Wednesday 31 October 2012

From the Review Pile #22

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

Talisman of El (Talisman of El, #1)Talisman of El (Talisman of El #1)

I won an ebook copy of this on LibraryThing, but even before that it's been on my to-read shelf for a while.  I can't wait to read it.  It's a debut novel and; I've heard such mixed reviews.

Fall in Love blog hop: The Forever Contract by Avery Sawyer

Hosted by Readers Confession and Toni Aleo.
 This hop runs from November 1st thru November 12th.
The Forever Contract (A Dystopian YA Novella)The Forever Contract (A Dystopian YA Novella)
by Avery Sawyer
ebook, 46 pages
Published August 1st 2012 by Planet Explorers Publishing
GoodReads | Amazon

In the very near future, the country is plunged into drought and unrest. Scare resources and constant heat are making life completely miserable. Casey doesn't think she can stand slugging back another gel pack or working one more shift at the wells. Fortunately, there's a solution: anyone over the age of seventeen can sign the Forever Contract and enter a utopian paradise. While people's minds take a permanent vacation, their bodies get warehoused and hooked up to a complex array of sensors and feeding tubes. As Casey's brother says, "You upload your consciousness to the system and you're free to live as long as you want, however you want. No more pain, no more heat, no more awful dust, no more work. Just pure thought. It's what our species has always been meant for. Suffering is for philosophers. Not for me." Casey's ready to sign--a permanent vacation is just what she needs. There's only one problem: her boyfriend James doesn't trust it. Told from his and her perspectives, The Forever Contract is a 17,000 word (60 page) novella suitable for readers in grade 8 and above.
Would you sign the contract?

More Great NewsToni Aleo will be hosting the "Grand Prize" of a brand new Kindle Fire amongst some other goodies. So after you enter here, be sure to hop over to to enter for your chance to win there as well!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

More Halloween Picks: Jack Shadow by Graeme Smith

Jack Shadow

He’s heard them – every one of them. The jokes. They all start out the same. "See, this guy walks into a bar..." Well, that's not him. That guy who walked into a bar. He’s the guy who walked out. 

It's not amnesia. Near as anyone knows, he just doesn’t have a past. Near as anyone knows - or admits to. He doesn’t walk round a corner, and some guy from a car shoots at him because of something he did long ago. Sure. Guys shoot at him. Hell, women too. But not for long ago. Mostly for last week. Where 'last week' is any week you choose. No, he just walked out of a bar.

Were there piles of dead bodies behind him? A stacked deck he was dealing, or one he was dealt? He doesn’t know. Or care. But they were waiting, and they took him. The Dragon. Took him to make a difference. To wait for the time a beat of a gnat's wing could change tomorrow. And Jack’s the gnat. 

Jack walked out of a bar. The rest - the rest will be history. Some day. Not that he’ll be in it. Nobody remembers the gnats. Not if they did their job right. And Jack’s the best there is. 

Jack Shadow. Because some days – the last thing you need is a good guy.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Persephone Cole and The Halloween Curse by Heather Haven

In 1942, no one heard of a female PI, not even in New York City. But meet Persephone (Percy) Cole, newly inaugurated private investigator, with a penchant for Marlene Dietrich suits, pistachio nuts and fedora hats.

Halloween finds her backstage during the previews of the latest Broadway production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth where there’s double, double, toil and trouble. When an actor falls from the overhead catwalk and breaks his neck, Percy is hired to save the show. But casting a spell over the grand old Royal Theatre are more people with secrets than you can shake a witch’s broom at. Putting aside
deadly daggers, threatening letters, and falling set pieces, the cast of characters include a company of devious actors, a double-dealing producer, a duplicitous director, a deceitful star, and dead bodies aplenty, enough to fill a witch’s cauldron.

Armed with her noodle and a WWI German Mauser pistol, this working mother is not sure which is worse, being foisted into acting the role of Witch Number Two, her son’s jack-o’-lantern being snitched, or someone trying to kill her. It has not been a good day.  

Friday 26 October 2012

Special Editions Now Available from Books We Love

Great Reading from Terrific Authors at Great Prices! Check Out These “Special Edition” 3-in-1 Bundles from Our Friends at Books We Love Ltd.

October 25, 2012
While some publishers have greedily tried to raise prices to exorbitant levels, Books We Love Ltd. is committed to a very different and much better approach. And now they have outdone themselves!
We’ve appreciated them for a while now because they are so good at separating books of distinction from all the dreck and still offering great prices. Books We Love ebooks are exclusive to Amazon and all of their titles are priced at $2.99 or less. But now they’ve created five compelling “Special Edition” 3-in-1 Bundles from popular authors and priced each bundle at just $5.99. That’s right — less than $2 per title!

And please remember: when in doubt, you can always find all their books in the Kindle store by entering “Books We Love” in the search field. But for now, we know you will want to focus on these five great “Special Edition” 3-in-1 Bundles:
5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Books We Love is pleased to offer a Shirley Martin Special Edition containing the novels, Night Shadows, Night Secrets and One More Tomorrow. Secrets of the Night is a special edition collectible.
Night Shadows
Fianna leaves home to escape having to marry a man she doesn’t love. She travels to another city, far away, hoping to escape detection. There she meets Gaderian, but she doesn’t realize he is a vampire. Forced to support herself, she works as a fortune teller in a tavern, and there she meets Gaderian again. She is caught between three different men who want her, each for his own reason. The demon, Stilo, wants her as his sex slave. Angus, the man she refused to marry, won’t give up in his search for her. And in a realm where vampires and demons battle for supremacy, she is trapped in a dangerous game, where someone is bound to lose his life.
Night Secrets
Fear and betrayal threaten the kingdom of Avador. Keriam, a princess with supernatural powers, must save her father from assassination. But can she trust Roric, or is he part of the plot?
Roric loved once and lost. He wants to put his past behind him and love Princess Keriam, but he fears she is a witch. And witchcraft is forbidden in the kingdom. If found guilty, she will be burned at the stake. Not even her father could save her.
One More Tomorrow
Destined to live in darkness, Galan must defeat the evil Moloch to regain mortality and win the love of the mortal woman, Stephanie.
“An intriguing tale of two lovers destined to be together.” ~ Romantic Times

*  *  *

Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Tina Gerow Special Edition published by Books We Love contains three complete novels.
Into A Dangerous Mind (Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Small Press Contemporary Paranormal)
What happens when saucy, independent musician, Cassidy James, finds herself with newly discovered psychic powers and must rely on handsome, maverick FBI agent Zach Hatcher to keep from becoming a psychic serial killer’s next victim? Cassidy must learn to control her powers to help stop the killer while learning that relationships between people with psychic powers are just as confusing, but much more steamy than normal ones. Zach fights to control his growing attraction for the killer’s intended victim, while overcoming his past, which has caused him to be leery of relationships with women who possess psychic gifts.
Stone Maiden
In Stone Maiden, Ariel Knight, a nine-hundred year old gargoyle and ex-warrior for God opens a present-day bodyguard agency with her three sisters. At the request of the Angel Gabriel, they take on protecting Logan McAllister, playboy country music songwriter, who has suddenly become a prime target for all of the evil supernatural beings in the area. While Ariel tries to unravel who is behind the mysterious attacks, she is also battling a growing affection and attraction for him. To make matters worse, Logan’s business manager turns out to be a master vampire who broke her heart two centuries ago and still seems to have feelings for her. Nothing like finding out your lover is a soulless bloodsucker to ruin a relationship.
(eCataRomance Reviewer’s Choice Award; Desert Rose Golden Quill Finalist)
Fire Maiden
Prophecy is a fickle thing. Kefira Knight and her three Gargoyle sisters had hoped they were done with prophecy after Ariel’s pregnancy with the son of the blood (see STONE MAIDEN). But it seems that Kefira is to play a part in the prophecy as well. . .
Kefira’s sharp temper ignites when her former lover, Paladin Dagan Grayson, shows up on the doorstep of the ranch she and her sisters are sharing with Ariel’s new husband. Kefira still bears deep emotional scars from the loss of their child when she turned to stone for healing. Meanwhile, Jeslyn, Queen of the Succubus clan, has a nefarious plot afoot to halt the rise of Good. Kefira must choose a path- will she choose Good or Evil?
“Tina Gerow surpasses all expectations with FIRE MAIDEN. In fact, this book may even be better than the fabulous STONE MAIDEN. Tina Gerow demonstrates with FIRE MAIDEN that she is definitely an author to look out for in the paranormal genre. ~ CK2S Kwips and Kritiques

