Friday 5 October 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Giveaway}: Going Under By Georgia Cates

Going Under (Going Under, #1)Going Under
by Georgia Cates
Paperback, 222 pages
Published March 10th 2012 by Georgia Cates

My Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
Jessie Boone is a self proclaimed bad boy and doesn’t march to the beat of anyone’s drum, but his own. Growing up in less than desirable circumstances has made him no stranger to the hard knock life and his determination to leave it behind is fierce. When he finds himself transferred to East Franklin High School, he sees his opportunity to use his athletic ability to snag a college football scholarship, but Forbes Henderson, the player Jessie means to replace isn’t giving up his spot willingly. In fact, Forbes is willing to go to extreme measures to retain his place as first string quarterback. When Forbes’ malicious plan to injure his replacement fails, Jessie is furious and determined to show him he messed with the wrong person; not only is he going to take the position of first string quarterback, he’s going to take his girl, too.
Claire Deveraux is perfection at it’s best. She is beautiful, intelligent and unaware she just became Jessie Boone’s conquest as revenge against her boyfriend, Forbes Henderson. Like her flawless performance as the perfect daughter and student, Claire’s production of being the perfect girlfriend has everyone fooled, except Jessie Boone, and she fears this tattooed bad boy will see her secret desire to explore his crude threats and promises to rock her perfect world. If she decides to give in to one uninhibited moment with Jessie, will she learn too late that it was all an act of vengeance or will Jessie learn the taste of first love is sweeter than that of revenge?

I haven't read many contemporary novels. Yet I think that will soon be changing. Going Under is a YA contemporary that I simply adored! It's like a modern rendition of Grease with a twist. Well maybe not, but I couldn't stop thinking of a young John Travolta as I read about Jesse trying to win the affection of the school's “sweetheart”. Jesse, according to student body, was poor and nothing but trouble. It's funny how you can judge someone on surface value and never truly know what makes them tick. When the story began to unfold I could see he and Claire weren't so different after all.

The characters completely sold this novel for me. They were so believable. In fact Payton, Claire's best friend, reminded me a lot of my own childhood friend. The constant smart alack comments and strategically fabricated word lingo were so entertaining, it was like a page from my high school dairy.

The romance was sweet. The drama was ooh so juicy. I loved every single minute of reading this!

When I finished this novel and read the author's notes, I was so glad she altered the ending. I couldn't imagine anything more perfect.

The next novel highlights Payton; and I can't wait to hear her story.

US Only: (2) Signed print copies of GOING UNDER (2) GOING UNDER T-Shirts
International: (5) eBook copies of GOING UNDER and SHALLOW
This tour stop is courtesy of AToMR Tours!

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