Rose Ivy
Expected publication: November 29th 2012
GoodReads| Amazon
Only when you let go can you learn to live.
Between the death of her mother and pushing through law school without her best friend, it's been a tough year for Becca. Needing a break from Boston, she moves to a tiny coastal North Carolina town for a relaxing summer. After bumping heads repeatedly with a local cop, she realizes her summer will be anything but quiet.
Three years after a career ending injury ruins his chance to play Major League Baseball, Gavin has a distrust of northerners and lately girls in general. He wants nothing to do with a girl who is only in town for the summer.
When the two give in to their impossible attraction, they realize that they may just have found the key to freeing themselves from the ghosts of their pasts.

About the Author:

Alyssa Rose Ivy
Alyssa Rose Ivy is a Young Adult and New Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college.
After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.


This Release Day Blitz is courtesy of YA Novel Reader!

{Guest Post}: Twisted Lit Series by Kim Askew & Amy Helmes

Tempestuous: A Modern-Day Spin on Shakespeare's The Tempest (Twisted Lit, #1)Tempestuous: A Modern-Day Spin on Shakespeare's The Tempest (Twisted Lit #1)
by Kim Askew & Amy Helmes
Hardcover, 224 pages
Expected publication: December 18th 2012 by Merit Press

Recently banished, unfairly, by the school’s popular crowd, former “it girl,” Miranda Prospero, finds herself in a brave new world: holding dominion amongst a rag-tag crew of geeks and misfits where she works at the Hot-Dog Kabob in the food court of her local mall. When the worst winter storm of the season causes mall workers and last-minute shoppers to be snowed-in for the night, Miranda seizes the opportunity to get revenge against the catty clique behind her social exile. With help from her delightfully dweeby coworker, Ariel, and a sullen loner named Caleb who works at the mall’s nearby gaming and magic shop, Miranda uses charm and trickery to set things to right during this spirited take on Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

Exposure: A Modern-Day Spin on Shakespeare's Macbeth (Twisted Lit, #2)Exposure: A Modern-Day Spin on Shakespeare's Macbeth (Twisted Lit #2)
by Kim Askew & Amy Helmes
Hardcover, 272 pages
Expected publication: January 18th 2013 by Merit Press

Double, double, toil and trouble. Sometimes, the quest for high school royalty can be deadly! In this emotionally-charged twist on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, a self-conscious shutterbug named Skye Kingston navigates a treacherous school year in Alaska fraught with unspoken secrets and tragic twists of fate. Along the way she encounters three strangely prophetic BFFs; one social-climbing, sociopathic cheerleader; and a heart-stopping hottie named Craig McKenzie: the man who would be Prom King. Can Skye save the boy she loves — and herself — before they get caught in the crosshairs?

Fashion in the Twisted Lit Series

While Shakespeare inspired the books in our Twisted Lit series, the fact that they’re modern-day retellings means the characters aren’t adorned in Elizabethan-era fashions. The guys aren’t wearing tights or, god forbid, codpieces, and there’s nary a ruff (one of those big, frilly white collars) in either Exposure (our take on Macbeth) or Tempestuous (inspired by The Tempest).
That said, we think our characters still have plenty of style!
In Exposure, our redheaded heroine and high school senior, Skye Kingston, is a photographer who prefers to observe the world as an outsider rather than claim the center of attention. She keeps things simple with a favorite daily “uniform” that includes Chuck Taylors, jeans, t-shirts, an army green corduroy messenger bag, and a green hunter’s cap with lambs-wool earflaps.
In classic Prom tradition, Skye transforms from wallflower to goddess after finding the perfect dress at a secondhand shop in her hometown of Anchorage, Alaska. Here’s an excerpt, wherein Skye describes donning the dress on Prom night.
“...I shimmied gingerly into the sapphire, almost-new gown that the manager of Savvy Seconds had brought from the backroom for us the weekend earlier. Looking into the full-length mirror hanging on mom’s bedroom door, I seriously felt like I was having an out-of-body experience.
The dress hugged my body in all the right places, almost as if it had been made for me. I turned and peered over my shoulder to check out the plunging back. Mom had pinned a white orchid to the side of my head, and my hair cascaded down in smooth waves. I could’ve sworn I’d been magically transformed into some sort of Pre-Raphaelite princess. It’s amazing what a little makeup, a curling iron, and one hell of a dress could do, I decided.”
Skye’s nemesis in Exposure is an ambitious (and possibly psycho) cheerleader named Beth who happens to be dating the school’s hockey star Craig MacKenzie, aka Skye’s secret crush.
Beth’s fervent hope is that she and Craig will be crowned Prom King and Queen. Unlike Skye,appearance is everything to Beth. She always has the latest handbag on her arm and pines after designer clothing. On Halloween, she shows up to school dressed as an appropriately wicked devil, while Skye chooses a costume that’s decidedly less “sexy”: Charlie Chaplin.
Tempestuous’s strong-willed heroine, Miranda Prospero, had a long love affair with fashion, but that was all before she lost her allowance--and her place at the top of her school’s social strata after a failed money-making scheme went awry. As punishment, she’s forced to work at Hot Dog Kabob, a corn dog stand in the local mall food court. The worst part of it all? Donning the Hot Dog Kabob’s ghastly regulation uniform. Here’s Miranda describing it in her own words, in an excerpt from the book:
“...and so I was resigned to looking like an escaped circus lunatic in head-to-toe garish blue and yellow stripes. Have I mentioned the worst part? The fake plastic wiener that sits atop the hat, spinning on an axis? It’s basically a fashionista’s worst nightmare come to life, but try telling that to my dad … or the school superintendent who insisted I take a job as part of my ‘reparations.’”
Meanwhile, Miranda’s ex-friends--Rachel, Britney, and Whitney--delight in visiting the Hot Dog Kabob stand to flaunt their latest acquisitions: expensive matching boots and designer sunglasses. When they all get trapped in the mall overnight during a wicked winter storm,Miranda tries to convince her mall colleagues to help her wreak vengeance on her former besties.
If you find Skye, Miranda, and the other characters we’ve introduced intriguing, we hope you’ll check out our Twisted Lit series. Thanks, Katrina, for letting us drop by with a guest post!

The Authors:
Kim Askew (on right) and Amy Helmes (on left) are the authors of Tempestuous: A Modern-Day Spin on
Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Exposure: A Modern-Day Spin on Shakespeare’s
Macbeth. Find out more about their books at