*  *  *

Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Renee Simons Special Edition published by Books We Love contains the novels, Safe Haven, Dearest Enemy and Eye of the Storm.
Safe Haven
Waging war on the mob may not be smart, but Jordan VanDien and architect Ethan Caldwell are after the men who, years earlier, destroyed Jordan’s family and now threaten Ethan’s future. Scarred by childhood trauma, the two loners never expected to battle an unwanted attraction. Yet hard as they try to fight their feelings, a common purpose and shared danger ignite a spark that grows to a flame neither can deny. In their quest for justice, will they let that fire die or can the beauty with a dark past and the guilt-laden Aussie transplant find a haven in each other’s arms?
Dearest Enemy
When Callie Patterson roars into Blue Sky, New Mexico, on her Harley she disturbs more than the quiet of the dying gold mining town. She unnerves the townsfolk who want to reopen a long dead mine that conflicts with her plan to turn her family’s Victorian mansion into a tourist haven and art colony. She stirs up old memories for Mercedes Gunn who fears the discovery of long-held secrets, and for Fernando Moreno, once the love of her now-deceased grandmother. Most of all, she shakes up the mostly well-ordered future that sheriff Luc Moreno has planned to protect his own family and their home. Being on opposite sides of the valley’s future threatens a growing attraction. Will it ultimately destroy any hope for love to blossom?
Eye of the Storm
Five years after his imprisonment for treason, Marine Corps Major Michael Stormwalker gets a chance to prove his innocence. The one person qualified to help him uncover the truth, however, has other plans. Convinced he murdered her fiancé, Alexandra McLaren means to see that Stormwalker goes straight back to Leavenworth.
Sparks fly in the clash between a seemingly immovable object and an equally irresistible force. The sexual sizzle ignites Stormwalker’s love for the auburn-haired beauty, who becomes as vital to his happiness as the restoration of his honor, the pride of his people and his career.

*  *  *

5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
This Special Edition by Juliet Waldron contains three novels, Mozart’s Wife, My Mozart and Red Magic.
Giddy sugarplum or calculating bitch? Pretty Konstanze aroused strong feelings among her contemporaries. Her in-law’s loathed her. Mozart’s friends, more than forty years after his death, remained eager to gossip about her “failures” as wife to the world’s first superstar. Maturing from child, to wife, to hard-headed widow, Konstanze would pay Mozart’s debts, provide for their children, and relentlessly market and mythologize her brilliant husband. Mozart’s letters attest to his affection for Konstanze as well as to their powerful sexual bond. Nevertheless, prominent among the many mysteries surrounding the composer’s untimely death: why did his much beloved Konstanze never mark his grave?
Mozart was her teacher, her mentor, her rescuer–and, finally, fatally, her lover. ..
At dawn, in the marble palace of a Prince, a nine-year-old sings for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, then at the peak of his career. Always delighted by musical children, he accepts Nanina as a pupil. Gifted, intense and imaginative, she sees the great “Kapellmeister Mozart” as an avatar of Orpheus and her own, personal divinity.
His lessons are irregular and playful, but the teacher/pupil bond grows strong. Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro premieres, and Nanina, now twelve, is given a solo part. For her, this is the beginning of a long stage career. For Mozart, it marks the start of his ruin. His greatest works will be composed in poverty and obscurity.
Red-headed Caterina von Velsen, a tomboy and superb horsewoman, detests her older sister’s husband-to-be. Christoph von Hagen is handsome and brave, but he is also a Casanova, a man with a reputation that stretches from his mountain manor all the way to Vienna. When Caterina’s older sister dies in a riding accident only a week before her wedding, Caterina is forced to take her place. She now belongs to a man she firmly believes to be “a cold-hearted rake.”
There is magic in Christoph’s lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina’s aunt gave her long ago. Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband’s magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman’s transition from rebellious girl to adored–and adoring–wife.

*  *  *

Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Books We Love is pleased to present a Special Edition containing three of Kat Attalla’s novels in one volume.
Codename: Romeo
Victoria Jansen, card carrying MENSA member, can write a book about Quantum Physics—but get her around a handsome man and Charlie Chaplin looks graceful compared to her. She’s determined to break out of her shell, though, and she’s going to start with the sexy plumber in her basement.
Murphy’s Law
Fear and intimidation work. Ask Customs Agent Jack Murphy. He uses both to hunt felons. But instinct and experience fail when he sets out to retrieve Lilly McGrath– a blonde bombshell who is either a willing participant or an innocent pawn in her boss’s smuggling scam. Until Jack knows which, she’s just another suspect. . Now he just needs to get his hormones in sync with his head.
Homeward Bound
On stage she is Leather, a Rock’n'Roll fantasy. Her music dominates the charts, while the “Queen of Flash” struts across the concert stages. She is a tease, a shameless flirt–and a glittering illusion. Kate Costello has had enough of the music scene. She takes off for New Mexico in search of the anonymity she’d bargained away for fame.

*  *  *

We have three Blogs at Books We Love: Our feature Blog tells you what books are featured, and which of our new releases are free in any given week. Our Insiders Blog is directly between you and our authors. Here’s where you get all that insider information. Click this link to become a Books We Love insider, And, if you like to Spice things up a bit, then come join us at Spice We Love,

Wednesday 24 October 2012

From the Review Pile # 21

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

Dearly, Beloved (Gone With the Respiration, #2)Dearly, Beloved (Gone With the Respiration #2)
by Lia Habel
Hardcover, 496 pages
Published September 25th 2012 by Del Rey

Can the living coexist with the living dead?
That’s the question that has New Victorian society fiercely divided ever since the mysterious plague known as “The Laz” hit the city of New London and turned thousands into walking corpses. But while some of these zombies are mindless monsters, hungry for human flesh, others can still think, speak, reason, and control their ravenous new appetites.
Just ask Nora Dearly, the young lady of means who was nearly kidnapped by a band of sinister zombies but valiantly rescued by a dashing young man . . . of the dead variety.
Nora and her savior, the young zombie soldier Bram Griswold, fell hopelessly in love. But others feel only fear and loathing for the reanimated dead. Now, as tensions grow between pro- and anti-zombie factions, battle lines are being drawn in the streets. And though Bram is no longer in the New Victorian army, he and his ex-commando zombie comrades are determined to help keep the peace. That means taking a dangerous stand between The Changed, a radical group of sentient zombies fighting for survival, and The Murder, a masked squad of urban guerrillas hellbent on destroying the living dead. But zombies aren’t the only ones in danger: Their living allies are also in The Murder’s crosshairs, and for one vengeful zealot, Nora Dearly is the number one target.
As paranoia, prejudice, and terrorist attacks threaten to plunge the city into full-scale war, Nora’s scientist father and his team continue their desperate race to unlock the secrets of “The Laz” and find a cure. But their efforts may be doomed when a mysterious zombie appears bearing an entirely new strain of the virus—and the nation of New Victoria braces for a new wave of the apocalypse.
Lia Habel’s spellbinding, suspenseful sequel to Dearly, Departed takes her imaginative mash-up of period romance, futuristic thriller, and zombie drama to a whole new level of innovative and irresistible storytelling.
Add this to your TBR pile via GoodReads
 and/or buy it now via Amazon!

I got my copy to this title via NetGalley.  Book one was creepy romantic, and now I'm courious to see where the story goes next.

Ready for some Free Reads?

Books We Love now has a page dedicated to free short story reads.

Find mystery, romance, sci fi and more!

If you want Spice free reads, check out their page here:

More titles added soon!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

3rd Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

The Athena EffectThe Athena Effect
by Derrolyn Anderson
ebook, 221 pages
Published August 30th 2012
GoodReads | Smashwords
Country girl Cal has been kept a secret her entire life, raised in isolation by two very troubled people. Despite her parent’s disturbing fits, Cal is perfectly content, living at one with the nature that surrounds her, and finding adventure inside the pages of her beloved books. When an awful tragedy tears her away from her remote cabin in the woods, nothing she’s ever read has prepared her for a world that she knows very little about.
Girls and motorcycles are what bad-boy Cal’s life is all about. Brought up in a raucous party house by his biker brother, he’s free to do as he pleases, going through the motions on his final days of high school. Aimless, Cal stopped thinking about his future a long time ago.
Attacked by a gang of thugs while running an errand for his brother, Cal is in serious trouble until a fierce girl appears out of nowhere to intervene. She chases off three grown men, sparing Cal a brutal beating before disappearing into the night like a spirit. He can’t stop thinking about his mysterious rescuer, and when she turns out to be the weird new girl at school who goes out of her way to avoid him, he can’t contain his curiosity.
He’s never met anyone like her before, and the more he learns about the unusual girl who shares his nickname, the more he wants to know. Cal can’t help falling for Cal, but can he keep her from falling victim to a dangerous enemy from her parent’s tragic past?

US & CANADA RESIDENTS:  Here's your chance to win an ebook copy and jewelry crafted by the author and inspired by "The Athena Effect" main character Caledonia’s ability to see auras – colorful evidence of emotions made visible.

Approximately 18’’ with a toggle closure, the necklace is a rainbow of gemstone chips, including : Citrine, Peridot, Green Adventurine, Malachite, Amazonite, Magnesite, Turquoise, Lapis, Howlite, Amethyst, Coral, Jasper. and Amber.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTS: Here's your chance to win an ebook copy of "The Athena Effect" !

Monday 22 October 2012

Now Available: Another Day by Roseanne Dowell

Never one to act impulsively, 40 year old Meg Baldwin succumbs to the seduction of the young, sexy bachelor next door.

Guilt-ridden, ashamed, and afraid her family will find out, she tries to convince him it was a mistake.

Refusing to be rejected, he begins to stalk her. Can she keep her secret?

"You cannot help but root for the characters and feel their deepest yearnings and fears. You are driven to turn the pages until you find out what happens to them. And what happens is always satisfying. Brava, Ms. Dowell! You've done it again." ~ 5 Stars, Heather Haven, author of the Persephone Cole series




Sunday 21 October 2012

Halloween eBook Winner

Welcome to Books We Love's Howling Halloween Contest, running now through October 31.

This week's winner is Judy Kim! Judy, please visit our website at

and choose the eBook or Spice eBook you'd like to receive. Email the title to

Treat yourself to a feast of Halloween Indulgence
Drawing for Bon Appetite Basket on October 15.



Persephone Cole and the Halloween Curse
Listen to the Shadows
War N Wit Inc.: The Witch
Jude Pittman Triple Threat
Jamie Hill Triple Threat


We notify winners by posting in our newsletter and posting on our BLOG, if you don't  subscribe and/or visit the Blog you won't know if you win, we do not send an email to notify winners and we do not award prizes to non-subscribers.  If prizes are unclaimed 30 days after posting, they are returned to the prize pool and awarded in a subsequent drawing.  

All contestants must be newsletter subscribers.  It's easy. Our newsletter list is private and only used to announce new contests, new releases, winners of our prizes and new prizes available to be won!

Friday 19 October 2012

Stacking The Shelves # 23


Stacking The Shelves is hosted By Tynga's Reviews. This meme is about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be hard-back, paperback or ebook.

Here' what I got this week in my mailbox:
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky {Won courtesy of Publisher}
Secrets by Tim Mettey {ARC for review from publicist}

I purchased these ebooks:
Accordance (Significance, #2)Defiance (Significance, #3)
Accordance (Significance #2) by Shelly Crane
Defiance (Significance #3) by Shelly Crane

Here' what I got this week in audiobook from the library:
It Sleeps in MeEnchantments
It Sleeps in Me (Black Falcon Trilogy #1) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear
Enchantments by Kathryn Harrison
I've had plenty of reading time this week while on bed rest.  I've read almost seven books.  Now, however it's time to catch up on actually writing the reviews.  *Sigh*  The pros and cons of a book blogger....
So what did you get this week? 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Now Available: The Color of Dusk by Gail Roughton

In The Color of Seven, rising young attorney Ria Knight meets the man whose image haunts her house. He’s not exactly alive and well, but he’s not dead either, despite the epitaph on his mausoleum in Rose Arbor Cemetery.

The Color of Dusk concludes the story of the epic battle that raged in 1888 between Cain, powerful Bokor of Black Magic, and Dr. Paul Devlin, the man who finally banished Cain to the dank cave out by Stone Creek Swamp. In The Color of Dusk, Ria offers Cain, now resurrected from that cave, his perfect revenge against Paul Devlin. The past, like evil, never dies. It just—waits.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

From the Review Pile #20

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

Blind SpotBlind Spot
by Laura Ellen
Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: October 23rd 2012 by Harcourt Children's Books

There’s none so blind as they that won’t see.
Seventeen-year-old Tricia Farni’s body floated to the surface of Alaska’s Birch River six months after the night she disappeared. The night Roz Hart had a fight with her. The night Roz can’t remember. Roz, who struggles with macular degeneration, is used to assembling fragments to make sense of the world around her. But this time it’s her memory that needs piecing together—to clear her name . . . to find a murderer.
This unflinchingly emotional novel is written in the powerful first-person voice of a legally blind teen who just wants to be like everyone else.

Add this to your TBR list via GoodReads
or pre-order today via Amazon!

5 Stars for Alien Lockdown by Vijaya Schartz

"Rhonda Alendresis joins a long list of terrific female protagonists from Vijaya Schartz, but none of them has ever faced the list of terrifying threats and difficulties that Rhonda and Cole face in trying to subdue a prison breakout on a disintegrating planet. Don't worry, I haven't given away too much--this is one of the most consistently entertaining and inventive adventure stories I have read, with superbly-drawn characters and forward momentum second to none." ~ 5 Stars, Wilshire Lewis, Smashwords

Alien Lockdown:  The year is 3033, and deep in the bowels of the underground galactic prison, something has gone terribly wrong. An artist at heart, Rhonda never wanted this medic prison job. When the civilian personnel vanish and an earthquake damages the nuclear reactor, she must go down to repair it with Captain Perfect himself, Cole Riggeur, who always plays by the rules and never trusted a woman in his life. But deep in the underground penitentiary, the most wicked convicts in the Galaxy are loose, and a treacherous shape-shifter plans his revenge. Disconnected from the Garrison, against impossible odds, Cole and Rhonda now face their greatest challenge... trusting each other in order to survive. 

"Packed with tension and action from the first page to the last, Schartz's novel is an exciting adventure. She has a rich imagination and deftly executes it." ~ Romantic Times Magazine  


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Now Available: Enchanted Cottage by Shirley Martin

An evil witch places a curse on Alana Cullain, turning the once beautiful woman into an ugly hag. Chased from her village, Alana seeks sanctuary in the dark forest. There she finds a strange cottage, one she had never seen before, and makes her home there.

Demoted and badly wounded in battle, mercenary soldier Colin Duffrey heads home to recover. Along the way, he discovers a cottage in the midst of a forest and finds refuge there.

A woman, marred on the outside, and a man, afflicted on the inside, meet in an isolated cottage. There, they learn that they can help each other. And with a bit of magic, miracles can happen.

If you'd like to read more about the mythical kingdom of Avador, please check out these books:

"Night Secrets" A fantasy romance
"Night Shadows" A fantasy vampire romance 

Find this title here:

Monday 15 October 2012

Tour Stop {Book Excerpt/Giveaway}: Valkyrie Rising by Ingrid Paulson

Valkyrie Rising

Valkyrie Rising by Ingrid Paulson 
Hardcover, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 9th 2012 by HarperTeen
GoodReads | Amazon

Nothing ever happens in Norway. But at least Ellie knows what to expect when she visits her grandmother: a tranquil fishing village and long, slow summer days. And maybe she’ll finally get out from under the shadow of her way-too-perfect big brother, Graham, while she’s there.
What Ellie doesn’t anticipate is Graham’s infuriating best friend, Tuck, tagging along for the trip. Nor did she imagine boys going missing amid rumors of impossible kidnappings. Least of all does she expect something powerful and ancient to awaken in her and that strange whispers would urge Ellie to claim her place among mythological warriors. Instead of peace and quiet, there’s suddenly a lot for a girl from L.A. to handle on a summer sojourn in Norway! And when Graham vanishes, it’s up to Ellie—and the ever-sarcastic, if undeniably alluring Tuck—to uncover the truth about all the disappearances and thwart the nefarious plan behind them.
Deadly legends, hidden identities, and tentative romance swirl together in one girl’s unexpectedly-epic coming of age.
I ran upstairs and dug through my suitcase for a sweater that would make me look slightly less like a high school girl who had no business hanging out with a cute college boy. Which was impossible. I finally found a black sweater that Tuck always said made me look like a little old lady. Far from ideal, but at least that meant it made me look older.
When I was halfway down the stairs, I heard Kjell and my grandmother talking in low voices. Something about their tone made me reflexively pause to listen, even though I wouldn’t understand. I strained my ears, but the only words I could pick out were Odin and Valhalla. And only because I recognized them from my grandfather’s bedtime stories.
Whatever Kjell said made my grandmother break into a peal of laughter. Oddly enough, it sounded forced. I wasn’t sure what could be so funny anyways, given that Odin was basically the grim reaper in Norse mythology and Valhalla was his home. From what I remembered, anything involving Odin was pretty creepy and gory.
The step beneath my feet creaked as I shifted, trying to creep closer. Their conversation ended abruptly.
One look at Grandmother’s arched eyebrow as I walked down the stairs told me that my attempt at stealthy eavesdropping had failed, to say the least.
I wouldn’t have given their whole exchange a second thought . . . well, maybe not a third . . . if my
grandmother hadn’t stood there a moment longer, blocking the door.
“Just be careful, Kjell,” she said, switching to English and snaring my curiosity once and for all.
Kjell nodded, giving Grandmother a loaded smile. “I promise I won’t disappear. I’m too big for the fairies to carry away.”
“Even ridiculous rumors spring from a seed of truth,” Grandmother said.
“What rumors?” I asked. If she didn’t want me to know, she shouldn’t have dangled a big juicy carrot in front of me.
She shook her head and smiled as she tucked my hair behind my ear.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” she said.
I turned to go. In the reflection in the window beside the door, I saw Grandmother slip a small velvet envelope into Kjell’s hand, the kind that jewelers use. He upended it, and something silver slipped out onto his palm. Both of them clearly thought I hadn’t seen. But I was tuned into every single thing she did, given the way their conversation had made me reconsider Grandmother’s explanation of what had happened in the bakery. Rumors and disappearances seemed to be the new theme in Skavøpoll, and something told me they had nothing to do with last year’s garden show.

This Tour Stop is courtesy of Itching for Books!

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Saturday 13 October 2012

Persephone Cole and The Halloween Curse by Heather Haven Excerpt

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by Jane Toombs
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Join Author Jane Toombs as she takes you back to a time shortly after Confederation and then, book by book, follow two powerful families in this fast moving dramatic saga about the people Spanish, Anglo, Mexican and Indian who struggled, fought, made mistakes, loved and survived to build America’s Golden State.
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by Shannah Biondine
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After losing their teaching positions at an Eastern academy for young girls, Effie Scarsmore and Coralee Nye travel west to Silver City, Idaho, where Effie's intended is building their future home. Or so his letters claimed. In reality, the scoundrel has mounting gambling debts and is staging a raffle of the unfinished homestead to placate his creditors. But who will placate Effie? Furious and burning for revenge, Effie rashly offers her hand in marriage as part of the raffle prize. Coralee and the whole town become caught up in a knotty tangle that will require a big dose of divine intervention. Luckily for the two ladies, Silver City is a special western town, complete with its own hovering guardian angels.
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About the Author:
Heather Haven
1 10
Heather is a story teller by nature and loves the written word. She's written short stories, novels, comedy acts, plays, television treatments, ad copy, commercials, and even ghost-wrote a book. Murder is a Family Business, Book One of the Alvarez Family Murder Mystery series, won the coveted Single Titles Reviewers Choice Award 2011. A Wedding To Die For, Book Two, was a finalist in both the EPIC and Global eBook Best Mystery of 2012. The 3rd book of the series, Death Runs in the Family, debuted the end of May 2012 to four and five star revues.
Her most recent endeavor, The Persephone Cole Mystery Series, revolves around a trail-blazing 1940s female sleuth, with a wicked sense of humor and a take no prisoners attitude. "Percy" Cole finds her holiday cheer in solving murders. Heather finds her cheer in writing them!!

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and the Halloween Curse

by Heather Haven

Why should guys have all the fun?
Imagine vintage gumshoes Sam Spade, Lew Archer, or Phillip Marlowe ...

But with a difference. Viva la difference!

And meet Persephone Cole, one of Manhattan's first female private detectives.

At five foot eleven and a full-figured gal, Percy Cole has the same hard-boiled, take-no-prisoners attitude but with a difference. She has a wicked sense of humor and is the mother of an eight-year old son.

 Persephone Cole blazes a trail for all other lady dicks to follow. She finds her holiday cheer in solving crimes of the most deadly variety - murder - and you get to meet her in this FREE KINDLE NATION SHORTS excerpt from

Here's the set-up:
Persephone Cole – Series
Ever wonder how vintage gumshoes Sam Spade, Lew Archer, or Phillip Marlow would act if they were a woman? Meet Persephone Cole, one of Manhattan's first female private detectives. At five foot eleven and a full-figured gal, Percy Cole has the same hard-boiled, take-no-prisoners attitude but with a difference. She has a wicked sense of humor and is the mother of an eight-year old son. With a penchant for pistachio nuts, Marlene Dietrich pants suits, and fedora hats, Persephone Cole blazes a trail for all other lady dicks to follow. She finds her holiday cheer in solving crimes of the most deadly - murder.

Persephone Cole and The Halloween Curse
In 1942, no one heard of a female PI, not even in New York City. But meet Persephone (Percy) Cole, newly inaugurated private investigator, with a penchant for Marlene Dietrich suits, pistachio nuts and fedora hats.

Halloween finds her backstage during the previews of the latest Broadway production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth where there’s double, double, toil and trouble. When an actor falls from the overhead catwalk and breaks his neck, Percy is hired to save the show. But casting a spell over the grand old Royal Theatre are more people with secrets than you can shake a witch’s broom at. Putting aside deadly daggers, threatening letters, and falling set pieces, the cast of characters include a company of devious actors, a double-dealing producer, a duplicitous director, a deceitful star, and dead bodies aplenty, enough to fill a witch’s cauldron.

Armed with her noodle and a WWI German Mauser pistol, this working mother is not sure which is worse, being foisted into acting the role of Witch Number Two, her son’s jack-o’-lantern being snitched, or someone trying to kill her. It has not been a good day.

Be sure and watch for Persephone Cole and The Christmas Killings Conundrum, coming in time for the holiday season

Praise from Amazon readers:

"Someone's out to stop the Broadway play, but Private Investigator, Persephone Cole, is bound and determined to find out who. After all, the show must go on. Ms Haven weaves a tale of suspense and humor with her new character. A must read!" - Roseanne Dowell, author

"Set in the 1940s this new series is about a female Private Investigator, something unheard of in those days. Hats off to Ms Haven for another fine series. I couldn't put it down." - Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

an excerpt from

and the Halloween Curse

by Heather Haven

Copyright © 2012 by Heather Haven and published here with her permission

Chapter One

Persephone Cole’s hand hovered over the ringing telephone. Waiting for the third ring was almost too much effort, like everything else in this heat, but Percy had a thing about answering a phone on the first ring. Sucking in a hot, sticky breath, she was ever aware of the oppressive temperature. She dripped with it. Eight-thirty-five a.m., eighty-three degrees, and climbing. Humidity high enough to wash your socks in. Welcome to Indian summer on the lower east side, one of the hottest ever recorded.
Percy reached over and turned off her only source of moving air, a small, beat-up oscillating fan that sounded like her eight-year old son’s bike the time he put a clothespin on the spokes of the back wheel. Looking up at the wall, her gaze focused on her newly framed private investigator’s license, barely a week old.

New York State Department of Licensing,
Private Investigator, Persephone Cole
Effective Date: October 15, 1942

Pride filled her at being one of New York City’s first female P.I.s, instead of merely a secretary. Of course, technically she was both now, but a little extra work never scared Percy. She took a slug of tepid water - no ice to spare in weather like this -- and picked up the receiver. She pushed back in her chair, lifted and crossed her legs, resting them on a corner of the desk. She’d relax if it killed her.
“Good morning,” she said, going into professional work mode. “Cole Investigations, Persephone Cole, private investigator speaking.”
There was a beat, where both parties were silent. Then a male voice asked on the other end of the line,
“Is this Cole Investigations?”
That’s what I said, bub. “Yes sir, it is.”
“Who’s this?” The voice was gruff, almost rude.
What are you, deaf? “This is Persephone Cole, private investigator.”
“You sound like a woman.” He barely disguised his astonishment.
And you sound like an ass. “That’s right. This is Persephone Cole, private investigator for Cole Investigations.”
She pulled her crossed legs off the desk, and leaned forward, her large, five foot-eleven inch frame causing the chair to creak in protest. Strands of long, flaming red hair broke free of the rubber band atop her head, damp locks sticking to her forehead and neck. Everything stuck to everything in weather like this.
“How may I help you?” She tried to keep her voice sweet. It was an effort.
“You can help me by handing the phone over to a man. Who’s there? Give me Gil or Pop Cole.”
“Gilleathain is deceased and Pop is out of the office on a long-term assignment.”
“Uh-huh. So can I do something for you or not?” If you hang up, you might just be turning down the best ‘man’ for the job. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
He let out a long hissing sigh, as if parceling out his breath in accordance with his thought processes. Percy blew down the front of her blouse waiting for him to either hang up or tell her what the hell he wanted. The cast iron phone felt like it weighed a ton, and if this was a big venture into ‘no thanks’ land, she’d just as soon end it now and get it over with. There was some grub in the kitchen with her name on it.
I’m starving. Oatmeal and canned peaches with diluted condensed milk ain’t doing it for me. Maybe there’s something else. Even Spam sounds pretty good right now.
While he thought, she pulled out the ever present sack of pistachios from the pocket of her trousers and threw it on the table. Still holding the earpiece with one hand, she rooted around inside the bag with the other. She popped a nut into her mouth and separated the meat from the shell with her teeth.
“Very well,” he finally said. “I don’t have time to try to find another agency, if there is one. Besides, from what I understand, every available man seems to be tied up or drafted. It’s such a nuisance.”
“The war’s a hassle, but don’t let it get you down.” She picked the shells out of her mouth, continuing to chew the nut as silently as possible.
If he heard what she said, he ignored her comment. “I knew the Cole Brothers from when I was starting out years ago. The boys helped me once before and they were honest. Are you honest?”
“I can be.”
“I guess it’ll have to be you, God help me. My name is Dexter Wainwright. You know who I am, little lady?”
“I do. You’re a hotshot Broadway producer and you can call me Miss Cole. Now we got the introductions out of the way, what can I do for you?”
“Last night one of my actors fell from the overhead catwalk and broke his neck. He’s dead.”
“That’s too bad. I hope he had an understudy,” Percy added.
Clearly taken aback, Dexter Wainwright gurgled. “No. Yes. What? Yes, of course, but that’s not why I’m calling.”
“Then get to it.” She popped another pistachio into her mouth.
“The police don’t believe it was an accident. They want to close my whole show down. It’s the…ah…Scottish play. Maybe you’ve seen it? We’ve been in previews for the last four weeks.”
Like I have a buck-fifty to throw away on your show. “No, I haven’t, but I’ve read about it in the papers. Macbeth, right?”
“Uh-huh.” He grunted. “It happened sometime around midnight. I don’t know what the hell Carlisle was doing in the theatre at that time of night.”
“Getting himself killed, for one thing.”
“I have until eight o’clock tonight to find some answers or the police are threatening to lock the doors.” He paused for a moment. “You know, I think you might be a wiseacre.”
Percy let out a chuckle. “Could be, but like you say, everybody else is drafted or tied up. If you want me, it’s the going rate, fifteen bucks a day plus expenses. You got that?”
“Got it.”
“Good. You’re at the Royal Theatre, right?”
“I’ll be there in an hour. And Mr. Wainwright…”
“When I get there, you’re going to tell me the truth. All of it.”
Percy hung up on a stuttering Broadway producer.

Chapter Two

Elsie, you were right. Since we dare not be seen together, this is the perfect place to leave messages for one another. No one will suspect a thing. I received a letter yesterday about father’s estate. After death taxes, debts, and mamma’s illness and funeral, there is nothing left. You and I are on our own. I saw one of the warning missives you sent out and it was cleverly done. From now on, no more warnings, dear sister; we will simply do. Wainwright will pay. They will all pay. I miss you. Evelyn

Chapter Three

Percy blew an errant wet curl off her forehead, and left the parlor, office, carrying the empty water glass. She trudged down the long hallway of the railroad apartment on the lower east side she and her son shared with her mother, father, and much younger sister, Sera.
Sera’s real name was Serendipity, named after arriving unexpectedly fifteen years following the first two children spaced one year apart. Percy’s older brother, Adjudication, married and became a lawyer, no doubt influenced by his given name. Stuck with Adjudication, Persephone, and Serendipity, the three Cole offspring went by the nicknames of Jude, Percy, and Sera, except to parents who called them by their given names.
Pop’s Christian name was Habakkuk, for the biblical prophet. Everyone called him Pop. Mother’s was Lamentation. Everyone called her Mother. When these two met, their first names convinced everyone who knew them, theirs would be a marriage made in heaven. Forty-three years later that was still true. Percy christened her eight-year old son, Oliver, putting a minor chink in the Cole family tradition of odd first names. She hoped.
Percy pushed the swinging kitchen door open and went inside. Mother sat at the table, peeling and cutting up potatoes. Her long, untamed white hair was contained for once, twisted and clipped off her face and neck in the heat. Worn down as a rule, people often remarked that between her wild hair, thin body, and daffy personality, she reminded them of a Dandelion caught in a windstorm. Naturally, this was not said in the woman’s presence.
Persephone looked at the woman who bore her with great affection. “Mother, you’d never know by looking at you the east coast is in the grip of a killer heat wave from Florida to Maine. And in the middle of October.”
“There you are, Persephone.” Mother gave her a bright smile. “If you’re taking a break from the office, come help me peel potatoes. Your father wants potato salad tonight. I think I remember the recipe.” Her shoulders hunched over, as if burdened by a sudden thought.
“Oh, dear, I can’t recall if it’s two pounds of potatoes or two pounds of fresh dill. I was thinking of throwing in some parsnips. They’re white, too. You don’t suppose it’s two pounds of mayonnaise, do you? No,” she answered herself. “That would be too runny.”
“My money’s on the potatoes, Mother. Work with that. I’d scratch the parsnips, if I was you.”
“Oh, dear, I have so many of them and they’ll just go bad.”
“Any cold sodas left in the fridge?”
“You might check, dear. It’s hard to keep them around with so many of Serendipity’s gentlemen callers.”
“Guzzle them right down, do they?” Percy crossed the worn linoleum of the large kitchen floor and faced the old refrigerator, the top cooling coils vibrating more than usual. The morning sun streamed through the large, paned-glass window facing a courtyard four stories below.
“Jeesh, it already feels like a steam bath in here.” Percy moved from the refrigerator to the window, and pulled down the aging shade. “That’s better.”
“I’m worried about your father, Persephone.” Mother stopped her peeling. “Twelve-hour shifts, working all night trying to catch these vandals. He never does sleep right during the day. Destroying the Lord’s house is not a nice thing to do. I don’t care if you are an atheist. Or is it agnostic? I can never remember which one is what. What they need is a little faith.” She shook her head and clucked her tongue, picking up the paring knife again.
“I think the problem is too much faith, Mother, coupled with strong feelings of self-righteousness. Then they start swinging a pickaxe. Pop won’t be doing the job much longer, anyway. He said the rabbis are pulling the plug next week on the project. Running out of money. But we’ll be okay. I just got a client, and I plan to get a lot more.” Percy opened the refrigerator door. She clucked her tongue, as well, but for another reason. “This stupid thing is almost as warm inside as it is out. I know this is your pride and joy, Mother --”
“Your father got it for me brand new, Persephone,” her mother interrupted. “It was the only present I ever wanted, a nineteen twenty-seven Monitor Top refrigerator. And we were the first ones on the block, too.”
“And now it needs to be fixed.”
“Maybe, but I’m not keeping anything perishable in there, Persephone. I’m using the Schlitz cooler in the corner by the larder.”
“So what is this, a glorified closet? We should unplug it. Save ourselves the noise and electricity.”
“If you wish, dear. Serendipity is bringing more ice on her way home from work for the cooler. She’s working half a day.”
“Before she runs off to an air-conditioned movie. That’s the only date she’ll go on these days.” Percy reached down and pulled the plug out of the wall socket. The kitchen fell into an agreeable silence.
“She does like it when the boys take her to an air-cooled movie house. I’ve never been to one myself. I wonder how they chill the air? It must be done with ice. Did you say you have a client?” Mother stopped peeling potatoes again and looked at her eldest daughter.
“I did. I have. Is there any fruit around? I’m hungry.”
“On the table.” Mother pointed to a bowl in the center. “What kind of a job?”
Percy glanced into the fruit bowl. “Oh, not these old apples again.” She picked one up, took a bite, and made a face. “I swear, this batch came over on the Mayflower. Where is all the fresh fruit these days?”
“The best pickings go to our boys overseas. You know that, my dear. You’re just enjoying yourself complaining.”
“Along with the best dairy, meat, and vegetables.” Percy mumbled, as if her mother hadn’t spoken. “Except for potatoes and rice. That’s why I’m shaped like the Hindenburg, not because I can’t control myself. It’s the war’s fault I’m fat,” Percy joked.
“Persephone, dear, don’t you say that about yourself. You’re not fat.”
“Thank you, Mother.”
“You’re zaftig.”
“Thank you, Mother.”
“Such a sad day for the airship industry when that beautiful ship caught fire.” Mother looked away, musing. “After that you couldn’t ride one at all; they just went away. Poof! I’ve always wanted to, you know, ride in an airship. Float through the air like a bird.” She continued peeling potatoes and throwing them into a bowl of water. “Tell me about your new client, dear. Is it more secretarial work? Not that it surprises me someone else would want to hire you. You are very good at organizing an office. You’ve done wonders for your father’s filing system, but --”
“I’m going to cut you off at the pass, Mother. You’re beginning to wander, and I’ve got to leave for midtown sometime this century. No secretarial work. Detecting, Mother, and don’t tell Pop.”
“Persephone, you know how your father feels --”
“Yeah, well, too bad,” Percy interrupted, taking another bite of the apple. “Mother, I’m thirty-five years old. Three. five. In five more years I’ll be forty. I don’t have to tell you, time passes like that.” She snapped her fingers.
“That’s what calendars are for, dear.” Mother’s tone was one of cheer, coupled with imparting helpful information. “So we can keep track. I can get you one, if you like.”
Percy knelt down in front of the older woman. “Mother, what I really mean is I been working for Cole Investigations for seventeen years. I helped Pop and Uncle Gil solve a lot of cases, too, between us chickens.”
“Your father always said you were a big help.”
“Now I want to be out there doing it for myself. I’m tired of sitting behind a desk answering a phone and saying, ‘Cole Investigations, may I help you?’ I want to be Cole Investigations…along with Pop, of course. It took me eighteen months of studying nights and weekends to get the P.I. license. And I paid two hard-earned bucks for it. Now I got the chance. Percy Cole has a brain, and she wants to use it.”
“That’s lovely, Persephone, just lovely. You have such a way with words.”
“But will they work on Pop?”
“I wouldn’t count on it, dear.” Mother shook her head. “You know your father, once he makes up his mind. What are you going to be doing, Persephone? I hope it isn’t dangerous. You have a young son to think about.”
“Naw. A cake walk, Mother. A little trip uptown to a Broadway theatre, talk to the producer, and head on home. You’ll never even know I’m gone.”
Big words, toots, but what the hell.
“I still don’t think your father will be happy.” Mother mused again then picked up a potato and dug out one of the eyes with the knife.
“That’s why we won’t tell him. Besides, I haven’t been paid by Cole Investigation for three weeks. Why? No moola. I’ll bring in fifteen bucks a day doing this. Pop’s only getting five a day and he won’t see any of that ‘til the job’s over. But that’s Brooklyn for you.”
“Fifteen dollars,” Mother said in awe. “In a day! My, my, my. And this sack of potatoes only cost three cents,” she said looking at the ten-pound bag. “Of course, it was on sale.”
“Fifteen bucks a day can buy a lot of potatoes.” Percy pressed her advantage. “And I plan to parlay this into a few days, at least. Oliver could use a new pair of shoes soon. He’s almost outgrown his last pair. Where is he, anyway?” She looked around the kitchen.
“He’s at his cub scout meeting. Then you promised he could spend the afternoon at little Freddy’s house making teepees out of popsicle sticks and working on their Halloween costumes. The boys are going to walk straight there after the meeting. I think Oliver wants to be the Green Lantern.”
“Maybe I can talk him into going as the Sheik of Araby. That’s only a headband around your face on an old white sheet. Unless you’re willing to make his costume, Mother. You sew so beautifully. I love that new robe you made me.”
“You can save your sweet talk, Persephone Cole. I already told the boy I would make it for him.”
“Thanks. And in return I promise to take care of the refrigerator, scout’s honor.” She held up two fingers. “I’ll give Sylvia a call later just to make sure everything’s okay with Oliver.” She tapped her forehead. “I’ve got her number somewhere around here.”
“Fred’s mother’s phone number is on the side of the refrigerator.” Mother pointed with the paring knife.
“Well there, you see? I was wrong.” Percy raised her hands to the ceiling in praise. “This broken-down piece of crap still has a purpose.” She went to the myriad of papers taped or held to the surface by magnets on the side of the fridge and started searching. “Got it! Murray Hill four-seven-seven-three.”
“What is her last name?” Mother, closed her eyes and concentrated. “Rendell. Sylvia Rendell. Such a lovely young woman. She asked for my recipe for split pea soup. Her mother was one of the Pipsmeyers over in Great Neck. No one ever asked me for a recipe before. She’s gone now.”
“Sylvia’s mother, right? Not Sylvia.”
“Sylvia couldn’t ask for my split pea recipe if she had passed over, now could she? And you a detective with a certificate and everything,” Mother chided.
“Just trying to keep it clear.”
“Sylvia’s husband is overseas somewhere in the Pacific. They can never tell you exactly where, can they? I think her father lives with them. Here, not the Pacific. He used to be in plumbing --”
“Hold that thought, Mother,” Percy interrupted. “You can fill me in later. I’ve got to go change into work clothes and hop on the BMT. I told this guy I’d be there in an hour.”
Percy bumped the kitchen door with the side of her shoulder, setting it on an outward swing, and passed through. She stopped, held the door open, and wheeled around to face her mother.
“And remember, mum’s the word to Pop on what I’m doing for now. I’ll call you later. I’ll try to get some decent fruit when I’m in midtown, something that doesn’t have as many wrinkles as Winston Churchill’s face. They’ve got a few good farmers’ markets in Hell’s Kitchen. And thanks for pointing me in the right direction for the phone number; Murray Hill four-seven-seven-three,” she repeated, trying to memorize the number. “And tell Pop I’m taking his number two fedora.” Her mind flashed to his thick, silver hair, often covered by one of two favored hats.
“Did you lose your hairbrush, again, Persephone?”
“Yes, ma’am, and no time to search for it.” The doorbell rang. “Someone’s at the door, Mother. I’ll get it.”
Percy ran down the hallway, looked out the peephole, and swung the door wide open for the downstairs neighbor and friend, Rachel Goldberg.
“Mrs. Goldberg.” Percy’s tone was warm but hurried. “Come on in. Mother’s in the kitchen. I need to get dressed and go see a new client.”
“A client, Persela?” Short and tubby, head topped with salt and pepper-hair, good-hearted Mrs. Goldberg spoke with a heavy Yiddish accent. She was the only person in the world to call Percy ‘Persela’. It was a term of endearment from a family friend that had known Percy since she was a small child. She clapped her hands together in delight.
“So go! Who’s stopping you? Get on those clothes and see if you can make somebody happy with your detecting business, such a thing for a young lady to do, but if someone has to do it, Persela, it might as well be you, because you are such a clever girl, always with the thinking and the looking at things like nobody else does and who found my wallet, which I accidentally threw down the laundry chute all those years ago.” Mrs. Goldberg finally stopped talking in her run-on sentence and took a deep breath.
“I am here to try to teach your mother to make latkes like I promised, but she doesn’t want to make them with potatoes. She says parsnips because they are in the larder and they are going bad! Did you ever hear of such a thing?”
“Well, you know Mother, Mrs. Goldberg.” Percy laughed lightly, as she turned and opened the door to her bedroom. “You’ve been trying to teach her to cook for years and you see where it’s got you.”
“Oy! Not years, bubala, decades.” Mrs. Goldberg hollered to her. “Decades I’ve been trying to teach that woman to cook, as if I have nothing better to do with my time and my Henny wasn’t a man waiting for his own dinner, God bless him for waiting and never saying a word --”
“Mother’s in the kitchen. Go on in,” Percy interrupted, pointing down the hall, as she closed the door to her room behind her.
“Oy!” Percy leaned against the door, sounding a little like Mrs. Goldberg. “Sometimes it’s hard to get out of this place.”

Chapter Four

It’s working, Evelyn, just like you said. The show is coming to a halt. I’ve been practicing throwing the knife when no one is around. I’ll try to throw one during the show, if I can get away with it. Even if it doesn’t strike Sir Anthony, someone else will be hit. There are so many of them onstage, someone’s bound to see the blade of Macbeth’s dagger coming at them. I know I mustn’t feel so wicked. We’re only doing what needs to be done. Right is on our side. I miss you, too, so very much. Elsie

Chapter Five

Percy climbed up the subway stairs at Forty-second Street and Seventh Avenue, better known as Times Square. Ordinarily she enjoyed this part of the City, so different from the lower east side. Midtown Manhattan pulsed with energetic, stylish people, going here and there in their late-model cars or scurrying along the sidewalks on well-shod feet. Percy liked to observe this condensed part of city life. It was a study in human nature like no other.
The overheated subway had smelled of urine and sweat. Along with all the other bodies, she emerged from the bowels of the City looking for fresh air. What she found was broiling hot streets and sidewalks, littered with piles of garbage and trash. Gusts of scorching air from the exhausts of passing vehicles blew bits of rubbish around, the only moving air in this hot spell.
What a time for the teamsters to pull a garbage strike, as if the City doesn’t stink enough.
She threw the dark blue jacket of her pants suit over the other arm of her damp, tailored blouse, allowing the previously covered arm some cooling off time. Adjusting Pop’s fedora over the red curls piled on top of her head, she pulled the brim forward to shield her face from a remorseless sun. Masses of tourists, civilians, and soldiers jousted with her for space on the crowded sidewalks the four short blocks to Forty-Sixth Street.
Arriving at the Royal theatre, a large marquis overhead announced the previews of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The marquis featured a stark black and white drawing of the face of what some people considered one of Britain’s finest Shakespearian actors, the newly knighted Sir Anthony Slattery. Sir Anthony’s strong features were surrounded by smaller caricatures of people brandishing swords and archaic weaponry, all looking grim and murderous. Strategically placed bright red lettering used words like “brilliant” “riveting” and “wonderful” followed by lots of exclamation points. Similar posters were plastered everywhere possible on the building’s façade.
Percy pulled out a ripped newspaper clipping on New York City theatres from her pocket and read. The Royal Theatre was one of the last bastions of the golden age of theatre, having been built in the late eighteen hundreds. At that time, productions included not only straight plays and musicals, but operas, as well. The theatre’s proscenium arch, which framed the stage, was close to forty-feet high, accommodating the most opulent of operas. Reportedly, Aida marched two elephants onstage, plus a cast of eighty. Eleonora Duse, Sarah Bernhardt, Enrico Caruso were just a few of the performers who flocked here to be a part of its magic. So did the audiences. Seating capacity was fifteen hundred people.
Jeesh, fifteen hundred people in one place eight times a week. That’s a lot of hoi polloi.
The front of the theatre was closed and locked, it being nine-thirty in the morning. Percy looked for a side entrance and found a narrow alleyway. She walked down it noting the trash piled high on one side. A slender fledgling tree fought for survival amidst the rubble. Three quarters of the way in, there was a door with an overhead sign marked, ‘stage entrance’. Percy shrugged into her jacket then pulled on the handle only to discover it was locked. She rapped on the metal door, and it sprung open immediately.
An old man stood on the other side of the door, sparse grey whiskers sprouting here and there on an unshaven, sad face. A hat similar to the one Percy pilfered from Pop’s hat rack sat atop his head, but more faded and beat up. He looked her up and down.
“You’re a big one. You that detective lady?”
“I am. You that stage door Johnny?”
“Very funny.” His voice had a disapproving edge to it. “Everybody’s got a wise crack around here. I’m Ned. Mr. Wainwright is waiting for you in his office.” He gestured with his thumb. “Third door to the left.”
Ned flattened his body along the wall to let her pass. Percy stepped up the one tread into the theatre. She paused for a moment, allowing her eyes to adjust to the dark, so different from the merciless glare of the unrelenting sun. The air, too, was different, cooler, but stagnant and ancient, reeking of old ropes, dust, and gears.
To the right was a small booth carved into the wall. A Dutch door wearing a sturdy lock had the top half open to reveal a wall lined with tiny, numbered square cubicles. Each cubicle held a matching numbered key. In front of the cubicles, a single weathered wooden barstool sat, a messy newspaper tossed on top.
The man reached around her, undid the latch on the lower half of the door, and pushed. He passed through, picked up the newspaper and sat down, scrupulously ignoring her.
“I’m glad I don’t have your job. I don’t think I could get in there.” Ned grunted but did not look up from his papers. “So, Ned, tell me what’s your schedule? How many hours a day do you sit here?”
He looked up into her face, wariness coloring his features. “The theatre’s open, I’m here. Nobody supposed to be here without someone at the stage door. Them’s the rules.”
“Were you here last night at midnight?”
He pointed an arthritic, twisted finger at her. “I knew you was going to try to blame me for this. I done nothing. Got no call to. I just sit here and mind my own business.”
“Ned, you misunderstand me.” Percy crooned, leaning into the small room and bathing him in a warm smile. “No one’s blaming you for anything. I just wanted to know if you’d seen anything when you were here.”
“Whatever I seen, I told the coppers.”
“Good. That’s good. You mind your business, sure, but you’re a smart man. You see everybody coming and going. I could use your help, that’s all.”
“My help?” He looked up at her, mystified.
“Sure. You see what’s what. I need that.” She reached inside her pocket, pulled out three one-dollar bills, fanned them out, and laid them on the top of the narrow shelf of the Dutch door.
Ned dropped the newspaper to the floor. He looked up at her, his face breaking out into a toothy, yellow grin.
“Maybe I can help you, lady.” He preened. “There’s a lot to see around here, and I sees it. Not much gets by me; that’s the truth.” His hand slipped over the fanned bills.
Percy opened her mouth to speak, but heard a deep, base voice calling out from inside the darkened theatre.
“Miss Cole, are you out there? I thought I heard someone knock on the door. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“That’s Wainwright.” Ned whispered and pulled back into his booth. “You’d better go. He’s not always the most pleasant of fellows.”
Percy nodded. “I’ll catch you later, Ned.” She started down the hall.
“You know where I’ll be,” he called after her.
She glanced back, as Ned picked up the money. She smiled; he winked. He was her new pal.
The detective continued down a narrow hallway wearing a mish-mash of neutral colors. Splatters of beige, grey, white, and yellow paint covered irregular walls, walls plastered and re-plastered many times. What color the interior was supposed to be was difficult to say.
I’m going with drab.
Near the ceiling, low wattage bulbs, protected from breakage by steel mesh screens, were screwed into wall sockets every five feet or so, and provided a minimum of light. In between, eighteen by twenty-four inch posters, encased in dusty glass, showed previous productions, some dating back to the turn of the century.
If she hadn’t been summoned by the commanding voice and saw the shadow of an imposing man standing in a door frame, she would have stopped and read a few. Even someone from a non-theatrical background such as she, knew the importance of New York City’s Royal Theatre. It was legend.
The man hovering in the doorway, probably in his late forties, was tall even by her standards. Dressed in a three-piece pinstriped, charcoal gray suit that fit impeccably, white shirt and deep red tie, he had a certainty about his place in the world. This was a man used to being obeyed and believed his existence counted, probably more than most. Percy was on her guard from the first minute she saw him.
“Mr. Wainwright?” She approached him in the door way and extended her hand. “I’m Persephone Cole.”
She wasn’t sure if he would take her hand or turn away. It would tell her a lot, his initial gesture, so she measured his reaction to her carefully.
“Miss Cole.” He gripped her hand in his, holding it for a brief moment, then shook it. A smile broke out on his face, which transformed it instantly from cold and imposing to warm and compelling. Beautiful, even white teeth were set in a strong face with a Dick Tracy jaw line. “Dexter Wainwright. Thank you for coming on such short notice.”
Percy fought to keep herself in check. He was as handsome as any leading actor she’d seen on the silver screen and a good four inches taller than she. It was novel, looking up to someone not standing on a stepladder. Plus, she wasn’t completely sure how to deal with this man who could turn charm, intelligence, and animal appeal on and off at will.
“Yeah, hey, so I’m here.” Oh, grand, Percy. Good going. Clever repartee and all that.
“Please come in.” If he found her reply to be wanting, he didn’t indicate it.
The producer gave her hand a small tug and pulled her into the small white office. Percy looked around at a room that contained mismatched office furniture in what had once been a dressing room for several people. Naked bulbs surrounding six large make-up mirrors on all four sides provided lighting for the room. Side by side and evenly spaced apart, the mirrors hung above one long makeup table bolted to the wall. A desk, chairs, and two filing cabinets were shoved haphazardly into the remaining area.
Another man in his late twenties or early thirties sat at one end of the makeup table, studying a thick mound of papers clipped together in one corner. He raised his head, an appraising look coming into his eyes as he saw her. With slicked back, sandy brown hair and soft brown eyes, he had an easy smile.
He, too, wore a crisp white shirt, but there was no jacket in sight. The shirt sleeves were rolled up, giving an air of casualness, but were precise in their uniformity. Collar turned up, the starched shirt’s top three buttons were open to the man’s chest, once again suggesting a studied casualness. Around the waist of his black cuffed trousers, a patterned gray, yellow, and blue tie ran through the belt loops instead of a belt, finished off in a square knot.
Percy had seen something like that worn by Fred Astaire in a movie once. It looked as odd to her then as it did now. In fact, she wouldn’t have been surprised if the man before her leapt up and began to tap dance, breaking into a Cole Porter song. Instead, he turned to her with a questioning look on his face.
“Are you here for the tall witch’s part, luv?” Unlike Dexter Wainwright, he spoke with a clipped British accent. “You’re going to have to lose a few pounds first, dearie. Sorry, but do come back after that. Yours is an interesting face.”
“Ah, Miss Cole.” Dexter Wainwright stepped in between them. “This is our illustrious big-mouth director, Hugo Cranston.” He turned to the director. “Hugo, this is the private detective I’ve hired to find some answers to the problems the production’s been having.”
Cranston shot the producer a sideways look of surprise. “A lady dick? Cor blimey, I never heard of such a thing.” He stood up, stared into her face, and extended his hand.
“Then you need to get around more, Mr. Cranston,” Percy said, shaking his hand firmly. “We’re out there.”
Sure, maybe I’m the only one you and I have heard of, but there has to be a few more scattered across this great nation of ours.
“Then I stand corrected, Miss Cole.” He gave a short bow. “I like the look. Very Marlene Dietrich, although with those eyes, I’d stick to green. I’ll leave you both to it. I have auditions soon, anyway.” The director dropped her hand and threw her a warm, genuine smile. He moved to the door, pausing for a moment. “I jest not about your face, Miss Cole. When and if you should drop a few pounds…” He stopped speaking but looked her up and down.
“Gotcha. Should I find myself coming out of an eight-month coma, you’re going to be the first person I call.”
Hugo Cranston tossed his head back and gave off a hearty laugh. She could hear the sound of it resonating as he walked away. Despite his backhanded compliment, Percy liked him.
“Sit down, Miss Cole.”
The American producer pointed to a chair. Percy remained standing.

... Continued...

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